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How to integrate different aspects of self

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I am reading a book by Teal Swan called The Anatomy of Loneliness and she makes the case that "we all have multiple inner personalities; any number of "Inner Twins" and that "these personalities won't usually present themselves as different personalities. Instead they will be more like "states of  being"". 

This reminded me of when Leo mentioned in his video about Holism and Holistic thinking that the discovery of true spirituality is "a healing of divisions and biases and partiality within your own mind. To such a radical extent that eventually your mind becomes completely unified and one. Such that even the division between subject and object, me and you, us and them, get so healed and unified that you merge into the universe and you realize that the whole thing is god"

As I do more of this work ive become more aware of the divisions within my own mind (at least enough to inquire into this subject) and while Teal Swan gives some good advice on integrating and discovering which aspects of yourself you reject and disown within yourself but also those aspects of yourself that help you survive and that give you love. I was wondering if anyone on this forum has went through the process of integrating some aspect of themselves that they previously rejected and integrated it and how that process went for you.

I've particularly been interested in this because some days I will be full of purpose and extremely motivated and literally be on a high from life. And at other times I feel a complete lack of meaning and emptiness/loneliness. It kind of just happens and I usually just watch those emotions, but ive never really inquired into this subject until now. 



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