
Has Leo Experienced the Christian Heaven on Psychedelics?

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@Dodo there are infinite degrees of self-awareness to infinity if infinity is truly infinite

leo's 'previous 129' were lesser degrees of him becoming self-aware that he is infinite


Edited by Regan

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@Regan amen good point. Like is it really the fact that everyone else on the forum is wrong and he is right? 

being god should make you humble and not calling Christians idiots lol no offense leo

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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@Regan Not to mention even if one could be self-aware of every thing, that still overlooks everything unknowable. So yeah the absolute goes beyond even itself. It is ultimately inscrutable, but that's why God-realization has no end point. A true God-realization will seem total every time even though it keeps getting more total, since infinity goes beyond itself, and God understands reality into existence by knowing the unknowable -- so each time it gets more total, it actually is total every time. It's a bit of a paradox.

Edited by The0Self

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7 minutes ago, Regan said:

@Dodo there are infinite degrees of self-awareness to infinity if infinity is truly infinite

leo's 'previous 129' were lesser degrees of him becoming self-aware that he is infinite


Ok but thats still 0% of what is possible from that point of view, I see no progress here. Those with 0 awakenings have the same % covered. I have no idea what you guys mean by this stuff. Seems like a hamsterwheel game to me and Leo is just one buff hamster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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17 minutes ago, Regan said:

it can't be known if it's infinity, that's the point

No, that's your assumption.

17 minutes ago, Regan said:

how could you know where the threshold is?

There is no "threshold." You imagined that.

18 minutes ago, Regan said:

consider for a second that i might be right

I've been where you are. You're wrong.

18 minutes ago, Regan said:

for infinity to exist, it must require an infinite degree of self-awareness

No. Infinity requires nothing.

18 minutes ago, Regan said:

if there was a threshold,

You're imagining this.

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1 minute ago, Dodo said:

Ok but thats still 0% of what is possible from that point of view, I see no progress here. Those with 0 awakenings have the same % covered. I have no idea what you guys mean by this stuff. Seems like a hamsterwheel game to me and Leo is just one buff hamster

Well, ultimately, you're not wrong. We're talking about the infinite, which is beyond consciousness, so yeah there's no end to what can be known, meaning everything is ultimately unknowable (I mean...there's no end, so how could it be?).

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10 minutes ago, EntheogenTruthSeeker said:

being god should make you humble and not calling Christians idiots lol no offense leo

Leo is far more humble than anyone else here.

You're defining "humble" in a way that suits your personal agenda, and then blaming Leo for not conforming to it.

Leo is actually humble. Not humble in the way that you demand of him.

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1 minute ago, RendHeaven said:


You're imagining this.

Isnt we are imagining that we reached end of rabbit hole too? 

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3 minutes ago, The0Self said:

meaning everything is ultimately unknowable (I mean...there's no end, so how could it be?).

*from the perspective of your finite human story

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@RendHeaven good point. Thank you for pointing that out Rend! This work is sooo tricky. I need to have more experiences of the absolute to understand or 5meo

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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when you awake, you become self-aware that the source of being, infinite existence, is everything in the universe

but awakening isn't 0 and 1, you're not either awake or unawake

there are degrees of self-awareness, one awakening you can become self-aware to a ridiculously microscopic degree that you're infinite existence, and the next you can become a microscopically bit greater aware that you're infinite existence compared to the last awakening, and so on infinity

there can't be a threshold if it's infinity

if the universe is truly infinite, as Leo claims, then there must be an infinite degrees of becoming self-aware that you're infinite existence


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5 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

Isnt we are imagining that we reached end of rabbit hole too? 

Insofar as you believe yourself to "be at the end of the rabbit hole" intellectually, yes.

You imagined that, and hence it can be shown otherwise.

When you "find" yourself magically being "the end of the rabbit hole" (as well as being at the beginning, simultaneously) -

there are no longer "buts" "ifs" or "whats," and hence no alternatives.

Edited by RendHeaven

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1 hour ago, RendHeaven said:

:) I've finally understood, Leo. Thank you.

dude you literally said this an hour ago

how do you know i'm wrong if you 'finally understood' by reading Leo's comment

you're deluding yourself


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@Regan Leo already said he experienced Infinity and become infinitely omniscient.  But my question is can he tell the exact working of universe in those states and can bring some useful information back to human state?

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1 minute ago, Regan said:

dude you literally said this an hour ago

how do you know i'm wrong if you 'finally understood' by reading Leo's comment

you're deluding yourself

I "understand" Leo by being (rather than intellectualizing). I am talking about an entire different kind of knowing.

Stay open to the possibility that knowing can arise in your life through different mediums :D 

2 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

But my question is can he tell the exact working of universe in those states and can bring some useful information back to human state?

This is a titanic task. We vastly, vastly, vastly underappreciate the challenge that Leo faces.

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Guys, who fucking cares who's wrong and who's right ?

It doesn't matter at all in this work, only what you directly experience matters.

Everything else is a waste of your time and a distraction.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@machiavelli he can bring back useful information, he already has

but he hasn't reached 'complete God-realization' as he claims, as he couldn't possibly know where the threshold is to know that it's 'complete'

Edited by Regan

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2 hours ago, Dodo said:

I can tell you only that there was a higher level game going on there, nothing to do with me being crazy and in psych ward, it was mystical stuff,  I saw examples of many different situations thar needed balancing and that balance was not that easy to achieve... There were not only forces of darkness there dont get this wrong, I saw first hand how the Good operates quietly wherever there is Evil and we are never alone. The Good is like a woman who aids you slowly to becoming better, not forcing anything. 

You are speaking of a direct experience you had. I’ve had similar things happen. Literally energy healing people in the psych ward with them able to feel it and having strong reactions. It seems like there’s a plan behind these type of events. I’ve shared similar connections with completely sober and sane people as well. Everybody here talks about how conscious they are yet have no experience of the Holy Spirit. I don’t blame them. Not everyone’s heart is as open to it. I had the same mentality of skepticism before I experienced miracles in my own life. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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1 minute ago, Shin said:

It doesn't matter at all in this work, only what you directly experience matters.

You take this for granted now from your vantage point, but even this is not so obvious to certain folks.

"Direct experience" is hard to pin down. And by what right do we say that it is only this that "matters?"

I think this is a helpful discussion :x

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34 minutes ago, Regan said:

@RendHeaven it can't be known if it's infinity, that's the point

how could you know where the threshold is?

consider for a second that i might be right

for infinity to exist, it must require an infinite degree of self-awareness

if there was a threshold, and you could be self-aware of 100% of it as Leo is claiming, then by nature it can't be infinity

You gotta remember that possible and impossible go out the window AS Infinity.  Possible and  impossible or 2nd order.  So Omniscience is prior to that and can't be grasped here.  Reality is an Infinite fractal that goes on forever yes, but that is reality Being itself.  Reality can understand itself entirely because who else would? Reality created itself! :)



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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