
Recommend me awakened artists (painters, musicians)

10 posts in this topic

Not your average Jim that took ayahuasca a couple of times and now sells his psychedelic paintings on hippie conventions.

But artists that have had a true, no BS, profound ever lasting awakening, and are often in the service of awakening others.

On top of my head I know Daniel Schmidt, director and creator of the Samadhi, and Inner Worlds Outer Worlds documentary series which are excellent, and he also happens to be a very talented musician who composes all of the music present in his documentaries, and the music is fire.

Edited by Mafortu

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Define awakened. One way of seeing, is the clarity of an artist with a profound connection with being, often beyond understanding the nature of the connection, only channeling it. All true creativity arises from Consciousness.

I love Vincent Van Gogh and Michelangelo, whose works have resonated deeply. More than syrup for the masses, their creations are Conscious art.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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55 minutes ago, fridjonk said:

Naoto Hattori

fantastic art, just my kind of jam, but how do you know he/she is enlightened?

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5 minutes ago, Mafortu said:

but how do you know he/she is enlightened?

I hope you realize the foolishness of such a question in the future. ;) 

Just appreciate what is being created, being enlightened doesn't make you automatically better at art.  

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26 minutes ago, fridjonk said:

I hope you realize the foolishness of such a question in the future. ;) 

Just appreciate what is being created, being enlightened doesn't make you automatically better at art.  

I am not saying it does, I am merely interested in what creations spawn from awakened individuals.

And considering the nature of this forum, either all questions are foolish, or they are not.

You recommended me Naoto Hattori, I am asking why you think she/he fits my criteria. I did a google search and all I find is her/his art, but no bios or anything related to spirituality. 

Edited by Mafortu

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15 minutes ago, Mafortu said:

I did a google search and all I find is her/his art, but no bios or anything related to spirituality. 

A lot of his art shows mushrooms and the dissolution of the human mind, as well as awareness depicted with a bunch of eyes. 

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23 minutes ago, fridjonk said:

A lot of his art shows mushrooms and the dissolution of the human mind, as well as awareness depicted with a bunch of eyes. 

A close friend of mine does art like that as well, but he displays a lot of the characteristics of zen devilry (just like Connor Murphy right now), so maybe Naoto is awakened or maybe not, but just about any moderately talented artist can paint trippy animals with third eyes and colorful mushrooms but that don't mean they are truly awakened. 

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Mooji ?




Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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