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Importance of an Elimination Diet

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Very interesting video, I'm pretty new to eating healthy and longevity. I've always had a relatively good diet but now that I'm diving into bodybuilding i've become more conscious of what i've been putting into my body. One of Leos, (guy in the video) biggest key to solving his autoimmune Disease was going through an elimination diet and zoning on what works for him. 

Luckily i'm a healthy person and can digest most foods properly with no issues so my question would be, how would I go about running an elimination diet? For people who do practice style of eating what time frame do you give yourself to test a diet 2-3 weeks or more?

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Interesting. I have never looked into this 

I think I might try. 

Maybe I'll give one month to one diet 

A few weeks looks insufficient. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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You limit the foods for 2-3 weeks. 

Then after that you slowly start reintroducing foods one by one. 

If you get a reaction wait 3 days to try a new food so your tummy can reset. 

Works great if you have these types of problems. 

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