Chrissy j

Personal Development With Enlightenment

106 posts in this topic

1 minute ago, Richard Alpert said:

Why would it make a person perfect? The thing youre looking for has always been right in front of youre nose. When you realize that, you just realize what a fool you have been. I still wish thought that this would have stuck with me, lol

It is beyond good and bad, light and dark. I get that. Because even labels like 'good', 'bad', 'perfect', or 'imperfect', are labels the ego mind labels, and puts into form, a thought form. I'm just stating my preference. I just prefer a spiritual person who isn't self-indulgent. But then again, that's just my ego's preference, the self that is an illusion.

When I had my awakening I was shocked for about three days, maybe a little more, of what true reality was/is. I saw nothing, and everything, both altogether. An eternal void, if I were to describe it.   

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

He was genuinely very enlightened. But also sounds like a narcissistic prick.

A man who claims, “I am the only son of God” can only be thought of as neurotic. Jesus excludes the idea that there is another son, another brother to him, or another sister. God has only one begotten son and that is Jesus Christ.

Mohammed close the doors – “I am the last prophet of God; now there will be no more prophets coming. So the holy Koran is the final message from God; no correction can be made in it.

A Master is not a philosopher propounding a system of philosophy. His basic concern is that your commitment to the path should be total. 

This is just a simple methodology to protect the disciple from influences that can take him astray. And the mind is very, very clever in going astray. If all the paths are valid, then what is the necessity of commitment? If all the paths are valid, then what is the necessity of being total?

But if you travel some time on one path and then you change the path, you will have to start again from ABC. Whatever you have learned on one path is invalid on another path, and if you go on keeping it within you it is going to create tremendous confusion. You are already in a great mess; no master wants you to be more confused!

Your mind always wants change. It does not know devotion; it loves fashions, its interest is always in some novelty. So it will go on moving from one path to another path, becoming more and more confused because each path has its own language, each path has its own unique methods, and each master is going to defend his path against all the other paths.

If you move on many paths you will collect contradictory arguments; you will become so much divided you will not know what to do. And if it becomes your habit to change paths – because the new has a certain attraction for the mind – you will move a few feet on one path, a few feet on another path, but you will never complete the journey.

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33 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

A man who claims, “I am the only son of God” can only be thought of as neurotic.

I am not aware that Jesus ever said that.

I don't think Jesus ever explicitly referred to himself in that way.

And even if he did, 2000 years ago that was excusable, because we didn't know better. But now we clearly know a lot more about enlightenment.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Prabhaker how about a master that comes knocking at your door without an invitation and forces himself onto you?.. Selling something you're not even looking to buy and tells you everything you think you know is wrong and continues to ring your doorbell then running away leaving messages at the door proving his point.. Now you're all messed up and don't feel like you belong anywhere and are more messed up and confused than ever before.. I could understand a master (I prefer teacher) wanting you to be committed if you come knocking at his door.. Around here trust is earned not given..

Edited by Vegeta

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6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't think Jesus ever explicitly referred to himself in that way.

John 3:16 English Standard Version

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

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@Prabhaker That's not Jesus saying it, that's a biblical hack saying something he doesn't understand.

It's very important to distinguish between what Jesus actually said, and what Christian ideologues believe about him.

Like my projection video said, it's extremely easy to project onto advanced teachers. Which seems to have happened with Jesus big-time.

From the historical record, as far as scholars can tell, when Jesus was asked by the judge at his trial:

Judge: "So... you are the son of God?"

Jesus: "If you say so."

Jesus' reply was very revealing. Enlightened masters tend to be very careful with their wording.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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40 minutes ago, Vegeta said:

I could understand a master (I prefer teacher) wanting you to be committed if you come knocking at his door..

When a master chooses a disciple, he chooses with perfect understanding. He looks through you, all your potentialities, possibilities, past and future - the whole destiny is revealed to him. But when you choose a master, almost always you will be wrong, because you grope in the dark. Not knowing who you are, how can you choose? Not knowing what truth is how can you choose a master? How can you judge?

In fact, the master will persuade you in such a way that you will feel that you have chosen him. He has to be very subtle about it, because if he allows you to know that he has chosen you, your ego can create a disturbance. 

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@Prabhaker I don't know what to do.. I just need help.. People are manipulating me.. I'm all messed up and confused.. If there's a god I don't even know anymore.. I need help..

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5 minutes ago, Vegeta said:

now I'm all messed up and confused..

You are not exception, this is normal state of modern mind, learn to live meditatively.

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3 hours ago, Vegeta said:

@Prabhaker I don't know what to do.. I just need help.. People are manipulating me.. I'm all messed up and confused.. If there's a god I don't even know anymore.. I need help..

Everyone will always manipulate you in some way. You really can't avoid it. Are you going to continue to bitch about it? Endlessly? 

What are you talking about when you say help? Isn't that more manipulation? You're really too much xD.

You're taking things too seriously about not being manipulated, don't you realize that you manipulate yourself? If you did, then how are you blaming other people for manipulating you?

I really want to be nice here, but I know that it won't get through to you because you don't want to accept the help that others have given you, because if you wanted to, you wouldn't be asking for it when it's already abundant.

In fact, I would suggest that you stop posting for a while and sort these issues out by yourself because no one can accept the present state you are in except you.



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Never mind I say to much and people will get mad at me.. I'm cursed to go at this alone.. I just want to do what's right but I don't know what's right anymore.. 

Edited by Vegeta

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@Vegeta Its in egos interest to project its far superior opinions and beliefs on to you. This is for most completly unconsius. Work on your conflicting beliefs.

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@Bob84There's just been a lot going on over the past year and trying to put what everyone is saying together is causeing chaos within.. There's so many "seeds" planted in me as I try to make sense of everything it's all coming out at the same time.. It's like multiple jigsaw puzzles all thrown together.. And I don't know who's helping just to help me I fell everyone is really just using me.. I'm trying so hard to do the right thing and it all just comes out wrong..   

Edited by Vegeta

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If you are positive, then nothing is negative for you. If you are negative, then everything will be negative for you. You are the source of all that exists around you, you are the creator of your own world. And we are not living in one world, remember. There are as many worlds as there are minds. Each mind is living in its own world, it creates the world. So if everything looks negative and everything looks destructive and everything looks inimical, against you, it is because you do not have the positive center in you... If you feel negativity all around you, it simply shows you are negative within. The world is just a mirror, and you are reflected in it.

The world is not against you. Because you are not with the world, you feel it is against you. Float downstream, and then the river will help you to float. Then your energy will not be needed. The river will become a boat, it will take you. You will not lose any energy floating downstream because once you float downstream you have accepted the river, the current, the flow, the direction, everything. Then you have become positive to it. When you are positive, the river is positive to you.


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@Prabhaker I wish that was true and it probably is for most but it's not for me.. You know some stuff.. Well I have a lot of stuff going on..

I wish I could enjoy your words more they are nice and I appreciate them

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Allow fear. Only one thing is to be understood: when you allow fear and you tremble, watch it, enjoy it, and in that watching you will transcend it. You will see the body is trembling, you will see the mind is trembling but you will come to feel a point within you, a deep center which remains unaffected. The storm passes by but somewhere deep within you is a center that is untouched: the center of the cyclone.

Allow fear, don’t fight with it. Watch what is happening. Go on watching. As your watching eye becomes more penetrating and intense – the body will be trembling, the mind will be trembling – deep within you will be consciousness, which simply is a witness, which only watches. It remains untouched, like a lotus flower in water. Only when you attain to that will you attain to fearlessness.

But that fearlessness is not being unafraid. That fearlessness is not bravery. That fearlessness is a realization that you are two – a part of you will die and a part of you is eternal. That part which is going to die is going to remain always afraid. And the part that is not going to die, which is immortal – for it there is no point in being afraid. Then a deep harmony exists.

You can use fear for meditation. Use all that you have for meditation so that you go beyond.

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it's not just fear @Prabhaker it's more  than I can explain.. But thanks again for your words and the time you took writing them.. 

I'd tell you more but it will get twisted somehow 

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@Vegeta People only help cause it makes them feel good, me included. And many do it for the validation, which makes them feel even better. Regardless its dificult to project someones mind. And somethings might lead to positive results and others not.

Do one puzzel at a time. 

And when you meditate put the focus on your body instead of your mind, so your mind can calm down.

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@Bob84 thanks for the advice..  I appreciate it.. In a sense I did I trY to see all sides one at a time and more pieces keep falling before me.. Ive been trying so hard arguing with myself.. Shopping has always lifted my spirits so Ive been collecting all kinds of stuff related to this spiritual journey I've been on, all these symbols that appear.. For example I was collecting charms of the different religions and something told me to get rid of them, so I've removed them from my necklace.. I bought a Halloween mask with simbolics and something is telling me to get rid of it so it's in the trash.. no matter what I do it's wrong.. I feel the best thing I can do and I keep coming back to it is nothing.. I'm just drained.. Ive lost hope..

Thanks again Have a good day

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Is changing your mind or your opinion doing something wrong? From your posts it looks like you are very critical of yourself, and obviously me telling you to cut yourself some slack doesn't do anything.

What is it that you are really looking for?

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