
Leo On Charlie and Ben Podcast

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That's the catch-22 of this business.

On the one hand you guys want me out there talking to people on normie shows.

Then when those normies fail to understand anything or run amok, then you say: Look what you did, Leo!

Pick what you want: 1) Do you want normies to know about God, or 2) Do you not?

If you want normies to know about God, then realize that they will fuck it up badly, as they have for the last 2000 years. Or if you don't, then stop telling me that I should go on Joe Rogan and such.

How do you imagine Joe Rogan fans will react to what I teach? They will think I'm insane and they will blame Rogan for having me on. That's how normies react to Truth. I can't fix that. There is no way to make a mainstream accepted teaching. That expectation deeply misunderstands the depth of the epistemic quagmire society is in.

God cannot be mainstreamed. Not unless you completely pervert it into falsehood.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Yeah, it was really clunky early on when there was a perception of separation between Leo’s consciousness and the consciousness of the audience that put up barriers that Leo had to take down one by one as fast as he can. I have the benefit of familiarity with Leo’s content and speaking style, but I’m not sure I’d watch this video without it. I wouldn’t know what to make of it. Just agree with Leo on “how does anyone know anything”, apply it to him, and shut the video off most likely. The first half seems like more of a struggle to be understood than a conversation. It flowed better midway through, though.

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Leo looks like a baby lol :D Handsome too. 

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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28 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

let the conversation simply go wherever it goes.

That's exactly what makes a conversation confusing.

If I let the conversation just go anywhere, nothing would be understood at all. Letting someone pepper you with random questions about God is a recipe for disaster.

Let me try to pepper you with random rapid-fire questions like:

  • Does God exist?
  • What is God?
  • How do you know?
  • But what if you're deluded?
  • But what if you're hallucinating?
  • Prove it to me
  • But science says there is no God
  • But science says your enlightenment experiences are just brain activity
  • If God exists, why did the Holocaust happen?
  • What if truth is just pragmatism?

These questions cannot just be asked casually in conversation.

You can't be like, "Relax, just have a casual conversation, bro. Don't worry about anything."

And then be like, "Bro! You didn't explain God in a slam-dunk way like you do in a 3 hr prepared lecture."

A casual conversation meanders and explains little.

If anything I'm getting criticized for being too casual. I was just having a pleasant conversation with Charlie. I was not trying to build a rock solid case for anything. This was not some logical proof I was constructing. He asked me random questions and I answered them with awareness to how my answers would trigger normie defenses. I was not nervous or tense at all. These kind of talks are very easy for me personally. The problem is that a casual convo will not explain Truth to any normie listening in.

If you ask me for a random example of a scientific paradigm change, and I respond with Einstein, this will tell you nothing about why science is fundamentally misguided.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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13 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

Let’s be honest, it wasn’t a good performance. He came off as stressed out, talking too fast, lacking in spontaneity and trying a bit too hard.

Ironically he himself came off as defensive right off the bat, assuming the listeners are too dense to understand anything, which they well might be, but it’s not a healthy/open space to come from. This disrupts his energy/presence/flow/authenticity.

I understand there was little time. But instead of trying very hard, in a mechanical way, to compress all his stuff as much as possible, I think, ideally, he should let go, relax, and let the conversation simply go wherever it goes. Let go of the need for people to understand. The bird on the branch sings it song even when nobody’s listening.

It is clear he needs to be humbled further. But I’m sure that all in all, this experience ends up being humbling.

All in all, ‘getting out of his basement’, stepping on a new stage and interacting with humans, getting out of his comfort zone is good for his growth. I’m sure things will improve over time.

*This is not at attack on Leo, just my observations/constructive criticism. 



I think the interview is pretty good in general terms. Through conversation format I get new nuances about his message.

What always mindfuck me is the solipsistic stuff. A question for you: You claim you are enlightened. Do you experience solipsism (or whatever you can call it what he is explaining) too?


Edited by RedLine

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7 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

Yes you can. You have to let go of that worry eventually. Let go of the need for people to understand.

I didn't have any worry. You assume I did for some odd reason.

You frame it as though I had some desperate need for people to understand. No.


I see awakening people interviewed about reality all the time. They don’t stress out, arent’t trying to ‘get anywhere’. They relax and let God do the talking. ‘I listen to the questions and I listen to the answers’.

I wasn't stressing out.


Notice how defensive you are in this thread

Sigh... you just can't win with some people.

You are the one who's framing me as defensive. But, hey, you are constructing your reality, so frame away.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

Yes you can. You have to let go of that worry eventually. Let go of the need for people to understand.

I see awakening people interviewed about reality all the time. They don’t stress out, arent’t trying to ‘get anywhere’. They relax and let God do the talking. ‘I listen to the questions and I listen to the answers’. This energy is so much more clear and powerful. 

Notice how defensive you are in this thread

I’m not like that. This is an expectation you have put on yourself that stresses you out.

Man he wants to be responsable about what he tells to the audience so a little tension is need, if you are in relax mode then you are less rigorous, the interview is good

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Leo you're right, you totally have to work on the skill of dumbing-down the way you explain your understanding.  This video feels far too radical for any casual or newbie listener.  The wisdom is of course there, it's just a matter of speaking in a more relatable way to 'normies'.


So bring on more podcasts!

Edited by AlterEgo

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1 minute ago, Meta-Man said:

I don’t. 

If you want to call it solipsism, yes, when I stop imagining I am a body and become aware that I am Universal Consciousness, there are no others and the only thing that is actual is whatever is ‘percieved’ right there in the moment.

Ok thank you, I guess what differs Leo from others mystic is, more than the experience, that it make sense to him to bring that into words and for other it doesn't.

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7 minutes ago, AlterEgo said:

So bring on more podcasts!

I don't even know if I want to at this rate because there is no benefit in it for me when people are so set on misunderstanding what is said.

It's like a projection nightmare.

These ideas will only make sense to the right audience. I cannot take a room full of clueless, closedminded materialists and convince them of anything spiritual. To attempt such feats is an exercise in stupidity and demeaning to my intelligence.

That's what's called casting pearls before swine.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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"you have to bite the bullet of consciousness" lol xD 

Honestly and not to kiss Leo's ass.. He was very good and I didn't perceive any of the stuff people say about how he avoided answering questions. 

He made an incredibly good point when asked "how do you know "..stuff like infinite love etc do you know anything?

2. By becoming conscious of it directly. And there is no other way of knowing. And this cannot be doubted. Because consciousness is all there is.  And given that he became conscious of infinite love and whatnot he knows its true that everything is a manifestation of love Yada Yada. Very good explanation.  I liked that part and it was very useful because I was puzzled by the same issue and that clarified stuff for me. 

Bravo Leo ?

Edited by Someone here

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@Leo Gura Guaranteed a decent portion of new listeners have resonated with you and are intrigued by your statements.  And have now started down a new path of questioning.   

What is your goal with being interviewed?

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7 minutes ago, AlterEgo said:

@Leo Gura Guaranteed a decent portion of new listeners have resonated with you and are intrigued by your statements.  And have now started down a new path of questioning.   

Well, that's an open question. We'll see about that.

7 minutes ago, AlterEgo said:

What is your goal with being interviewed?

To guide people to Infinite Love.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

To guide people to Infinite Love.


How did Ben and them feel about the whole thing?  

Edited by Matt23

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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@Leo Gura Never underestimate the value in planting seeds. The first time I saw one of your videos I was completely turned off, utterly disgusted, no offense. But somehow what you were talking about just felt too radical not to keep digging into... And I am eternally grateful for YOU that I did. I would not be where I am had I not stumbled into your content. 

 These types of interviews even if not proving very fruitful at the surface, can very well be planting these seeds in others at the depths. Even if they don't look into your teachings more, they may stumble into another spiritual teacher because of what they heard you talking about. I would encourage you to keep going with these every so often. You may find you get better at nailing down effective ways at communicating with those at a lower level. 

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5 minutes ago, Matt23 said:

How did Ben and them feel about the whole thing?

I have no idea. I have not heard anything negative. I assumed Charlie was happy with it. But who knows.

The thing is, his Orange audience will turn on him if he goes too far into Turquoise/mysticism. They will eat him alive. So these types of interview could earn him some backlash. Anyone who associates with my ideas too much will face backlash from normies: "How dare you invite his lunatic to your show! I trusted you."

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura maybe you should just talk about more digestible topics on there? like some orange/green concepts might be useful. in a way that just nudges them slightly to more open-mindedness 

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

My only frustration is not enough time.

I enjoyed the conversation. These kind of conversations are very easy for me. The problem is dumbing it down to a level the audience can follow. Dumbing it down in the right way takes a lot of skill and I still need to get better at that.

we appreciate that so much

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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53 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

 Anyone who associates with my ideas too much will face backlash from normies: "How dare you invite his lunatic to your show! I trusted you."

Now that there breaks my heart.? But Yeah, I feel like a lot of joe Rogans audience would be like "bro! Who is this guy, hes on that other shit!" Its like, how is the world going to improve with people having that kind of attitude. That's why your ideas might be best suited for the education system. To reach the unborn before they turn into morons. But, changing the education system is a whole fucking colossal of a task. The government decides on what to teach, so how do you even begin to rework that system? It's really like punching a brick wall. 

Edited by diamondpenguin

Love life and your Health, INFJ Visionary


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I think Leo did a great job!

And it is not exactly easy topics to discuss either and they go really deep, so deep indeed that lots of normies would get a psychosis ?

I really think that it is great Leo is making an appearance on different open minded podcasts because he is really wise and people will listen, and let the close minded people be close minded it is normal.

I think the first 10 minutes were a bit off but as it progressed it became better and better.

Leo im proud of you! Srsly, being a follower of your channel and work for 2 years now it is really nice to see you evolve.

Keep it up ?

Edited by Adamq8

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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