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vindicated erudite

How do I more efficiently analyse my thoughts?

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Does anyone have any relevant information they can contribute to about how I can develop a methodology to organise, receive, create, analyse, relate and analyse my own thoughts?


After watching Elon Musk on the Joe Rogan podcast I couldn't help but relate to how Elon's mind works.

Constant new ideas racing in one's mind.

It can get really frustrating at times not being able to analyse deeply enough the implications a certain idea can have. 


I have found this dilemma is something that stops me from self-actualising. 

And I do realise that If you watch Leo's videos then you start to realise that reality is infinite.

Which makes it practically impossible to know any given thing. 


What if there's a way to go meta on infinity?

What if I'm just one insight away from really really getting it?

Instead of relying on Inutition, what if I could fully know a given thing?

Is this even possible?

I understand what I'm saying is "how many levels of God do I have to awaken to in order to gift my self complete acceptance of my nature"

But what I want is to be able to do it now.


I'm asking this question want to become a copywriter and instead of doing what everyone else does I want to literally be the best. 

Now It's may seem over the top to intertwine Non-Duality and Enlightenment into my question but I want to write copy so good it takes my readers to God and back.

I understand that Copywriting requires a lot of creativity which is a hidden point to my question!

So to rephrase what I'm saying is "How do I understand and organise my thoughts effectively in order to increase my creativity and productivity as the greatest copywriter of all time". 

When I try to push myself to off by heart. I find that my focus is extremely bad and I'm memory is God awful, like 1000x worse than a goldfish. 

In order to add to this answer, I'm going to have to work on these two issues which I'm sure deep long meditation can fix for me!

Not only that but I can use a commonplace book to organise my notes even though they take time to make ( I realise that I have messed up my attention span to not commit enough to my commonplace book).

Any ways how? Or do you need me to explain all of that waffle?

Edited by vindicated erudite
Spelling Error In Title

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