Leo Gura

Who Wants A 2-hr Jordy P Analysis Video?

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53 minutes ago, TheDao said:

@Leo Gura Then Leo will be confronted with how he tweaked Jordan Petersons message. He doesn't like that.

Nice gaslight, devil.

48 minutes ago, Elisabeth said:

@Leo Gura Well do you have ANY people to discuss your ideas with before you make them public?

You guys seem to really not get this: your highest intelligence will not come from social interactions, it will come solo, all alone. Socializing with people tends to make you dumber, not wiser.

I've read literally over 100,000 comments of me and giving me feedback. So if you think I'm just locked into my own bubble, you're nuts. I take all feedback seriously from day 1.

31 minutes ago, JosephKnecht said:

Why make things personal now?

"Attacking" the "highest" intellectual will give you more notoriety, but in the long run, it corrupts you. 

I didn't make anything personal. There is a profound absence of proper analysis of Jordan Peterson's teachings on YT. People from the left and right are both being deceived about him and are not being properly guided towards the highest understanding they could have of reality. That's where I come in. My only function in life is to help people understand. That's all I do. And it doesn't matter the subject or person or whatever.

I held back from doing a JP video for 3 years because I didn't want it to look like I was just talking about him for clicks.

I was very concerned about the stage Green shadow that JP fans were implicitly absorbing by watching his talks.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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33 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Nice gaslight, devil.

Above contradicts below

33 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I take all feedback seriously from day 1.

@Leo Gura You deeply wrongly characterized him as uncaring about inequalities. He cares deeply and cries often about the massive and unnecessary pain of men. The crises is very deep. Men are fleeing academia in a high speed, because of this. How can you say he is not well green developed? Why do men count less nowadays?  If men lose, all genders lose. He is ahead of the herd.

Edited by TheDao

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Do we really need to have a 1-hour God-Speech in every video now, no matter the topic? Actualized.org video start to feel like church.

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16 minutes ago, Phyllis Wagner said:

Do we really need to have a 1-hour God-Speech in every video now, no matter the topic? Actualized.org video start to feel like church.

I don't think it's a coincidence that this video was released now after he created a clips channel and started doing interviews. This video serves as a good entry point for outsiders into Actualized.org as it's about a famous self-help-related figure. It also gives a short intro to SD and how to apply it in practice (and you've certainly heard about that before), so I don't see why the God part should be left out (that's after all the highest teaching provided here). If you already get it, good for you.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I thought the JP video was pretty grounded. There was no attacks, it's pretty balanced and fair analysis given Leo's experience, study and frameworks. It's really a big picture metaanalyis on not only JP but on many of the social movements and conflicts around the world in general. A lot of this stuff I already understood about JP but its nice to see Leo say it. I've thought about posting my own analysis of JP for some time. I felt he was too complicated though and my opinion of him keeps shifting as I grow and mature. He is a real human being with lots of great things to say, and a complicated set of shadows and epistemological structures that contain truths but lack holism and higher level consciousness. He is also very stressed, anxious and paranoid. He also teaches some really great stage blue values I can honestly use more of... I need more of that in my life.  I respect JP! I respect a lot of the teachers or public intellectuals out there. Though, I agree with not many of them...

The world needs many leaders. None will be perfect, all will have consequences.  

Leo (or people) can provide a fair honest analysis about someone without wanting to fight them. I think that is the world I want to live in, where we can increase our understandings of things without being at one another's throat. But, that will take time if not eternity ahah

We are so used to a confrontational space on Youtube and social media. Let us shift that here as a community to more love and understanding based paradigm. 

Edited by Thought Art

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5 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

Leo (or people) can provide a fair honest analysis about someone without wanting to fight them.

@Thought Art Yeah he only tweaks important stuff, so Leo comes out on top. And the other side can't respond. It's not fair at all. Leo just tries to look like he is fair. That's something different.

5 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

We are so used to a confrontational space on Youtube and social media. Let us shift that here as a community to more love and understanding based paradigm.

Leo doesn't want to understand. He attacks me as being a zen devil when he doesn't like my critique.

Edited by TheDao

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@TheDao your text are pretty ungrateful and unknowledgeable

Edited by Windappreciator

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3 minutes ago, TheDao said:

He attacks me as being a zen devil when he doesn't like my critique.

I don't think he mentioned anything about Zen xD

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@TheDao Maybe that happened. But I didn't see what he tweaked or manipulated about JP. The video was pretty grounded in epistemology and models of development, social sciences, psychology, spirituality, etc... Was it perfect analysis? No.

I think Leo called you a devil because you were telling Leo why he acts how he acts and suggesting he does so out of fear and devilry himself. Which, he may. But, I think Leo doesn't do debates for his own reasons which he has stood by for many years. I still need to digest that. But, debates are emotional and are not great for deep truths and analysis. Leo also isn't dethroning him or putting him down. He gave his own analysis on him. 

Actualized.org exists on a pretty delicate balance that Leo has built over the years. It's really amazing tbh. I would take time to contemplate why you feel the way you do.

Edited by Thought Art

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2 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@TheDao Maybe that happened. But I didn't see what he tweaked or manipulated about JP. The video was pretty grounded in epistemology and models of development, social sciences etc..

First read my fragment about how he mischaracterized him with the short video of Jordan crying. Which I posted in this thread. Otherwise the discussion is not productive.

Edited by TheDao

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@TheDao your trying to low key bullshit because you see no legitimacy in this.

you are not actualy a daoist, this just a disguise.


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@TheDao True.

"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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@Windappreciator Stop dodging the subject, with useless attacks, its derailing the discussion. I had very specific critique on why Jordan is very Green as well. 


Edited by TheDao

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@TheDao I don't see the connection between your clip and Leos analysis. That clip doesn't prove anything wrong with the video.

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20 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@TheDao I don't see the connection between your clip and Leos analysis. That clip doesn't prove anything wrong with the video.

@Thought Art One of the big critiques was the Peterson was only blue, some orange and with a big green shadow and a dash of yellow. Leo said Jordan doesn't care and only says, get your act together , things are not fair. And jokes in this thread as how simple he thinks this idea is. " Lobster!" 

In reaction I sent how Peterson as a psychologist has helps lots of men get their act together. The video shows about how big the crisis is with men, men are dropping out at staggering rates and how little is needed to fix it.  And how Peterson deeply cares about this. While a big group calling themselves feminist are only busy with the women's side and how toxic men can be. You can for example see this feminism bias on how bad males are performing in education and you not knowing this. Or how there are no men shelters , while yes men get abused in relationship a lot too. 

Peterson only disagrees with how equality of opportunity can be reached. And a lot of democrats don't like to be critiqued so they make strawman's out of what Jordan is saying. Jordan also says that it will not be reached equality, so deal with it. You cant for example give all children parents that are academically equal. Or you will have to pull the family out of each other. But education of parents is an really important factor for success that children have. So on an individual level deal with it.


And be grateful even (applies to most people not all) , you are in a special place in the world and history, it could be much worse. Why does he say this? Because he sees great suffering if you deal with it another way.


 And that advice is meant on the individual level not societal level. Making this into a Peterson doesn't give shit about equality is a mischaracterization meant for comforting democrats.



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@TheDao I see those positive aspects of Jordan Peterson as well. His values videos did help me to start cleaning my life up etc. His basic videos about taking responsibility, cleaning your room, etc are very helpful for men. But, him as an intellectual is a lot more than that. Honestly, I am trying to do my own analysis over time of Leo, and of JP.

JP is great in some ways. As a young male I know I need intellectual and life skills guidance. JP has systemic, spiritual and epistemological limitations and blind spots. So does Leo. You can't escape it. I feel done with this thread for now.  I can't waste my time on JP. I need to put more work into my life. 

You aren't a lesser person for being lower on the spiral. The whole spiral is different kinds of love.

Edited by Thought Art

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21 minutes ago, TheDao said:

why Jordan is very Green as well

Do you mean this video you posted being an indication that he's green? What exactly in the video is green?

I am interested, how does compassion for men look like at blue, orange and yellow? What are the differences?


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57 minutes ago, Loving Radiance said:

Do you mean this video you posted being an indication that he's green? What exactly in the video is green?

@Loving RadianceHe is caring for equality for men. He wants society to care for men as well. So they at least don't perform so bad academically. Boys fall behind girls in every western nation. And its getting worse and worse. This should be a subject of feminism. But they don't seem to walk their talk. Overall he is just disagreeing with how to reach fairness. He critiques other feminism subjects too , so that makes him very controversial of course. 

Edited by TheDao

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