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Julian gabriel

Jordan Peterson public speaking ability

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Even though he is clearly blind in certain areas I find myself often captivated by Jordan. his passion seemingly is held throughout his speehes and even when he goes off on rants and tangents I hardly ever seem to loose interest. 

if you have some knowledge about public speaking I would be curious to know more about why he is so captivating to me and so many others.

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He's good at narrating his chains of logic.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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So I never knew Jordan Peterson could sing....




sharing off the cuff improvs over the next few hours for fun based on forum questions haha :


Edited by ll Ontology ll

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@ll Ontology ll You are getting better and better and better and better and better with every new song

And it definitely requires a lot of bravery to sing all these AAAAAAAAAAA and AaaaaA and AaAaaaAAAAAaAaAa


Edited by Hulia

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@Hulia haha thanks I linked a reading just before but I didn't realise at first the background noise doing "if" by rudyard kipling for fun

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7 hours ago, Julian gabriel said:

if you have some knowledge about public speaking I would be curious to know more about why he is so captivating to me and so many others.

The first class I took in public speaking started with picking something you know well and love. I picked playing guitar. Then pick something you want to communicate about it. I picked explaining, and it’s unique feature of transposing keys. Then you talk for five minutes about it, then you watch the recording of that. Get started today by giving that a try. It’s not unique. Seems like a big deal until you directly experience it, and over time the big deal fades. 

He’s captivating to you because you want to do what he’s doing, and he’s authentically doing it. He very much believes in what he’s saying and doing. It’s not just for self image and money, so to speak. And he’s very experienced. 



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If you pick something you're passionate about and believe in, that power and love for the subject it just channels on through you. 

The love and passion itself is what should be contagious, but lots of us just catch the ideas. Achoo! 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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He is good at narration 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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If you find yourself constantly having to simplify to obscurity to be understood public speaking may not be for you, if you hate doing so then it definitly would be a steep mountain to climb.

By public speaking in this sense it must be meant a 'monologue' to an audience you have not chosen, JP speaks to an audience which is an extention of himself and can therefore speak with ease to them. He can know where to draw the lines of abstraction by also listening to himself in the act by having a great deal of accumulated sub-conscious predictions on those he speak to beforehand. When on stage he pays close attention to peoples facial expressions, drawing on them to make even better prediction as he goes along.

This gives room for creativity, the subtle information he gathers from the audience that is; makes him far more engaging to listen to. He have spoken about it himself, that he usully only have a general idea of where he may end up at the end of the talk, sometimes even being a little baffled by the progression made from the beginning.

The less of a general apprehension of the audience he have the more simple he begins his speak. If you have a good friend of your own chosing which can understand a fair bit of what you say when you are streching yourself to the immidiate limits, and value those conversations believing public speaking would be anything like that then that must be the finest delusion. I'm sure you do not.

To whichever extent it can be said that the delusion would not be apparent the audience is no longer "public" but an extention of your own choise, in which case there would be a far lesser difference to speaking with this friend. And if it isn't then it is because of 1. the lack of dialogue itself (x being lost in 'translation') or 2. the anciety of crowds.

If you are ancious of how you will perform i believe that is healthy by itself, but if it ruins the quality then that is always where to first improve.

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