
Pickup Express

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I’m being shit tested left and right and this is a good sign. I’m developing but it also exposes that my frame/self-image has massive holes in it and girls are poking through them very easily. Hot girls don’t put up with that shit. Only if a girl likes you she will put up with it but then again… if she likes you enough she will put up with everything. 

Also I’ve started to see through my own veil of illusions about girls and about dating. When I see what kind of guys they like and how shallow they are: how lowly I thought about myself that I thought I didn’t deserve these shallow girls; in fact they don’t deserve me. How blind was I but I do get my own delusions considering my traumatic past with my mother. It is about giving what they want(BEING that what they want) and getting what I want. 

Major paradigm shift is moving from outer to inner lotus of control with dealing with this bull. It is about moving from <200 LOC to >200 LOC. Currently I’m just a magnet. I don’t need to pull. I open my mouth and I attract. I can easily attract 7’s and if I continue this work I think I will be able to attract 8’s without effort. In fact I attracted 8,5 by just being myself last week so I’m going in the right direction. 

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10 hours ago, StarStruck said:

I’m being shit tested left and right and this is a good sign. I’m developing but it also exposes that my frame/self-image has massive holes in it and girls are poking through them very easily. Hot girls don’t put up with that shit. Only if a girl likes you she will put up with it but then again… if she likes you enough she will put up with everything. 

Also I’ve started to see through my own veil of illusions about girls and about dating. When I see what kind of guys they like and how shallow they are: how lowly I thought about myself that I thought I didn’t deserve these shallow girls; in fact they don’t deserve me. How blind was I but I do get my own delusions considering my traumatic past with my mother. It is about giving what they want(BEING that what they want) and getting what I want. 

Major paradigm shift is moving from outer to inner lotus of control with dealing with this bull. It is about moving from <200 LOC to >200 LOC. Currently I’m just a magnet. I don’t need to pull. I open my mouth and I attract. I can easily attract 7’s and if I continue this work I think I will be able to attract 8’s without effort. In fact I attracted 8,5 by just being myself last week so I’m going in the right direction. 

Right on dude! Sounds like you're killing it atm


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2 hours ago, Ulax said:


Right on dude! Sounds like you're killing it atm

Thank you thank you 

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This is what learning game is in a nutshell:

Throwing yourself in the pool of emotions you are afraid of is the way to learn.

In the past I made the mistake of only putting my legs in water and do that again and again. You don’t really learn anything from that.

You really have to put yourself in the unknown and just jump in the pool. You won’t drown. In the worst case you will make an ass out of yourself. But if you had the choice between that and wasting your precious youth, what would you choose? I rather choose to get everything out of my youth rather than being scared of making a fool out of myself.


Edited by StarStruck

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I had an amazing date with a Mexican girl. Very sweet, extrovert, open and spiritual person. I could totally let go and be myself. 

I discovered that I date for validation. And it sucks. But that is where I’m emotionally. That is where I’m at. I’m trying to be more accepting of where I’m at. Which is difficult. 

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I've made some major developments with my professional help and trauma healing. Changing my level of consciousness was key in this transformation.

Making changes on the level of being, not doing or having was key for me. Changing yourself on the level of being is ineffable and hard to explain; you either get it or you don't; and if you do you don't need an explanation and if you don't you need an explanation and the only way you will get is when you are there. It can only be explained in metaphors, which I will try below. Eventually you want to get from low level of consciousness (LOC) to high level of consciousness. Summary of the two states:

High LOC versus low LOC

  • Positive attitude < negative attitude
  • Love < fear
  • Proactive < reactive
  • Giving to others < taking from others
  • Upward spiral < downward spiral
  • Winner effect < loser effect
  • Being a full person < being a broken person
  • Selfless < selfishness
  • Thriving < coping

If you are a high LOC person people will perceive you as the sun. You don't have to do anything (like being a nice or interesting person), or have anything (like fancy clothes, better looks, whatever), just your being (LOC) will effect reality. I was really starstruck by this last week; my being (LOC) was changed thanks to something and my reality changed with me. It was really a mysterious moment. People started reacting very different to me, people stopping me on the street to talk to me, people just telling me they like me while I did nothing, I was like "wtf" is happening; I'm not doing anything different. That is what the sun is; it is just being the sun.


If you are a low LOC person, you will not feel like a sun to others and yourself but you will feel like a black hole. People want to get away from you and from the pull of the black hole, and you will never be happy because of the phenomenon of hedonistic adaption. A black hole is also being but it is a negative being (low LOC) sucking all life force and material, while high LOC (the sun) is giving; giving life to everything in its orbit.


I explained it with these two metaphors because LOC is really difficult to explain in plain text.

Edited by StarStruck

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@StarStruck Would you be willing to say what, you believe, were your major developments re professional help and trauma healing?


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1 hour ago, Ulax said:

@StarStruck Would you be willing to say what, you believe, were your major developments re professional help and trauma healing?

Being present (raising consciousness) is the foundation of life and also social skills. All the other things I’ve done was a supplement to my progress. So my answer to your question is yes. The major foundation of self development is raising one’s consciousness (becoming present) and that is done through letting the past go (trauma) and the future go (dysfunctional fear).

Thanks to my trauma’s I developed a lot of coping mechanisms which caused me to be stuck in my head, not be present, and have a closed off vibe. Mind you that most people don’t do pickup or learn social skills and they do alright. That was not the case for me. Some people might lack some social skill and do a RSD social skill program and gain results but for me my problem was deeper. RSD has a program to fix this called RSD transformations. Other sources I would recommend people with issues similar to mine are these 

  • Becoming Super natural by Joe Dispenza to program the subconscious
  • the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle to become present
  • Tao the Ching to find rhythm of life, law of less effort
  • Bhagavad Gita to learn that the process is the beauty of life
  • What helped me with motivation: spiritual transmutation. It helped me to turn negative energy into positive energy 

Most people don’t need to dig this deep to be good with women. I did because I was so traumatized. And I’m still working on this shit because there is still work to do. Some people just have to work harder; might be caused by trauma but it could also be that they have light variation of autism or some other problem they might have. Everybody’s journey is a little bit different. 

Edited by StarStruck

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@StarStruck Thanks for your reply.

I'm also curious to know where you'd place yourself on the spiral.


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3 hours ago, Ulax said:

@StarStruck Thanks for your reply.

I'm also curious to know where you'd place yourself on the spiral.

Between orange and green. But I also have a lot of yellow aspects and my blue is a little bit underdeveloped.

I'm focusing on blue at this moment: discipline, meaning, purpose and order/stability.

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On 27-9-2022 at 10:22 AM, StarStruck said:

I've made some major developments with my professional help and trauma healing. Changing my level of consciousness was key in this transformation.

Making changes on the level of being, not doing or having was key for me. Changing yourself on the level of being is ineffable and hard to explain; you either get it or you don't; and if you do you don't need an explanation and if you don't you need an explanation and the only way you will get is when you are there. It can only be explained in metaphors, which I will try below. Eventually you want to get from low level of consciousness (LOC) to high level of consciousness. Summary of the two states:

High LOC versus low LOC

  • Positive attitude < negative attitude
  • Love < fear
  • Proactive < reactive
  • Giving to others < taking from others
  • Upward spiral < downward spiral
  • Winner effect < loser effect
  • Being a full person < being a broken person
  • Selfless < selfishness
  • Thriving < coping

If you are a high LOC person people will perceive you as the sun. You don't have to do anything (like being a nice or interesting person), or have anything (like fancy clothes, better looks, whatever), just your being (LOC) will effect reality. I was really starstruck by this last week; my being (LOC) was changed thanks to something and my reality changed with me. It was really a mysterious moment. People started reacting very different to me, people stopping me on the street to talk to me, people just telling me they like me while I did nothing, I was like "wtf" is happening; I'm not doing anything different. That is what the sun is; it is just being the sun.


If you are a low LOC person, you will not feel like a sun to others and yourself but you will feel like a black hole. People want to get away from you and from the pull of the black hole, and you will never be happy because of the phenomenon of hedonistic adaption. A black hole is also being but it is a negative being (low LOC) sucking all life force and material, while high LOC (the sun) is giving; giving life to everything in its orbit.


I explained it with these two metaphors because LOC is really difficult to explain in plain text.

I'm seeing so much progress since this. Raising my consciousness through meditation and focusing on the heart rather than the head (establishing brain-heart connection) changed stuff within myself. Self-(Love) is really the magic elixir.

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