Hello all,
If you're reading this fresh, then I recommend you read my previous two posts on my experience with 5-MeO-DMT. As I have discussed in previous posts, 5-MeO-DMT is the only psychedelic I have ever used. My only preparation for usage of this substance has been 1 year of vipassana meditation practice, and careful study of non-duality / psychology texts.
On this occasion, the setting was a quiet morning at home alone. I felt slightly nervous going into this experience today, as my previous experience (second experience) had been so utterly bizarre... nonetheless, I was calm and ready. I queued up some meditation music, and this time I weighed out 23mg of the substance, split into 2 lines, insufflated into each nostril and laid back. Following advice given by other members in the forum, I rested with my head upside down for 10 minutes, gently massaging the substance into my nostril.
This trip was different. My pulse went through the roof and my breathing appeared to come to a stop. I now fully understand why some people experience such a bad trip using this substance; unless you're fully ready to let go and accept your own death (yes, this is really what it feels like), then you may just end up in your own self-constructed, self-perpetuated hell. When people say nothing can prepare you for what you will experience during the "come on", pay no attention. It can be scary, but you have to be mindful that it is simply your ego kicking and screaming as it is pushed out of existence (temporarily). You can prepare for the come on through (in my experience) vipassana meditation. I also recommend reading and contemplating some non-duality texts. I've also found that meditation music can help you get through the "come on" - I find it very effective to turn this off once you're into the full trip (if you can!).
As my pulse shot up, and my breathing appeared to subside, I indeed felt some fear; I also felt slightly nauseated. I could either perpetuate that fear, and enter a world of existential horror, or I could allow it to be; let go of my mind and body - accept my death, so to speak. I went with the latter.
The first stage of this trip, I experienced the same sexual energy that I had in my 16mg trip; I was pure sexual energy. My whole experience was permeated by this state that I can only allude to as orgasm... Although this time around, the state did not endure - I went a level deeper. I realised my true self - the infinite observing consciousness of the entire universe; although, I call this a "semi-breakthrough" experience, as some awareness of my grasping ego remained. I'm sure with a slightly higher dose (30mg) will probably push me that final step further.
None of you would believe the extent to which our egos shape our material existence. Seriously, it's unfathomable. Our true nature is totally empty; it's perfect, blissful & infinite. I spent maybe 10 minutes (although it felt infinitely longer) in this state (mostly), observing the ego and the body flickering in and out of existence. Toward the back end of this experience, I had a number of experiential and intellectual realisations. Our human life is like a "glove" of the universe; a veneer that exists only to be aware of itself. It's hard to explain. Our ego literally throws our sensory perceptions into a navigable matrix of sorts - human life is but a game, and we have infinite possibilities. Our suffering is optional. I experienced this directly.
What we have here guys is a gift. As I came down from the experience, I experienced myself literally "coming down", as if I was being birthed into a new form... My body and breath came back into experience... I felt awareness gently permeating each part of my body, as if I was being "filled up" from nothingness. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced. I opened my eyes and looked at my hand; it was like I had never seen it before. I immediately knew that my purpose here in this life was to do the work of what I know to be god - to experience myself fully - to do subjective good in the world - to help alleviate the suffering of others.
This life is all temporary - don't take it too seriously. There is NOTHING to go after... I say this in an experiential and intellectual sense. The intellectual sense is easy to get, but the experiential sense is difficult - this is what 5-MeO-DMT is truly useful for. When you realise your true nature, your attachments and neuroses' in this human life will begin to crumble - the question is whether you're psychologically mature enough to take this blow.