Leo Gura

Who Wants A 2-hr Jordy P Analysis Video?

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14 minutes ago, TheDao said:

For example linking Jordan that he out of lack of empathy doesn't wants to rectify the past. Thats such a distortion of what Jordan would say. You just haven't understood him yet. Conservatives have nuances and critique about how progressives want to have equality

Of course he would argue something like: life is too brutal to allow for so much equality so it isn't practical to be a carebear. Toughen up, Bucko! Take more personal responsibility. Lobsters!

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@Leo Gura I enjoy plenty of parts of Jordan Peterson content and your video analysis was really amazing. Thank you :) 

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@Leo Gura Nah Jordan is a very caring man for equality. He is a psychologist who has helped with lots of lives. You are making a caricature of him. He wants change also. Look at this short video about how feminism should change.

When he says such stuff you say, this is more meant on a personal level. You can complain that the judge took away your kid while she is the abusive one, but it wont help you. You then need to face reality that men count less on this subject and that feminist fake interest but are mainly concerned about women and that they wont be empathic to you. This is the place society is at. You do need to get your act together. Clean your room(mind).

 He is needed, he serves a purpose. 



Edited by TheDao

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I've watched 60% of the video so far. It's been amazing.

I've been a fan of Jordan Peterson since the start cause I was pretty indoctrinated into the whole anti-sjw thing as a 20 year old.

However, while Jordan peterson had the past 2 years off due to his poor health I was able to fully go to strange green. I didn't mind watching the breakdowns of JBP from good progressive YouTube channels like The Majority Report, David Pakman, Hasanabi, Vaush etc. But I also felt like they discounted everything he taught entirely which never ever felt right to me.

Excited to finish the video tomorrow. This video and your podcast with Charlie have been excellent. 

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@whatishappeningtome So now you are indoctrinated too the other side? Jordan would easily debunk the first part of the video.

Edited by TheDao

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12 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Derek White Maybe watch it before you judge.

@Leo Gura I am so happy you made this. I get sucked into JP's illusion and it makes me question my own experiences and knowledge. So this 'reactionary content' @Derek White speaks of, is extremely beneficial. It goes a long way for me. So thank you!!! I love your work.  

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   I've finished watching the whole video recently, and it's a pretty good breakdown of Jorden Peterson, in fact it's much more  balanced than what comes from progressives and post modernists. The only point I don't agree with is some of the use of metaphors. Somewhere last 30 minutes talking about existential shadows created by duality and 'god' rejecting itself, dealing with many shadow parts, he used shadow boxing in a negative meaning. Shadow boxing is, at a basic level, a visualization process of fighting an imaginary opponent and using your body while imagining how you deal with the opponents moves, how to defend, counter, evade or attack the opponent, in a proactive fashion. The process does have a crucial part in training one to fight another, either in literal boxing standards, or other martial art standards. Shadow boxing can also be used throughout athletic sports, combat or non-combat, like chess for example. There's also advanced forms of shadow boxing, done more in mind than body, while sitting or lying down, like imagining playing a game of chess, or visualizing a sparring or pro match you've experienced before, or imagining one. There's a lot of value doing shadow boxing correctly, to mock test performance or to generate more motivation, and it's not limited to the self construct, like being a boxer and habituating actions of a boxer internally, but throughout life it is used to better construct roles you want to become, and habits from that position you self identify.

   Now, my disagreement just in meanings and semantics, I do know the metaphorical use of shadow boxing is to explain that you are fighting a part of you and reality you reject into the unconscious, which I understand and is an okay metaphor, but I want to make this clear, because for those who are just new, or are intermediates in self actualization, this unintended negative meaning can slip into you, and might reinforce limiting beliefs around doing basic self help, around visualization consistently, subtly thinking that visualization is bad. It's not bad, it's useful.    

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6 hours ago, TheDao said:

@whatishappeningtome So now you are indoctrinated too the other side? Jordan would easily debunk the first part of the video.

I am aware my beliefs are malleable and I shouldn't stay attached to my stage green world view for the rest of my life. But when you agree with everything Bernie Sanders says, feel repulsed by Trump and can't stop thinking about ways you can fix injustices in the world you can be pretty sure you've grown into green. 

It's just a stage. It's also really hard and uncomfortable to move up from orange to green. You may even lose friends in the process (or at least drift away) as your values develop, change and grow compared to the those you've surrounded yourself with. 

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@Leo Gura You've been mentioning recently how you've been wanting to make your work more accessible, I think the J.P. Video is a great step in that direction.

As far as ideas for more short form content, have you considered making a short 10 - 20 minute Primer or Introductory video for Spiral Dynamics? Could potentially be very useful for newcomers who might not have the time or patience to make it through a multi hour series on the topic.


I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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23 minutes ago, DocWatts said:

@Leo Gura You've been mentioning recently how you've been wanting to make your work more accessible, I think the J.P. Video is a great step in that direction.

That's what it was.

23 minutes ago, DocWatts said:

have you considered making a short 10 - 20 minute Primer or Introductory video for Spiral Dynamics?

Yes, that is planned.

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memetic warfare, what turquoise doesn't properly acknowledge being necessary. 

god does it all the time, its why u exist & not something else

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3 hours ago, DocWatts said:

@Leo Gura You've been mentioning recently how you've been wanting to make your work more accessible, I think the J.P. Video is a great step in that direction.

As far as ideas for more short form content, have you considered making a short 10 - 20 minute Primer or Introductory video for Spiral Dynamics? Could potentially be very useful for newcomers who might not have the time or patience to make it through a multi hour series on the topic.



2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

That's what it was.

Yes, that is planned.

Even better idea, you can tell people to go read the book. Lol i Iiterally have it in my hand right now. Here I'll prove it to yuh. Also, can you go more in depth on memes for lamen. Because it's kinda confusing reading this super professory type text. I get the stages, but the memes dynamics are confusing, like the thing about OAC which depends on whether you will advance the spiral or not. Also, the onioning effects stage memes have on eachother doesnt make much sense, how does it work? On page 63 in the book. 


Love life and your Health, INFJ Visionary


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19 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Derek White Maybe watch it before you judge.

It's a good video as usual. I have one minor objection, towards the end when you start deconstructing Jordon Peterson's metaphysics, you make it sound like going from green to yellow means losing your mind in nihilism and relativism and ultimately reaching infinite love. This is more like enlightenment. Green to yellow would be realizing nihilism and relativism to a degree, and then consciously constructing a hierarchy of values because you need that to live. You were talking about how JP can get enlightened, but it came across as moving from green to yellow. What happens is you start with a little bit of relativism, then you start valuing going deeper into relativism, and then ultimately you give up relativism as a value as well, you kinda missed that middle step. Basically I'm saying you made it sound like every stage yellow person was God realized, which isn't true and those are separate things.

I would still recommend to avoid making videos reacting to outside trends, events and people. The rest is up to you. Maybe you're trying to reach a broader audience with this.

Edited by Derek White

“Many talk like philosophers yet live like fools.” — Proverb

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I also think you should talk to JP about the SD model your critiques, Leo. Not necessarily publicly. You are also a well-known intellectual, would he decline a debate?

Edited by Elisabeth

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13 minutes ago, Elisabeth said:

I also think you should talk to JP about the SD model your critiques, Leo. Not necessarily publicly. You are also a well-known intellectual, would he decline a debate?

I am not interested in debates.

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4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I am not interested in debates.

@Leo Gura Then Leo will be confronted with how he tweaked Jordan Petersons message. He doesn't like that.

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@Leo Gura Well do you have ANY people to discuss your ideas with before you make them public? 

JP may not be a good one. Yet everyone needs a quality discussion now and then.

And, since you're going political now, you can't avoid strawmen unless you actually check in with the other person.

Anyway, I liked the integrity video a lot. The gender video is not a bad attempt at going popular either. Haven't finished watching the JP video yet.

Edited by Elisabeth

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The analysis was good. I have just two points. 

1. Jordan Peterson has a deep love for his wife. He will be willing to let go of science, religion, metaphysics, but as long as his wife is alive, he will never give up his love for her. She will lead him to God.

 2. JP has a deep attachment to his body of work. The body of work is preventing him to do the work.

@Leo Gura Although in the past you have made ad-hominem attacks at people (Trump, Haris, Peterson, etc), you have never made them the focus of your critique. You have always aimed the critique at their values rather than the person. Why make things personal now?

"Attacking" the "highest" intellectual will give you more notoriety, but in the long run, it corrupts you. 

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