
Is it possible to never find ANY girls who perceive you to be their type?

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You are not understanding the game correctly.


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Attraction is emotional, not necessarily logical.

You may say you will never find a gf but who knows, maybe in just the next day you manage to find two interested in you. Love is illogical.

Edited by hyruga

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@Hardkill Learn to love yourself before you expect another to. If you think you'll never find somebody, your right.

Edited by Logan

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On 5/6/2021 at 6:59 PM, Hardkill said:

Even if his game is totally on point? 

Maybe review your techniques, find some opportunities. 

Have you tried no game in mind, just saying hi, chatting, being straightforward? 

If not, maybe try it, and then makes some comparisons between the two approaches.

Also, if you’ve approached ten in a month, but are planning to approach ten per day, make sure you’re not taking the wind out of your own sails by thinking and feeling as if you have already been approaching ten a day. 



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13 hours ago, Nahm said:

Maybe review your techniques, find some opportunities. 

Have you tried no game in mind, just saying hi, chatting, being straightforward? 

If not, maybe try it, and then makes some comparisons between the two approaches.

Also, if you’ve approached ten in a month, but are planning to approach ten per day, make sure you’re not taking the wind out of your own sails by thinking and feeling as if you have already been approaching ten a day. 

Hey !

Straightforward . Always works. :)

There is no reason for PUA but one day kids will learn.All stuck in mind.

Someone seriously cashing in on that.All this stuff=natural.You learn this stuff in teen years and develop it in early 20s.

Edited by Zeroguy

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My husband is NOT my "type" AT ALL - except being the perfect guy for me and an amazing husband.  Married 12 years now and closer than ever.  Best thing I ever did was to NOT be with "my type" (I didn't marry till age 40).  I know other women with the same story.  How'd he land me?  He was determined, patient, and at the same time authentically happy to just be my friend.  My son's father got me the same way.  (P.S. I was in a relationship with someone else when they both started "pursuing" me.)  How'd I land him?  An affirmation I said for a year: "I'm with the perfect man for me, Paul (the guy I was with) or someone better, at the perfect time (which for me was 65, so I had no time pressure B.S.)."  My husband and I met in a community that has a lot of courses on communication, sensuality and relationships, which also helped!! (Lafayette Morehouse)    

On 5/6/2021 at 4:12 PM, RendHeaven said:

It's gonna be ok bro, have faith in the process.

I also agree with RendHeaven.  Once you get happy with the way thing are, stop wanting something (or in this case someone, a partner) so badly, *poof* there it is!  Blessings of trust, patience and miracles!

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On 5/6/2021 at 3:59 PM, Hardkill said:

What if a guy NEVER find any girls to who perceive him to be their type even if he approached millions of girls throughout his own life? Even if his game is totally on point?

No. This will not happen.

Stop making up excuses for not talking to girls.

If you talk to 1000 girls, you'll see dozens of them will be interested in sleeping with you at the very least.

Most girls are not as picky as you think. You just need to get a few of the basics down and at least 10%-20% of girls will start getting attracted. Of course you won't be able to close most of them simply for logistical reasons.

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Women aren't static. They change. Especially in their younger years some have very high standards and then they find out they are getting older and that 10/10 white knight in shining armor is not coming. Or she is fucking with alpha males and find out she is just getting used and if she is smart she will find the pattern of dump and dump. The older they get the more they will settle for a beta provider male. As a guy you should see through this scheme and chose your own destiny: get a good deal by being proactive! 


Edited by StarStruck

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@StarStruck How do you define "beta male provider" Man you can smell redpill dogma a mile away

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@Leo Gura That is making the heavy assumption that you are meeting them through cold approach. Most people meet through common projects, organisations, work, school, social circle etc. The "you will attract but not close" logic does not work there. All the youtube channels only talk about cold approach and not how to get a girl in your school, social club,social circle, etc which would be much more relatable for those that do not really need to cold approach.

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On 5/14/2021 at 7:33 AM, Karmadhi said:

@Leo Gura That is making the heavy assumption that you are meeting them through cold approach. Most people meet through common projects, organisations, work, school, social circle etc. The "you will attract but not close" logic does not work there. All the youtube channels only talk about cold approach and not how to get a girl in your school, social club,social circle, etc which would be much more relatable for those that do not really need to cold approach.

Yeah, I wish there was more information on how to get girls from those non-cold approach environments. lol


On 5/13/2021 at 9:51 PM, Leo Gura said:

No. This will not happen.

Stop making up excuses for not talking to girls.

If you talk to 1000 girls, you'll see dozens of them will be interested in sleeping with you at the very least.

Most girls are not as picky as you think. You just need to get a few of the basics down and at least 10%-20% of girls will start getting attracted. Of course you won't be able to close most of them simply for logistical reasons.


Alright, well that's true with girls who are average or below average in level of attractiveness. Though aren't hot women much pickier than most women because they know that they are the ones that are the highest in demand?

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On 5/14/2021 at 7:33 AM, Karmadhi said:

@Leo Gura That is making the heavy assumption that you are meeting them through cold approach. Most people meet through common projects, organisations, work, school, social circle etc. The "you will attract but not close" logic does not work there. All the youtube channels only talk about cold approach

Because if you can handle cold approach, the rest will be cake.

And also because once you get older and you move cities a few times, you'll realize how much harder it is to meet people in those easy ways. You better learn some hard skills. You can't hope life will always be easy.

1 hour ago, Hardkill said:

Alright, well that's true with girls who are average or below average in level of attractiveness. Though aren't hot women much pickier than most women because they know that they are the ones that are the highest in demand?


You will even attract hotties.

If I showed you pics of the kind of girls I attracted, you would think I'm lying.

If you talk to 1000 girls, you will attract some stunners. But of course stunners are rare so you gotta actually find where they hang out and talk to them. If you never talk to a stunner, you have zero chance of attracting one. The problem with attracting stunners is not that they demand too much, but they are simply not common in the general population. You are never going to find a stunner at your local Walmart.

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49 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

@Leo Gura please do post pics 

In your dreams.

Go find your own girls.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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If y'all actually approach and get laid from it, you'll realize how simple it is. It's silly seeing someone ask for photo evidence. 


Lol, could you imagine: Yo, babe, let me take a pic while I fuck you so I can prove to my friends that I can get laid via cold approach. 


Those intimate pics ain't for sharing ;)

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


 You are never going to find a stunner at your local Walmart.


That doesnt make sense.

Dont they go get groceries like everybody else? Lol

Most hot spectacular Girl i Saw was at my local supermarket on a little town i was living some months ago ?. ( I actually made a topic about It )

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3 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:


That doesnt make sense.

Dont they go get groceries like everybody else? Lol

Most hot spectacular Girl i Saw was at my local supermarket on a little town i was living some months ago ?. ( I actually made a topic about It )

Good comment section.

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Over average/ hot looking women definitely go groceries i guess

Trust me they will if they're into fitness/ sports 


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@AtheisticNonduality Im not from usa. I Guess Walmart is a special weird supermarket where only ugly or old people go? Haha

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@Leo Gura It would be amaizing if you could release your "How to get laid videos", it has been like 4 months now since you promised us them. At least the first one which you said is already recorded. I feel like once those are out the amount of bs on this sub forum (including my own bs) will be reduced dramatically. 

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