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What 'level' Am I Up To?

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Hi guys, I would just like to know what 'level' I'm up to on the spiritual path lol. I don't expect to be up very high, maybe only level 2 or 3 purely because I haven't taken enlightenment and spirituality very seriously at all until very very very recently. But I do want to make sure that I am on the right track, and I am not deluding myself, and also possibly what I should expect to see in the future. 

But right now, I'm going to present some stuff I've noticed, and whether or not the stuff I've noticed are legit sort of phenomena that you would expect on the enlightenment path, or whether they are just deep delusions that I'm falsely taking as effects from meditation. 

I am fairly certain that this sort of phenomena has come only recently:

- I've noticed, in the sensory world, things are looking a lot sharper and maybe 'clearer'. Saturation of visuals seems to be amplified. Same goes with auditory and feelings.

- Mind seems to actually be more hyperactive, but not sure if that's because ive noticed more about whats going on inside my head, or if more stuff is occuring.

- (Weird and hard to describe) Nature looks more beautiful, and starting to enjoy nature, or the present moment more, it looks nicer

- that feeling or phenomena where you seem to exit your skull, seems to be happening on a day to day basis. So I'm slightly out of my skull while at a lecture, or doing homework. A better way to describe it might be that awareness has grown larger.

- In meditation, immersion seems to be increasing. What I mean is, the 'screen' between you and reality sometimes breaks, and reality flows like a stream all around awareness. Its like your eyes have become a 3D or 4D or a D > 2D camera. Which hasn't happened before.

Are these findings just more delusions, or do they seem legit to you? Please be honest. Thanks.

Edited by electroBeam

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Those are all good signs. You're definitely going in the right direction.

The one trap to look out for is over-identification with any kind of phenomena, even the "spiritual" sort. So things like vibrant colors and positive moods, etc. Those are great, enjoy them. But always be asking in the back of your mind: "What is actually aware of these phenomena? What am I? What is perceiving all this? What was I before I was born?"

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, electroBeam said:

Hi guys, I would just like to know what 'level' I'm up to on the spiritual path lol. I don't expect to be up very high, maybe only level 2 or 3 purely because I haven't taken enlightenment and spirituality very seriously at all until very very very recently. But I do want to make sure that I am on the right track, and I am not deluding myself, and also possibly what I should expect to see in the future. 

But right now, I'm going to present some stuff I've noticed, and whether or not the stuff I've noticed are legit sort of phenomena that you would expect on the enlightenment path, or whether they are just deep delusions that I'm falsely taking as effects from meditation. 

I am fairly certain that this sort of phenomena has come only recently:

- I've noticed, in the sensory world, things are looking a lot sharper and maybe 'clearer'. Saturation of visuals seems to be amplified. Same goes with auditory and feelings.

- Mind seems to actually be more hyperactive, but not sure if that's because ive noticed more about whats going on inside my head, or if more stuff is occuring.

- (Weird and hard to describe) Nature looks more beautiful, and starting to enjoy nature, or the present moment more, it looks nicer

- that feeling or phenomena where you seem to exit your skull, seems to be happening on a day to day basis. So I'm slightly out of my skull while at a lecture, or doing homework. A better way to describe it might be that awareness has grown larger.

- In meditation, immersion seems to be increasing. What I mean is, the 'screen' between you and reality sometimes breaks, and reality flows like a stream all around awareness. Its like your eyes have become a 3D or 4D or a D > 2D camera. Which hasn't happened before.

Are these findings just more delusions, or do they seem legit to you? Please be honest. Thanks.

ive only experienced that by the moment

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You are becoming what you already are, the greatest artist. Everything you do, you should see as art, because it is. And if you view it through the lense of the artist, you shouldn't judge it, because all you're judging is the painting you yourself created, in your mind. I found the new Leo video goes hand in hand with that.

For me it's one of the best yet. It was in itself an artform, like all other videos of him. The way he strings words together and presents information in such a precise and clear fashion. It's like a symphony. Wish I could talk like that too. But we take his words and we see through our projections of what he's saying. Through our own paradigm, and we match our everything with the words he's saying. 

I matched art, because I know for an unshakable fact in my experience, that vision, sound and feelings / perceiving is already art in itself. You are both the artist and the colour. And you are able to rearrange your painting through your brushes called hands, mouth and legs. But most importantly, your best brush is observing. The painting is constantly changing, and you dont control most of it. But you are the one allowing it to be. You should be friends with the painting you see in front of your face right now - its like full hd art. Better even.

We make a unique painting when we look at someone elses painting or reality itself, and that painting is ours, and ours alone. And that is what we judge. Judging your own painting is like judging your own child - its a no no. Dont be mean to your children.



-1/12 is Infinity 

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@electroBeam Its the ego working on the ego. And thats fine and in a sense needed. So is you post asking for external validation. Whichs is fine to. Just be brutaly honest about these things to yourself as this will speed up the so called progress, and reduce getting lost in ego.

In a sense you can only screw yourself by lying to yourself :D

Edited by Bob84

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