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Shamanic Breathing

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I just did the shamanic breathing technique and, wow. I can't believe what just happened. So much energy moving around in my body and so much resistance! I felt the resistance in a few ways and now I know that these are the ways my mind tries to wiggle out of healing. It tried to convince me I was tired and just to start napping, it made me hungry to the point where I wanted to get up to eat. It even just flat out forgot that I was doing the technique. At one point I stopped the breathing and literally forgot what I was doing until I realized it– until I remembered– so I continued the technique and was just so shocked at how your mind can control you like that. Like I'm laying on the floor, drumming music on, candle lit, doing a breathing technique and I just forget out of nowhere!? So crazy. 

Anyway, after I pushed through these initial resistances the 30 minutes just flew by. I'm not sure exactly what just happened but I felt the energy and it is so incredibly powerful. It contracted my hands, face, stomach. I had to chant affirmations during the 15 minute rest time aftwards just to get my hands to open up again and my eyes to stop fluttering. Hopefully, this means my emotional body is healing. But regardless, I am so happy I did that. I will be doing it at least once per week, minimum. Thank you Leo! 

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@Gianna If you resonate with breathwork, you might want to try doing online sessions with a facilitator and group. Trained facilitators have helped me explore deeper and get better at technique. Plus, it can be nice to connect with a group. There are various online breathwork sessions that are free.  

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@Forestluv I was thinking about that! I thought I would try it a couple of more times by myself and then use the facilitator and group to level up! Also, it would be nice to connect with people with similar interests :)

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