
Has Leo Experienced the Christian Heaven on Psychedelics?

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13 minutes ago, EntheogenTruthSeeker said:

What was your biggest awakening? Have you ever experienced a heaven like awakening or felt like Jesus or infinite love?

Yes - but I dare not describe it as it was in that moment - because language necessarily distorts and misrepresents.

I find it easy for me to discuss Infinite Love in the abstract (as a representation of the real thing). Particularly, if I observe people limiting Infinite Love in their speech, I am good at using language to gently suggest that there is more. In a way - turning language against language to dismantle the whole charade.

However, regarding raw experience and what I have personally undergone, words must fail.

A silent smile is the most authentic expression of "my biggest awakening" :)

It's Love.

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5 hours ago, Juliano Zn said:

@Leo Gura How can he be conscious forever if God is eternaly playing the game of hide and seek?

Personal identity drops, along with the story, and notions of being separate. There’s nothing else, so where would “you” go? Death is a concept with no reality anyway. If someone dies and knows they’re dead, then no one is dead. If someone dies and doesn’t know they’re dead, then no one is dead.

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10 hours ago, GreenWoods said:

@RendHeaven You mean both permanence and impermanence?

How that? Can you explain?

Why wouldn't it be both?

Notice that "permanence" and "impermanence" are descriptors.

Why would you think that reality could only accept one descriptor at the exclusion of the other?

If you're seriously interested in how exactly reality is, beyond all descriptors - you'll have to let go of "permanence" and "impermanence" altogether, such that neither descriptor is nor is not.

But insofar as the mind has crystalized "permanence" and "impermanence" as being, we find that reality must accept both :)

It's Love.

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19 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


Jesus is a fucking hallucination.

As opposed to? Isn't hallucination = reality? Sounds unnecessarily dismissive 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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On 7-5-2021 at 6:34 PM, Thief King said:

@Leo GuraI thought the ultimate state of consciousness was Mahasamadhi, as you described in the radical experiments with consciousness video. Meaning the ultimate stage would end your body and the universe forever.

How is it possible that you have had total omniscience without crossing the line into Infinite Love? 

@Leo Gura Can you please answer this question, i am really confused about this.

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55 minutes ago, Thief King said:

@Leo Gura Can you please answer this question, i am really confused about this.

I can't explain it to you. These states of consciousness are so radical there is no earthly explanation or way to categorize them.

The only way to understand them is to experience them for yourself.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Have you thought about doing a video where you go over the liabilites, risks, etc of following your path and working with psychidelics?

I see you're getting a lot of pushback here for how you approach psychs, but if you had a video where you laid your entire philosophy on the dangers of psychs, who should and shouldn't do it etc.

Could go a long way to protecting you from any fall out of people who ruin their lives and then try to drag your name down because you are an obvious scapegoat for influencing psychidelic use.

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The only reason why I don't say I am Jesus or God is because it is very easy for it to turn into, my ego is God, and it is easy to misinterpret it that way when speaking to someone.

This is why I think Leo gets a lot of flak for those statements even though I know the -  I - Leo is speaking about is before Ego. It is the same I that IS before my Ego. the classic phrase "I am that I am." 

There is a lot of wisdom in Christianity and Islam for maintaining the separation of Ego and God when writing about it and instead talking about that phenomenon as the Ego surrounding to God or the Son becoming in Union with the Father.

In my experience, Hell is measured by the amount of separation between Ego and God. And the Hellfire, is the suffering you resist Absolute Truth. This became very clear for me on a DMT trip where I was presented to either maintain my Separation or to Unify with the Universe and essentially own all of Me. When you own it all. Demons turn into Angels.

And furthermore, These beings - Jesus, Muhammad, Leo, forum members, angels, demons, Hitler. They are all you. When you see everything as an extension of yourself much like your body, all these separation disappear, there is no hell, You will have a unified Mind and that is exactly what Peace and Heaven is. 


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12 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@Leo Gura Have you thought about doing a video where you go over the liabilites, risks, etc of following your path and working with psychidelics?

I see you're getting a lot of pushback here for how you approach psychs, but if you had a video where you laid your entire philosophy on the dangers of psychs, who should and shouldn't do it etc.

Could go a long way to protecting you from any fall out of people who ruin their lives and then try to drag your name down because you are an obvious scapegoat for influencing psychidelic use.

I am pretty sure Leo has already covered those details in his psychedelics videos. 

The problem with that is everybody is trying to put all of their responsibility on Leo. They would fare better not doing that at all and owning themselves completely. 


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@SgtPepper amen bro! You got so much wisdom it’s unreal. You should DM me and maybe we could chat sometime!

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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52 minutes ago, SgtPepper said:

I am pretty sure Leo has already covered those details in his psychedelics videos. 

The problem with that is everybody is trying to put all of their responsibility on Leo. They would fare better not doing that at all and owning themselves completely. 


@SgtPepper I’m guilty of this but it still needs to be talked about that psychedelics shouldn’t just be recommended to random people on YouTube or forum. It could really ruin someone’s life permanently or lead to suicide. 

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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5 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@Leo Gura Have you thought about doing a video where you go over the liabilites, risks, etc of following your path and working with psychidelics?


My work is not suitable for mentally ill people. I don't not cater to or teach mentally ill people.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 7/5/2021 at 0:29 PM, Leo Gura said:


Show me one God-realized Christian. I've yet to see one.

Your message is more simiar to christianism than any other spiritual tradition. Christiany talks about the inifinite goodness of God, everything is Good/Love, etc; I don´t see this message is that clear in buddhism and hinduism.


Bernadette Roberts I think is the most relevant modern christian mystic.

Edited by RedLine

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21 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


My work is not suitable for mentally ill people. I don't not cater to or teach mentally ill people.

This work unfortunately reaches deeply fucked up people because of all the suffering they went through. I get that you cannot help them or take responsibility for it, and that's pretty bad. Suffering leads to spirituality, and if you don't want to take the responsibility for it (which you shouldn't), I would recommend you advise them/us regularly to use conventional methods for mental health. This of course isn't the perfect solution, but at least it's not a gamble.

Anyway, this is a tricky territory, it can be bad, let's not make it worse. The only reason I don't teach is because I'm not sure I would cause more good than harm. 

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29 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


My work is not suitable for mentally ill people. I don't not cater to or teach mentally ill people.

Leo, just because someone doesn't want to follow your path step to step or take psychedelic, doesn't mean they are mentally ill?

What kind of branding is that?

There are tons of healthy people who follow completely different paths from yours 

Remember Spirituality is ambiguous, and very malleable ,it's not a constant function of a mathematical equation, it's the variable.


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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14 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

Leo, just because someone doesn't want to follow your path step to step or take psychedelic, doesn't mean they are mentally ill?

You have completely misunderstood what I said. Read it again.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You have completely misunderstood what I said. Read it again.

You mean to say that specifically and specifically your path  is not tailored for mentally ill people?

You mean to say that their mental illnesses would get worse if they did what you do?

But shouldn't spirituality be such that it tends to reduce the symptoms and tendencies of mental illnesses or is that a wrong belief?

Because I always thought that psychology and spirituality can be amalgamated to get the best results in life.


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Preety_India I do not teach mentally ill people.

If a person has a mental illness, they should not be following my work.

The things I teach require serious groundedness. Read the disclaimers and warnings in the Forum Guidelines about mental illness.

If you are mentally ill and decide to follow my work, that's on you. I give no promises about whether things will turn out good or bad for you because your mind is unstable and you may easily misconstrue the work.

From the Forum Guidelines:


NOTE: This forum is NOT designed to deal with serious psychiatric issues such as mental disorders, suicidal depression, schizophrenia, psychosis, bipolar disorder, ADHD, drug addiction, and other medical or psychiatric conditions. Leo's videos are not cures for such issues. Leo's videos assume you are psychologically stable and can live a functional life. If you struggle with these basics, if you are suicidal, if you are on serious medications, if you are an addict, you should seek professional help with such issues. Self-help and spirituality are not substitutes for professional treatment for such conditions. No one on this forum is a qualified suicide-prevention expert. If you are seriously suicidal please stop spiritual work and seek professional help.


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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