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Julian gabriel

semen retention/nofap

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your thoughts on the ancient practice of abstaining from any kind of ejaculation. this video would appeal to both advanced seekers and more casual visitors since nofap is a trend but also it has apparently been used to attain higher consciousness by yogis.

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I was wondering why Leo hasn't made a video about that, because semen retention practice can be found in many men trying to self-improve. However, Leo has a high level of integrity, which he tries to achieve, with every bit of content he releases. Thats also the reason why he can talk so freely and determined about sophisticated topics, precisely because he has integrated his notions so much in his everyday thinking and living, that it is natural for him. He doesnt have to play a role to speak about God, consciousnes and Love. 

When it comes to semen retention however he would gave up this integrity, because as he says in some of his videos and the insight blog, porn is nothing bad for him and he doesnt feel elevated by not cosuming it. So in order to convince anyone of semen retention he would have to play a role, which doesnt happened in highly conscious people. 

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