Psychonaut reporting in. I heard you want meow trip reports. You'll get some if you follow this thread.
First up I have a strong DMT trip.
I have 3 meow trips from last week queued up that still have to be put into words. Spoiler: Only the 1st and 3rd were good, hehe.
The plan is to increase the dose in 5mg increments every trip till I pass out or it becomes pointless. This is hopefully below the 50mg mark.
I'm writing these reports mainly for myself and share them in the hope that someone finds them entertaining.
Note: I am a heavy psychedelics user. What I mean by this is that I usually take 2 to 3 times more than the average user. Bare this in mind when comparing my dosages. Also I take high dosages on my first try of a new psychedelic, because I know the first time is always the best. This is generally not recommended, but it has served me well.