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Include Your Ego

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I want to invite everyone to the idea of including your ego in your spiritual practice rather than demonizing it. As we know, any act of demonization, judgment, ridicule, separation, or 'choosing', is not oneness. It is not God. And it is not Love. As soon as you judge something or choose against something you are right back into operating out of devilry, no matter how 'God like' you try to position it or excuse it. And yes this includes ridiculing, separating from, choosing against, or judging the ego and any emotion that comes with it. 

I believe @Leo Gura is the perfect example of embracing both Ego and God in his work.

Leo speaks completely out of his ego. We can hear it in his tone of voice. We have also heard him talk about this 'problem' he has of 'arrogance' in his speech in other episodes. Yet, when he is doing one of his videos he has the FULL FORCE of the universe behind him. Why is this so? It is because he is ALSO operating out of God, out of complete and total Love. In other words, he is operating from a place of BOTH ego and god. This is how he is a conscious creator. How he brings life and intelligence into the world from both a higher place (spontaneous insight, dialogue, love) and also a place of ego (his preexisting knowledge, egotism, outline, studies, etc.). The combination of these two is what gives us the beautiful character and uniqueness of 'Leo' that we all love. 

I obviously don't know Leo's process of shooting and how his extemporaneous speaking is really accomplished. So this may be wrong in his case but it still offers a great example of how and why to include BOTH your ego and stillness, presence, GOD, into your work. When you are creating you are inevitably operating from a place of motion and therefore from a place of ego. However, if you are in the 'flow' you are also operating from a place of God/Love. 

I obviously am not advocating for those reading this to go out and run rampant with their ego. I believe Leo's audience is much smarter than this. All that I am suggesting is not to guilt yourself out of operating from a place of ego. The Ego is a beautiful creation. It is why and how we are able to exist in this world. Through the intelligence that we all have from Leo, we do not have to worry about losing our integrity. Everything we do is out of love and the awareness we have all gained through this journey means we have sprouted out of a place of ignorance. Everyone in this forum is probably wise enough to allow themselves to feel and operate out of a place of ego without dismissing, disregarding, and forgetting about the amazing place we have all met which is Love ❤️ 

INCLUDE YOUR EGO. God is unconditional inclusion. God is Expansion. Expand your consciousness to hold space for both, for all. This is your call for expansion. 

Note: this is not about 'the middle way'. I do not want anyone reading this to confuse what I am saying with the middle way. The middle way is limiting and feels wrong because it feels like resistance. What I am talking about is different. I am talking about expanding your sense of self to include both simultaneously. This is stretching yourself towards limits you have not yet reached. It is not limiting yourself to find 'balance' or the 'the middle way'. 

Edited by Gianna

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An awakening with ego also present can be much more pleasant than an experience which is more impersonal. It speaks to the story you’ve just lived. It satisfies that. It explains that. It breaks the limitations of that. If both awakenings were of the same intensity, I’d prefer to awaken in this reality due to the emotional significance of your human life. You living that specific incarnation was not a mistake. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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