
Stop Fucking DEBATING Over The Israeli - Palestinian conflict!

12 posts in this topic

You know, I really thought the people behind the keyboards in this forum are something different but perhaps I was wrong.

It's amazing how you guys throw different statements to the air with such a great confidence about the topic - "Israel did this...." , "Hamas did that....", "it's because of that.....". 

In reality, you guys don't know shit about it.

You are being fed by different media agencies with partial truths, each promoting its own agenda. You are bombarded with fake news in all social media that target exactly the right spots in your chimplike brain. 99% of you didn't even step a foot in this area.

So my suggestion for you is to mind your own business, look at your own life first because your idiotic posts don't do any fucking good to solve this issue. If any, you are only misleading people, spreading more hatred and violence.


Edited by Shaul

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44 minutes ago, Shaul said:

You know, I really thought the people behind the keyboards in this forum are something different but perhaps I was wrong.

It's amazing how you guys throw different statements to the air with such a great confidence about the topic - "Israel did this...." , "Hamas did that....", "it's because of that.....". 

In reality, you guys don't know shit about it.

You are being fed by different media agencies with partial truths, each promoting its own agenda. You are bombarded with fake news in all social media that target exactly the right spots in your chimplike brain. 99% of you didn't even step a foot in this area.

So my suggestion for you is to mind your own business, look at your own life first because your idiotic posts don't do any fucking good to solve this issue. If any, you are only misleading people, spreading more hatred and violence.


I find it interesting, because I like to read other people's perspectives. I believe this forum has higher consciousness people so I think they know how to cross reference research etc... We don't have to believe everything someone posts, and if someone is talking shite, that's what the debate is for - someone needs to tell them. It's not a problem if people talk bs, that's how we get the truth out. 

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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1 hour ago, Dodo said:

We don't have to believe everything someone posts, and if someone is talking shite, that's what the debate is for - someone needs to tell them. It's not a problem if people talk bs, that's how we get the truth out. 

@Dodo It's a bit naive to think that in such a debate someone will tell a non - biased, neutral statement. Even if someone has a bit of truth in his words, it will be immediately overshadowed by the 500 posts that are coming right after it. So good luck to the spectators that are reading the topic and are trying to acquire knowledge from it, (like the last topic in this forum - "BREAKING NEWS: Hamas....") to be able to filter the bs out of it.

Usually it's whoever has the most flashy videos and click- bait news, will do the most noise and impact rather than the legitimate, neutral answers (which rarely exist anyway). The situation is very complicated and people don't know the big picture and don't want to know it. They only want to hear what they choose to hear. 

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1 minute ago, Shaul said:

@Dodo It's a bit naive to think that in such a debate someone will tell a non - biased, neutral statement. Even if someone has a bit of truth in his words, it will be immediately overshadowed by the 500 posts that are coming right after it. So good luck to the spectators that are reading the topic and are trying to acquire knowledge from it, (like the last topic in this forum - "BREAKING NEWS: Hamas....") to be able to filter the bs out of it.

Usually it's whoever has the most flashy videos and click- bait news, will do the most noise and impact rather than the legitimate, neutral answers (which rarely exist anyway). The situation is very complicated and people don't know the big picture and don't want to know it. They only want to hear what they choose to hear. 

well you can say what you think? Do you have the truth or are you just in general talking about not wanting the false? 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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agree, also remember that spiral dynamics is a limited model, it is not a perfect one 

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Nobody really knows what is going on in general. People will still speak their mind, always, even if their minds reside inside a peanut-sized skull.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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30 minutes ago, dynamix said:

No its not so difficult. Its just religious wars and Islam wanting that holy place because its important to the jews. And jews are enemies because they are not Islamic. See references in their scriptures. Not even because it has importance to them. Its not so central to their religion. Its just Islam fighting for dominance , nothing more.

And they feel mighty ashamed, such a successful Israel and such an unsuccessful middeleast.  

In the Quran is clearly written that oppression is a no-no. Many so called Muslims have oppressed others in the past in the name of their God. Oh dear, they have done a no-no in the eyes of their own God there... All shall be dealt with accordingly. 

Idolatry is also a no-no in many sacred texts, here referencing the Bible, but people following religions all the time fall for this Idolatry trap. This building/location they are fighting for is yet another example of such an Idol. They don't have God in their hearts, they have God in their minds, will pay accordingly. 

I kind of believe in Judgement day... 

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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@Dodo The ULTIMATE TRUTH is...get readddyyy.....42. No but seriously, when I said the situation is very complicated, I meant it. it is a multi layered problem, don't expect "they are right, they are wrong" type of answers. A much better question to ask is how to solve it?

Luckily some people in Israel are working on the latter. For example take these guys

This is a new public initiative that was established under the understanding that black and white thinking won't solve the problem. Instead they are focusing on practical solutions to diminish the conflict step by step. They already have few achievements. The more support they gonna get, the more influence they will have over Israeli parliament's decisions.


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4 minutes ago, Shaul said:

@Dodo The ULTIMATE TRUTH is...get readddyyy.....42. No but seriously, when I said the situation is very complicated, I meant it. it is a multi layered problem, don't expect "they are right, they are wrong" type of answers. A much better question to ask is how to solve it?

Luckily some people in Israel are working on the latter. For example take these guys

This is a new public initiative that was established under the understanding that black and white thinking won't solve the problem. Instead they are focusing on practical solutions to diminish the conflict step by step. They already have few achievements. The more support they gonna get, the more influence they will have over Israeli parliament's decisions.


in my view the only way to stop anyone from seeking revenge is to make them believe there is a higher power who will enact that revenge when time comes. Aka God

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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Why? Gets me laid?I don't understand?

Edited by Zeroguy

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6 hours ago, Shaul said:

You know, I really thought the people behind the keyboards in this forum are something different but perhaps I was wrong.

I feel that. Had the same at a lot places (a higher School, University, a new Workplace, Martial Arts School...) -- people are everywhere about the same (only sometimes worse than average). Sounds pessimestic, but I believe that you can just get into a better community. The best communities eventually close itself because of the normies. After accepting that I get seldom surprised. I am not fond with it. It is what it is.


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Why do we need two parallel threads about this issue?

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