Leo Gura

Who Wants A 2-hr Jordy P Analysis Video?

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7 minutes ago, Loving Radiance said:

Do you mean this video you posted being an indication that he's green? What exactly in the video is green?

You see, when a man cries, he has to be Green. That is the rule :P 

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Hey Guys, this is God speaking through a non-realized Ego. Please stop talking about me, I have deluded myself for a reason. Thanks.

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4 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

You see, when a man cries, he has to be Green. That is the rule :P 

@Carl-Richard I notice you do this often. Mischaracterizing what the others say. Do you do this all the time?

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4 minutes ago, TheDao said:

@Carl-Richard I notice you do this often. Mischaracterizing what the others say. Do you do this all the time?

When have I ever done that?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@TheDao Thank you, that cleared up alot. So then how does compassion for men look like at blue, orange and yellow? What are the differences? I mean they have to be distinct tastes amirite?


12 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

That is the rule

You crack me up :D

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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@TheDao My point is that I'm interested how I can differentiate between compassion coming from blue, orange or yellow.

Edited by Loving Radiance

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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Nah, man. Leo comes off as so balanced in this video so far. I think Leo, if even imperfectly works to see things holistically. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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2 hours ago, TheDao said:


@Leo Gura You deeply wrongly characterized him as uncaring about inequalities. He cares deeply and cries often about the massive and unnecessary pain of men.

He cries crocodile tears but will not vote for progress to fix corruption or climate change.

It's absurd.

Come back and tell me when JP actually votes for a politician who will fix predatory capitalism. Until then, it's all empty words and excuses.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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23 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

He cries crocodile tears but will not vote for progress to fix corruption or climate change.

It's absurd.

Come back and tell me when JP actually votes for a politician who will fix predatory capitalism. Until then, it's all empty words and excuses.

Ah, be careful there. A lack of understanding or holistic perspective is not a lack of love. When you mention crocodile tears I assume you are saying he doesn't really care or feel love or passion.

JP is very passionate and loving, moved to tears by his work and his message and the postive feedback he receives from people who claim he helped them in their personal lives. You are right about these systemic issues. ...he isn't God and doesn't see all perspectives and has blind spots. 

Also, I think that might be false that he 'will not vote for a bill to fix corruption'... I think he would stand for things HE thought was corruption. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Come back and tell me when JP actually votes for a politician who will fix predatory capitalism.

@Leo Gura I don't know for who he votes. His tears are not crocodile at all. Do you know what psychologist usually do all day. How much empathy it takes listening to all the suffering day in day out? I don't think you are the one qualified saying such things. In the case you listen to stories of suffering day in day out, then you will be more qualified to say such things. Until then I think he cares more than you.


But careful with overregulating capitalism, it could do more harm than good . Peterson protects well against undeveloped green regression.

O and Peterson will probably not agree with your arbitrary simplistic spiral dynamics model.

Edited by TheDao

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1 minute ago, TheDao said:

@Leo Gura I don't know for who he votes. But careful with overregulating capitalism, it could do more harm than good .

Everything should be done in balance. unhinged capitalism is, has been and will be very destructive. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

He cries crocodile tears but will not vote for progress to fix corruption or climate change.

It's absurd.

Come back and tell me when JP actually votes for a politician who will fix predatory capitalism. Until then, it's all empty words and excuses.

From what you know of J.P., is it your sense that this due to him operating in Bad Faith and not actually giving a damn about fixing Predatory Capitalism and addressing Climate Change?

Or do you think it's more a case that he isn't developed enough to recognize how his own biases are preventing him from thinking systematically about Societal Issues?

Sometimes it can be hard to tell whether an otherwise Intelligent person at the lower Value Memes truly doesn't recognize that something is a problem, or whether they do recognize but don't actually care enough to try and fix it.

I kind of get the sense that he has extreme tunnel vision for monomyths as a normative force for fixing the perceived deficiencies of modern society, but I'd be interested to hear whether or not you agree.

Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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Men failing at life at a higher rate need not be a cultural issue to fix. xD It's like feminists complaining about the wage gap when that's really a product of innate feminine nature.

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Ok I just finished the Jordan Peterson video. Was a great episode Leo. Here's a few thoughts I had through it tho - 


Wouldn't you say Jordan Peterson on the whole is doing good work as he is helping people who maybe grew up in an orange or green environment who maybe struggle with discipline or those other stage blue values to help integrate them? 


I feel like your emphasis is on moving people up the spiral but isn't it an integral persons job to help people express healthy versions of their stage which even if JP isn't integral this is what he's doing with blue. 

There was a part where you talk about individualism vs collectivism and stage blue being collective and then it goes individual again. The point you made was on a poisoning and mercury being a collective issue. After reading the religion of tomorrow  Wilber shows that the earlier stages think about their politics in terms of the individual (1st person, second person) and as you move into modernity you can see the world from 3rd person and think about collective issues.  (I, WE, IT, ITS)

I was wondering why you never talk about the 4 quadrants and leave this completely out of your teachings when theres so much value to this? 

There was also a part of the episode where you talked about once all value systems are taken away then there's no distinctions between good or bad then you can love easier. I am feeling this is a problem with spiral dynamics for me - I feel by making distinctions of groups of ppl especally when some are considered higher or lower stages these distinctions can be a problem for me and make it easier to judge other groups/ people. 

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5 minutes ago, andyjohnsonman said:

Ok I just finished the Jordan Peterson video. Was a great episode Leo. Here's a few thoughts I had through it tho - 


Wouldn't you say Jordan Peterson on the whole is doing good work as he is helping people who maybe grew up in an orange or green environment who maybe struggle with discipline or those other stage blue values to help integrate them? 


I feel like your emphasis is on moving people up the spiral but isn't it an integral persons job to help people express healthy versions of their stage which is what Jordan is doing with blue. 

There was a part where you talk about individualism vs collectivism and stage blue being collective and then it goes individual again. The point you made was on a poisoning and mercury being a collective issue. After reading the religion of tomorrow  Wilber shows that the earlier stages think about their politics in terms of the individual (1st person, second person) and as you move into modernity you can see the world from 3rd person and think about collective issues.  (I, WE, IT, ITS)

I was wondering why you never talk about the 4 quadrants and leave this completely out of your teachings when theres so much value to this? 


   You brought up a good point. Maybe it should be on Leo's list of videos he makes, one about Ken Wilbur's integral theory, and one about Carl Jung's shadow work. However I think he did a video in the spiral dynamics series, not specifically on a stage but the overall application of the modal, which is probably why Leo might not do one about integral theory.

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2 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


   You brought up a good point. Maybe it should be on Leo's list of videos he makes, one about Ken Wilbur's integral theory, and one about Carl Jung's shadow work. However I think he did a video in the spiral dynamics series, not specifically on a stage but the overall application of the modal, which is probably why Leo might not do one about integral theory.

Yea i'm really starting to resonate more with integral theory (AQAL) than spiral dynamics alone lately

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@Phyllis Wagner

6 hours ago, Phyllis Wagner said:

Do we really need to have a 1-hour God-Speech in every video now, no matter the topic? Actualized.org video start to feel like church.

   Of course we should, as this is Leo's highest value, teaching and vision for everyone and the world, at the moment. This is why it's crucial to pursue self actualisation, and discover your highest value to work towards. Even if at the highest potential it's leading to the same place, how you get there, how you impact others qnd the world around you, and what you create might be different.

   Included in his life purpose is teaching about love, infinity and god, so it makes sense to give a god speech at the end of most the videos. God forbid that we forget about god at some pointxD

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1 hour ago, AtheisticNonduality said:

Men failing at life at a higher rate need not be a cultural issue to fix. xD

@AtheisticNondualityIts a curious systematic thing I seem to find. Men not being strong and succesfull getting relativized away. Seems like protecting the gender roles. With a huge price that is.  Actually what JP is doing with his a bit emotional speaking, building empathy for men, is breaking through stereotyped gender roles. Which is what is said to be feminism by some. Great Job!


It's like feminists complaining about the wage gap when that's really a product of innate feminine nature.

Or a product from intensive day to day pressures from birth to conform to gender stereotypes?

Edited by TheDao

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46 minutes ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

JP keeps demonizing Trudeau, and keeps appearing on Ben Shapiro, Fox News, and Prager U, so yeah...

Because those are the only ones who listen to his critiques, maybe? The others see it as a to big threat to be able to listen. Maybe he is a democrat, don't know actually. I don't know him that well.

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@Leo Gura

I've watched the video.

I liked how you tell stage blue people thats not the real deal keep moving.


I feel the vid was made with some agenda to push clicks and subscribers, and move in a certain direction for promotion, while using JP as the public name.

No, i can't prove it.

Just be your self, everything else will follow. People like you simply because they like what you offer. You have build a massive audience without that. Organic growth. 

Truth will come.

Edited by OneIntoOne

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