Eren Eeager

leo, why are you making arguments against science instead of materialism?

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Your series should be called the deconstruction of materialism, not science. You don't have a problem with science, your problem is with materialism. 
why do you keep criticizing science and the scientific method instead of focusing on materialism. Science is innocent, it never claimed it has  answers to any existential questions. science never claimed that it can answer why are we here and from where everything emerged. science just observes the natural phenomenon, understands those phenomena, and then applies this understanding in making things. It is the materialistic paradigm that needs to be deconstructed, not science. Materialism is what plagues the minds of scientists. 

science is pragmatic, not philosophical and thus it fails when it comes to understanding existence.

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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Science is not innocent. It's full of bullshit and without its deconstruction you will never realize you are God.

The problem is way deeper than materialism.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Eren Eeager

The scientific investigative inspective approach to self, reality, spirituality, actuality, or Truth is best. By ‘best’ I mean most thorough and lasting. Not believing there is “a science” or believing scientists, but being scientific. 



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@Leo Gura Criticising materialism doesn't trigger people's defence mechanisms as much though. It might be an easier way to get through to people. The quantum mechanics video you made was the one that finally opened my mind, and if I remember correctly that was because it made me question materialism. I don't think it's as hard to make people question materialism because it's more abstract and inherently philosophical, so people are more open to discuss it. Compared to when you question science and people freak the fuck out because their worldview is built on all the cool shit they attribute to science.

Obviously that fact itself is why it's important for people to address how they view science, but I think discussing the idea of reality not being perfectly material is a better way of opening people's mind in the first place.

It worked for me, and that approach helped me have some cool discussions with my friends where they were able to acknowledge that there are lots of ways in which materialism doesn't really make all that much sense.

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Leo is critical of overly-biased science. If you listened to his content regarding science enough, you’d know that he is not anti-science. This science he’s talking about is in almost all cases corrupted by an over-attachment to the materialist paradigm. One of Leo’s goals is to inspire a positive change in science. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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7 hours ago, something_else said:

Criticising materialism doesn't trigger people's defence mechanisms as much though. It might be an easier way to get through to people.

Yes! That's exactly what I mean.

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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He has a problem with the scientific method.

There are other ways of knowing other than the scientific method. Scientific method isn't the best method to Truth either. Besides, how do you know your categories, your measurements and assumptions are correct? The whole scientific method is based on categories and language, which is based in duality. All this is duality, in reality there is only non-duality, all categories are illusions. Plus, there's stuff you can never prove, actually you can't prove anything, see Leo's "Explicit vs Implicit Understanding" video for that. Science is good for understanding things within maya or the illusion.

The only method is raising of awareness or consciousness itself. 

Consider this, how do you know the scientific method is accurate? Through awareness. So ultimately there is only awareness that's the deciding factor on truth. Why don't you ask awareness directly for truth?

“Many talk like philosophers yet live like fools.” — Proverb

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Science reinforces the  dualistic viewpoint upon which our delusion of a material world is based.  Science looks for truth in the delusion thereby giving the delusion a false legitimacy.  It is impossible to take science seriously and simultaneously dismiss life as material and dualistic. They are diametrically opposed belief systems.  Either you see All as non-dual and One unified consciousness, or you embrace the findings of science and the materialistic delusion upon which it is based.  You cannot do both at the same time.

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I like how Daniel pointed out how science is pretty much a subset of philosophy. Certain philosophical ideas and metaphysical assumptions that have embedded themselves into the methods of science and are largely not questioned. So it's not just materialism, there's a whole soup of philosophical ideas that most modern scientists have an addiction to and take as "obviouly true". We can do science from radically different philosophical assumptions than it is being done from now, for example something like phenomenology is pretty much dismissed nowdays, but from a solipsistic position it would probably be one of the best methodologies.

"Only that which can change can continue."

-James P. Carse

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Definition of science: The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.

Definition of thought attachment:




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On 5/9/2021 at 0:43 AM, Leo Gura said:

Science is not innocent. It's full of bullshit and without its deconstruction you will never realize you are God.

The problem is way deeper than materialism.

Science by itself has no flaws. science is perfect at approaching the world, everthing we have amazing today is because of science. science is best and flawless. to understand you are God you need Sprituality or religion, not science. 

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