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balancing dualities - help

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Ever since I had a 5meodmt breakthrough I feel like my reality vastly changed. I'm not always in that state of consciousness but what's been seen can not be unseen.

And it leaves me with more questions than answers.

I sometimes find myself walking around and looking at other people wondering,

"why am I dreaming up that person" or an event happens to me "why am I dreaming this up".

It's not at a point that's destabilizing but I have not taken any psychedelics again. I can already foresee the potential for destabilization. 

Even as I type this I feel a part of my mind says that this is all a part of the dream. And while I know that to be true (through experience). How do you stabilize this realization? 

I'm convinced if many people experienced what I experience they would be in a mental hospital.

In many ways, my life would be much smoother if I did not have that experience.

I don't regret it, but I do feel this way now. Hopefully one day it goes full circle.

@Leo Gura If you had any thoughts, I'd value that

Edited by herghly

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Perhaps, rather than thinking you are dreaming up people and events, realize that there is no you, from an ultimate perspective. The people and events you experience are just as unreal as you. There is only Consciousness, manifesting itself through infinite forms.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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@herghly it seems like you kinda have that sense now of non-dual awareness and lucidity- similar to when you are a lucid in a dream..  your consciousness expanded from the break through.   Why does being lucid have to be a negative - it's a wonderful meta awareness to have.  If you worry about it then you will anxiety about it.  But if you just let the thoughts go and flow with being in the moment it should allow you to adjust and slip back into duality naturally.   So just relax and be.  Enjoy the ride and everything will fall into place.  Try not to label it as a negative.  If you find yourself meta aware than that's awesome.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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