
limiting beliefs about changing habits

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I have about 10 different core principles that help me through problems. 
For example, I have one principle about dealing with fear, one principle about delayed gratification, one principle about confidence.


From everything i've read in personal development, it's best to only focus on changing one habit at a time.

So when these problems come up throughout my day, i'm really bad at applying these principles of mine because in my head I have this limiting belief where I think "even though I know the correct principles, since i've got ten principles , i won't be able to make this a habit" and then sure enough, I don't make it a habit.


I've also tried just focusing on one principle, but I find that if I focus on just one, then neglecting the other areeas ends up hindering my progress for dealing with the area i'm trying to focus on. I really want to be able to deal with multiple problems similatenosly.


I've just started to meditate, so hopefully in time that should sort things out, but even so, I don't want to go through life feeling like I can't balance multiple new things at once. Is there a way for me to use multiple mindsets/ techniques to effectively deal with the different neurosis and dysfunctions as they happen throughout my day?


I'd really appreciate your advice

thank you






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In making well being a core principle, thoughts which don’t resonate are let go. You might think of this as ‘just a but more prior’. Prior to even the thoughts “I’m really bad....”, “in my head I have this limiting belief...”, “I won’t be able to...”, “hindering my progress...”. 

These are self referential thoughts. Thoughts about a you, or yourself, which don’t resonate, because they aren’t true about you. Establishing principles is great. Focusing on thoughts simply for how you feel is more subtle, easier, greater and.... feels good. ?

When you notice thoughts about yourself, shift to thoughts about what you want to create & experience. Feel the relief and alignment, as a creator. 

Feel the love that is the alignment. 




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If you take care of your tendons, joints, ligaments and bones, as well as your organs, glands & nervous system (so basically the whole body), then you will have a strong, athletic, endurant, coordinated, stable, balanced, agile, flexible and PAIN-FREE body, that will most likely remain that way until "your death". 

That will inevitably result in muscularity, that of course will start to decline as the body ages.

During a lifetime there are many fun things and skills that you can learn and acquire (regarding physical exercise), such as 

- all the kettlebell moves

- calisthenics skills

- olympic lifts

- climbing

- parkour

- ground-based locomotion & flow

- strongman stuff, carrying & throwing stuff

- acrobatics, gymnastics, trampoline

- martial arts

- barbell & dumbbell training

- all sorts of sports, sprinting, jumping, swimming 

- achieving the middle and front splits, back bridge, etc.

All of them will produce muscle growth, some more than others. But what i think matters most for longevity & health, but mostly for general well being and not having an achy body is to get decently flexible. That also means getting strong in those end-range positions. Make sure that your muscles and tissues are evenly flexible from one side to another, front to back etc. That will produce basically all the muscle you need, if you're not into "working out".

I recommend learning from guys like Jeffrey Wolf - TheFlexibull on IG and Lucas Aaron - Range of Strength on YT and IG. They work together and have tons of experience in combining strength and flexibility the right way.

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Sorry, this post above was meant for another thread, i have no idea how i ended up posting it here lol xD 

So in any case, i can share with you what has helped me most throughout the years:

- and the first thing would be to underline YEARS. It has been very helpful to me to think in terms of what i want to do, or rather how i want to feel and be, 2-3 years from now (at least!).

- a quote from Sadhguru that has helped me tremendously: "first establish yourself in yoga, then act. This is not a time to drive, but a time to fix the wheels." I realized that i want to make understanding myself THE priority of my life. So i dedicated myself fully to understanding. From then every goal that i had fell under that larger goal of Self-understanding, or Self-Love! Everything you do prior to knowing your Self will have this anxious vibe to it. Because it's about survival and manipulating reality, not about Love.

- as for expectations, expect the real juicy things to take at least double the time you think they will take, then multiply that by 10! So forget about WHEN things will happen! Because worrying and expecting is a sure way to keep your conscious mind rigid, and when your conscious mind is rigid, what you are striving for cannot penetrate through to impregnate the subconscious mind, so habits cannot form! 

- there may be confusion about every single thing that you are trying to change or improve in your life in the beginning. This is normal. it's a unique time, and it is supposed to be this way. Don't worry, it certainly won't last forever. But just remember to frame confusion as a positive thing. It means that you are on the right track, and that you are changing things deep inside you, triggering some survival mechanisms. It's ok, they'll pass as you understand what your emotions are and what they do.

- have faith that the process works, even when you lack immediate results. In sports, newbies grow the most, even with shitty training and diet. With a good training program, a newbie can progress for 2-4 years really well. After that, programming needs to change, to adapt to the more complex abilities the athlete has acquired. And for advanced folk, many other variables become important or even obligatory for progress, but that's not important now. Just trust that as long as you stick to the basics, you will be fine for a good few years from now. Some of the basics are:

- meditation and other concentration exercises, to make my conscious mind sharp and able to be present for a long time,

- contemplation, especially simply contemplating infinity and what infinity implies

- psychedelics, which have helped me open my ming and understand the nature of consciousness and infinity

- deconstructing reality, identifying and questioning every single motherfuckin' belief and behavior that i can find

- understanding the emotional guidance system, and how emotions guide us to Truth

- learning from as many teachers as possible, listening to EVERY perspective and being RADICALLY open-minded, as Leo likes to say

- and simply seeing absolutely everything as One, as myself, as God, LOVE, infinity, Consciousness, Nothingness.

All this can seem kinda overwhelming at first, but that's just because you don't understand your emotions yet.


That's about all that i can think of right now. Stay curious and Godspeed, my friend!

@Nahm i hope ok if i share this link from your site :D  https://www.actualityofbeing.com/the-emotional-scale

Edited by Bogdan

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