ll Ontology ll

Open Journal Open Challenges (*** sweet beautiful harmony ***) - Musings

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@Eternal Unity I'm taking this all in Greg, thanks for the shares.



I believe in soul to soul, mind to mind connections. I can't escape the present one I have, albeit obstacles around it. A part of me would will it away but I can't. I've tried. Numerous times. But I gave up a while ago. The more true I am, the more its there, and because truth is where I must go, what choice do I have?

I don't have it in my present relationship but it goes relatively well (mentioned something before but I was super tired when posted so ignore that ha), they were the gaps I was mentioning.

I'm such a protective person in my relationships, but one thing I'm now mastering is putting the energy I want to bring to life first outside of literally everything else. It has to be my sole, primary and foundational weapon for living in life. I feel it really helps me balance my relationships, especially when there's intense connections because they need to be energetically managed otherwise who are you? You lose your identity, you become enmeshed and then both of each others unconscious stuff comes up without any of you knowing what to truly do with it. Things go so much better when you're focusing on the energy you want to bring to existence from the ground up. 

My god if anyone hurt anyone that was close to me I'd destroy them. I have to learn to understand these tendencies as well. To hurt those people, who have good souls otherwise I wouldn't be with them, wow who are you? I'd have to do a lot of introspection not to cause major damage. Again, tendencies I'm bringing under wraps including the sharing of any imagination that goes along with that.

A mild introspection, again just getting some of the raw content out there while minimising the philosophy/related for this month.

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@ll Ontology ll Take your time ?

Maybe this will help...

The Introspective Episode 


"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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@Eternal Unity oh without reservation I consider myself to have more introspective capacities compared to Leo. Just objectively.

I also have other things too to complement my nature, just gotta bring things under wraps that merely have to to do with my natural propensity towards self generated wisdom.

It's just the one month break is all this is ?.

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And that's like... Not a big deal at all obviously.

It's just a phenomenon

Some people may take that the wrong way of course.

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Title: With you there are no gaps, for you are me

This feeling inside of me, has painted visions of the future. Has turned me over and over again, with feelings of both regret and jubilation. Forcing me to confront the weakest ends of my spirit as I try to overcome the denial and embrace the strongest sounds of my soul that also live at those weakest petrified ends. Love is my greatest wound and you have been it’s greatest healer, now love is more and more becoming my highest strength as I learn to use it to continually transmute a darker past without enough sunsets. You wouldn’t know your worth like the sun to the earth, but I feel I cannot tell you anymore, at least not more than moon is to night. Mostly, I have to keep that hidden, like light piercing through a keyhole, you move to the opening and only know enough to make out that there is movement, that quite possibly there is a whole new world filled with desires, fantasies, visions and cares that would overwhelm the deepest and subtlest movements of your being, or, maybe it’s just as the distance appears. A man sweeping an empty room, with the heart stuck underground concerning itself with someone else. This knowledge has corrupted you so isn’t it safer that I tell you through the connection I feel instead? These words like the stars in the night you will never visit, a glimpse into possibility, a dream of the unknown. They shine every night, even through our darkest hours, but still as you look up at these words as stars you can never make out their full depths, eyes lost in the trance of mystery. Sometimes I have to hide them so you don’t take them for granted, other times I have to give a glimpse into the truth by painting a supernova for a brief second, but the truth remains the same, for now my heart remains secretly locked in a chest filled with only you, for this knowledge was never right for you yet, for you were still learning how to love yourself enough to believe you could receive them, which is why we must also have this distance. For I myself cannot go on through the passing days not knowing how to control this energy that I’ve never before experienced in my life, initially as you know it was like burning embers I felt compelled to fight with, other times the coldness of my own projections. Forces which you wouldn’t be able to dream the full depths of, with colours and characters that I shall not describe. Did you know that you may have became someone that I would die for? But the answer to this will remain unknown. From dusk to day, nothing will be told of what lives inside this cave. Peering through a hole, nothing here but a man sweeping like a slave. Cleaning and clearing all of my heart out, so that nothing else remains. It is not important for me to tell you who you are, let us pretend the time is not right because is that not true? There is still much to process in this... Star night. Tonight I look up at the stars and turn them into you, so that I can see through my own lies that held me to, dreaming only of my own individuality without you. Keep it a secret from yourself that you don’t know who this is about and may the world keep it a secret with you and from you outside of peering through that keyhole, for to know the full truth is to find the end of my cave that not even I have fully revealed to myself. First they revealed visions of the future, and now all pages at the edge of every book of time within. And so as darkness is to me, lightness is to you, two sides, sitting on opposite sides of life, rotating around a flame I shall not yet reveal the full truth of I now always look after within me.



Edited by ll Ontology ll

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Energy —> Vision —-> Strategy —-> Create

  • what energy do you want to create?
  • what’s your highest vision for that creation?
  • whats your best strategy plus best alternative routes for that accomplishment?
  • what’s your strategy for staying on track in the execution phase? Best results feedback loop?

Most people forget the first step. Don’t. It’s the most important and is the foundation to the development of so many other capacities.

The world does not exist to me. I live from pure intentionality and only from that point on does it exist and it exists from the reference frame of that energetic intentionality, everything else changes and moulds itself around this centre point. This will be one of your highest achievements.


Edited by ll Ontology ll

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@ll Ontology ll youre doing great with the concepts of energy vision strategy create. I'm into something similar.

Thumbs up guy.

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Just crushing every day. Feeling fucking sweet. Working on so many awesome projects get barely any time to breath. Keep on yours.

— ps shoulder/s healed, benching 100kg all good now, Sophie makes fun of me saying I’m going to bust my shoulders again (but I’m all good haha fucking dominate that shit).

She’s a good sport (she knows about everything here as well)

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Just to add to the post just previous to finish off a massive week:

I’d feel guilty otherwise. She’s a very smart woman so she gets these things, more than that though she’s very mature, she’s also helped skyrocket my own relationship intelligence. Not that my own relationship intelligence was poor, its actually very good, she’s just wow, she’s the other side to my bluntness and dominance in life so she’s helped me see many different sides to things I didn’t see before. On the former men who aren’t sapiosexuals are either stupid or a little too narcissistic. And its so funny as well because I can recall many times where I would stroke my own ego about how perceptive I am. Don’t get me wrong I add a lot to our conversations but she does have me beat I’m not going to lie on important areas when it comes relationships, I handle things better in other important areas though haha. Though yeah, I had clear ignorance on certain things that I don’t anymore, take jealousy as one thing, yeah I don’t get it anymore, but now I would be a hypocrite if I got annoyed that she or anyone else got jealous. It’s like she went into my brain with a sewing needle, yes she’s a knitter by the way haha, and just stitched certain things up for me and now the myelin in my brain is communicating with the rest of my mind a lot better concerning various relationship situations. I’m in admiration for how she’s handled all the details in this situation, if the situations were reversed I’d be testing my simulation capacities as it concerns discerning if in reality I would have done any better. In all honesty, I believe she’s handled this with more wisdom than what I could have but I’ve also learned a tremendous amount from her here. All in all its the kind of wisdom that I now aim to embody in all of my relationships, as well as of course try and one up her haha.

Just for the record, she doesn’t have a higher IQ than me. Again, I think that’s extremely important for everyone to realise, but then again not many people would so lucky I guess. Putting it to maximal use (yes, yes about nonsense IQ discussions, well my creativity is also off the charts so there’s that, something that I capitalise on week in and week out so its not just a thought in my brain I actually create results). Purely stated out of the humour of doing so, still the objective truth though haha. Taking the piss is an aspect of Australian humour :P .

We made it clear from the beginning that we would be transparent about everything, we even make humour about different things sometimes, including about the timeline of our relationship. Like we both know we’re not going to be together forever and she knows about my intentions to that end, even in the short term. We get each other though, we’re not insecure about anything on that front. I’ve already made it clear to her that regardless as to whether or not we’re in a relationship I’ll still be there for her. When you have that trust with someone, where is the insecurity? Short note, thank you Sophie again for stitching my heart up. My mother was borderline, plus I didn’t have the safety either of another parental figure that could mature important aspects of myself that I’ve now taken to a completely new level in part thanks to Sophe. I love both of my parents dearly however including my step mother, with strong boundaries on the subjects that matter to have boundaries on. It’s not about calling pain pain forever (i.e. how they did x or y), you’ve got to be the consciousness that grows from all of your experiences regardless, the capacity to discern relationship from self enough that you can augment your consciousness experience beyond your history, where your memories are more made of lessons than they are anything else much less any perceived pain of the past. Pain in many ways is perspectivism on a holiday because the capacity to do so implies that you’re engaging the higher order regions of your mind and connection to being to extend your experience of consciousness beyond the periphery of the biases of experiences themselves. The tainted lenses are recoloured for your capacity to recolour, your ability to be an artist, poetry, wise person and scientist simultaneously. And once you’ve done that process of discernment you’re able to merge relationship and self again, its when there’s underlying problems within self that symbiotic consciousness becomes a problem. Don’t feel guilty for your problems either, if you’ve got an understanding partner, as long as you’re willing to be vulnerable and they’ve got the experience, intelligence and empathy that openness can even be a catalyst for symbiosis. Just be careful there of course, make trust your foundation and vet through people well for their true abilities there, see how they interact with others, get to the truth of who they are, who they were, who they want to be and who they want to become not just how they interact with you. The better someone understands themselves in relationship to both time and the timeless is one rule of thumb to follow. Someones relationship to time is a direct correlate to their demonstrated ability to profit form experience, hence why Sophe is better than me at relationships :P (only in certain areas as stated, constant learning from one another of course). That is very important wisdom I just shared there so I’d take that seriously. To the former we have an operational feedback loop with what I’d refer to as geometrical time (i.e. past, present future —— there’s the quality of autobiographical of both resonance and detachment that I think is important as well, the former referring to a healthy attachment and the latter a healthy version of that too) and to the latter we’d have the flexibility and openness of consciousness or rather, the lack of inflexibility and closedness to the present moment. Sophe has called me a robot regarding the former statement, haha don’t worry I’m a sentient one :P .

That concludes a week well dominated though, now taking her away for the long weekend (leaving a little early so we can make the most of the Friday and Sunday more)- a little pricey.

We’re pretty much just friends who fuck each other senseless, we’re not in love, but we have fun — not a player type, I mean, I’ve slept with enough women to realise that doing that thing is just totally overrated and I don’t fucking trust those player cunts anyhow most of them are such weasels trust me they just got conformity backing them because we have plenty of scum circling the same ideological parasitical shit hole of inauthenticity towards women, honestly dudes grow a set of balls and just put your heart on the line and then learn from your experiences, rinse and repeat not difficult don’t listen to losers who tell you to not face things as clearly as possible to then become as strong as you possibly can. Don’t follow people who look like they live empty lives and treat people in empty ways, especially if they’re confident about it because then you’ll more likely be roped in especially if you’re young.

It’s much better to build true long term bonds with people and just skip all the short termer’s—— how else can you learn to fuck them like no other person can? I take my knowledge of a woman’s sexuality and just everything very seriously, for maximum intimacy. The way she talks, walks, the words she uses, the intonations between words, the different expressions for various situations both the hidden and less hidden. If you really want to attract a woman that’s similar in that regard, that wants that level of intimacy, how do you think you’re going to do it by not always bringing your true self forward at all times? Straight men, to be particular, don’t try to fit the mould of a woman, you’re meant to fit your own mould and learn from your experiences eventually bumping into a woman that speaks your vibe and level. More importantly fucking aside you just build memories that feel better to look back on and learn from with a sense of healthy sentimentality.

So that’s companionative love we share not romantic love and she doesn’t get upset about my lack of commitment for the latter because she understands me very well so I’m very lucky there. I feel like I could switch on romantic love if I really wanted to because there are certain moments I hold back and certain moments where I can feel my being asking the question and leaning into it however two things, its not natural to do it in any way other than natural and two it still wouldn’t be right with what I’ve said in the past and where I still plan on taking things into the future, my heart is elsewhere but I also take my promises very seriously, regardless, through thick and thin. My loyalty is as strong as the sun is to the Earth, in my early years I considered myself naive, now that its paired with experience its now become something that makes me wiser as I extend my intelligence there to my highest end. If my heart is wrong which I don’t think it is, we’ll probably stay together unless she wants to go which I don’t think will happen, but if my heart is right, we’ll still be good friends as I’m very protective of her. I’ve thought about polyamory as well but that’s still a few months away from happening if it does happen just because my social dynamics need smoothening out more still (hehe). If my hearts wrong, I’ll go polyamory because that’ll do it for me (meaning all over) with the whole true love thing, if its right, well I’m negotiable. Quite literally if the true love thing doesn’t work, which I think it will don’t get me wrong though we still need some time apart there, I’m just going to go full superhero mode from thereon out in my life haha, I pretty much already am but then it’d just be the next level of that —— not going to give a lot of elaboration on that naturally.

Enjoy your weekend, whoever is in your life treat them well, pay attention to them, get to know them as intimately as possible if you haven’t already or be creative and extend how much more intimately you could get to know them. I wish you all well in your relationships, they’re not always easy but they’re 10X easier when you have the right partners, don’t take your time on this planet for granted. Everyone that has a relationship with you wouldn’t want you to, the ones that are true want to see you smile, they want to understand what makes you tick, they want to make you happy, be that person for them, have a conscious relationship that is extended by the creative intelligence of both of you. And if they don’t honestly you need to be checking your self esteem if you’re hanging around them for more than five minutes. You want true people in your life for to the degree that you don’t you won’t be able to truly make the most of your life. Basic logic and far better sex. So share your experiences as richly as possible, create times that are worth generating wisdom from as you look back on them in the future, appreciate and be grateful for your time as much as possible and that’s one way of doing it as well when you reflect back.

Overall I’m filled with just so much more well being these days now, I’ve always been motivated but now my motivation is much lighter, plus its great to get back into the weights feels fantastic to be able to rely on my shoulders again haha my home gym has been going to waste. Here’s to a great weekend, keep this place intelligent and creative while I’m gone (clearly I’m the best reflection of that haha)!

P.S - I’ve got improvisational/titled speeches/talks coming up next month (coordinating my workload there still), so feel free to list any subjects of the universe you want me to tackle, literally anything is fine I’m quite capable of talking on any subject. Even if I don’t know a lot about it initially I’m pretty good at downloading information into my brain and forming my own creative abstractions from there.

And a fucking badass gif, forgot that.



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Commencing 4 hour trip back home together.

The whole time away and now... Romantic love for Samskara only.

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A reflection on commitment over the last few minutes:

In this solitary instance, how can I, one man in the social dynamics in which I am possessed, simultaneously live in the devotion of expectations while free in my enlightenment while still making sense of my reality, as any good man should do?

To what end should I give way beyond limits I know others would not comprehend or feel in reality anyway, to what end by the same token should I extend myself beyond the limits that others would be able to appreciate? Is it not true, that this inner potentiality is something that I am afforded with understanding beyond the bounds of reason and emotion and within reason and emotion simultaneously anyhow as if awareness was never the primary subject?

There is the dominance of my standing, this much is so as others feel the weight of my presence and my actions, but how much further should I invent beyond common reference frames of time concerning my own independence without consultation? There are my promises to loved ones and then there is the continuous extensionality of my own force of will and the will of my consciousness into bounds and levels I am still seeking to comprehend and make amends to, as promises, in light of my comprehending the will of their forces and so they exist as memories of augmentation, reminders of what is possible. Where do these promises split? My heart is telling me that I must be careful of living a double life. The life that others can comprehend and the life that I must live beyond comprehension even to myself as it reflects the greater stretch into the unknown that I must submit myself to, including too, my commitment to loved ones.

This world that I invent before me, who does it protect? Who does it need to protect? Why is protection necessary and when is it not necessary in light of my own life purpose (if not fully at least in part)?

To break free from all of it, who does not need to feel this solitude, but to know home so truly and deeply, who does not find even greater solitude in this? What home am I to build, what home am I to protect and why? What existential choices will I make and how will those choices split with my social commitment out of fairness and in honour that my care is true?

As I reflect inside of my inner world, I can see the inner mirrors inside creating my identity and the multiplicity of forces that share their designs, but still, there is something that exists even deeper that in comparison they're mere shadows on a wall from figures known because of a more pressing light.

Beneath all of it, in this solitary instance, there is this great dominant devotion to an obvious surrender to heroism that may one day come at odds to my social commitments, and I will have to make a choice.

To stand by the needless, to live for the needy, not be broken by those that bring death and to challenge to the highest levels the greatest that the universe asks for me to battle against, all the while maintaining social integrity all the way down. What compromises should we be making here versus what absolutes should we be drawing so that we can ensure the greatest is what is being accomplished beyond the comparably unambitious?

Staring through a million mirrors, powering through in silence and ultimality (new word) without disgrace nor too much pride that my truthfulness is gluttonous nor blind from the liberality of further originality that I can accomplish at all levels. Attention to detail in perception while moving swiftly from slowness to not miss any greater resurrection so that I see and am both there for what needs to be created in this universe as it needs to be created towards not only the next ascension but to pay respect for where things are as they are for that is where they are at that moment.

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Just being an annoying genius - full freestyle whatever comes out:

What are the limits of this descriptive interplay with the architectures of the mind that call a toad a toad, reality, reality?

My father, your barren hardness, your innocent arrogance, your playful dominant social organisation, your loving distance, these paradoxes interweave to establish your original nature that does not go without error in its naturality.

My mother, parts of my mind block out which means what does this form of dissociative amnesia say about my automatic neural impulses? Cut from the vine of primary prosperous action? But still, I go on. Your lavishness, attentional memory, righteous foolhardy commitments born from disconnected time, your incredible meals delicately spilt on the yelling plates with jumping forks, resonant charm felt by the smoothness of your followers, friendships that gave circumference to your choice in elegance. 

Beings of the universe, never before have I conceptualised them correctly in this sense (as beings), and I the duplicity to that, rising from the grave of my awareness to be self aware enough that I too am a part of their life reference frame, especially too, the descriptive balance of our existence, that humble triad, devoid of any description so far of any one else in the universe. So what good is it for, the rearranging of my neural map momentarily, my imaginary fucktard map.

I have never had a fucktard. I have fucked in a tub though.

They fucked and here I fucking am. (Didn’t they all for us heh? And this is what we’re fucking doing with our time though heh? Ha.)

I say that with some associational parental spite, feel the emotions brewing ladies and gentlemen, much love with mixed emotions still humbly processing, because it’s just so pathetic that others will put a condom on when they’re trying to categorise reality. “Oh but it’s just a mental construct”, yes I already know that dweeb, let’s stop wasting time please, yes please hand the serviette so I can wipe my girlfriends cum from my face (truly wish it was a certain someone else’s though, at the very least both but if I had a choice you’d know who I’d choose).

Honestly what is the utility in saying anything at all, like ever? Don’t give me Nietzsche or Pavlov though please, I’m a human dog just licking the neural bell here give me a fucking break. I fucked Nietzsche in a bathtub, one of those don’t ask don’t tell situations, no not Frederick Mariah you numb nuts.

Anyhow and here I am, monitoring my psychology with a magnifying glass and a telescope to the heavens, triggered by underlying emotions relating to permanent objects in my consciousness my mind connects with the connotations of now totally on the fly here without a filter parent, love, hate, joy, penis, where did you go? Did you ever love me? I want to know the reason why. Don’t look at me like a character in a film as that’s humiliating I’m a real person give me some fucking dignity, but if you’re offering, I’ll be the star in yours for the right price.

Thoughts from the immediacy of the subconscious, totally irrational, stilted by rationality, the organisational principle that makes us assign anything as anything. 

Go fuck yourself. 

(Don’t take it personally, I’m simultaneously a psychologist psychoanalysing my automatic associations).

So this descriptive interplay, the mind can go in any direction it wants, feel the latency and foreignness to proximity with its valuation of any object of consciousness, don’t react automatically to it, play with it, see what can be created, see what is automatically created, don’t hold onto the seat belt and put it on at the same time. 

So what do I do to you? Should I not hold you to the same standard in my knowingness? With what other lenses though will I do so and what will be born from this organisation? Won’t I suddenly understand where you are both friend and foe, and therefore in the existential sense won’t I become more of a threat to the degree of your understanding here? 

All of this for what and out of what? What are you all doing here anyway? 

Why do this for me? Why should I do any of this for you? To get to truth, just communicate it, don’t try to pretend. Just fucking love. Or hate. Make it real though, don’t lie to me because I’ll know it. Don’t try to put me in a state either, because I see a thousand ways through and beyond that as well. I can also just be here. And fuck. The keyboard. And be like water. Mariah said hi and Frederick is dead, otherwise I plan on living until I can create my own dysonsphere.

To finish, as I have greater social motivational intent right now, remember the impetus to this is the consolation prize you take away from this other than enjoying my linguistic prowess, which is to explore your mind, world and it’s phantoms of permanence, with a little more lightness the universe can open up to you, even for just a moment, a butterfly that looks like my only one true beloved through the cracks of heavy wooden doors of judgement, bias and stubbornness and into the enchanted forest of your childlike starlit imagination of the early days which is what brings most of you here journaling in the first place. To remember when you were a child, what lit that spark, and maybe how when you got older you could turn that spark into a fire that could help you and maybe others as well change the world relative to your vision of Mariah fucking me in a bathtub, wait no, just Fredericks secret porn videos with Ivan (Pavlov). They did it in psychic space right. Then I was born, hence why I’m doing a Freud because Freud is pretty much the mixture of them both when you think of what you get out of combining philosophy and behaviourism from the perspective of psychology, right? Of course. But going off track here...

Now go fucking rock it! Prince of Troy soon to be king of a land no one has imagined like I. At the bottom of my heart, I truly believe in you and that original spark.

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Something a little more functional compared to the previous post but hey we gotta let those rip every now and then:

Time stacking, a simple invention post my previous comment in my profile history. Ode to False Joy on that note (concerning the Forum) though sometimes you never know what you’ll find in that dragon cave, honestly hardly any dragons there clearly we need more fire more like a bunch of old women who accidentally cooked the television remote on the frying pan thinking it was bacon. Putting that aside time to cut the chase otherwise let’s hope my humour isn’t wasted on rats here #black-plague is pure conspiracy my mum was a survivor (so she knows); there's discrimination which is totally abhorrent and then discrimination between when I'm sharing my sense of humour and when I'm merely hiding behind humour to secretly reveal a deeper truth about myself.

I just realised how poor my calendar based autobiographical memory was, and to me it’s a little embarrassing considering how much I pride myself in other areas concerning my cognitive abilities, I still have my dignity there though ha, with murderous memoric (second new word for my third journal entry of the day--- spoiling everyone here obviously) intent. Some people have superior autobiographical memory, so that’s cool to try and emulate but I’ve come up with something a little different. 

All it involves is comparing any day you’re focusing on with the exact same day a year before, merging them and then designing insight from that mergence. You could effectively merge as many as you want simultaneously from any period but I like this rule of thumb for myself travelling back as far as I can so I actively make an effort to grow my hippocampus. 

It's existentially relevant for me to ponder the question why the hell am I even living this particular day out with my free will if I can't with my free will go back a year before and remember how I lived that day out, and too all the way back to my birth. I am totally estranged from this idea of living like a sim like automaton like the majority of the populous and to me one way of avoiding that is through this kind of abstract time synthesis that allows me to generate wisdom that leads to direct alternate behavioural routes. I mean wow, I am utterly shocked at my own ignorance, this is societal anosognosia honestly as it concerns literally almost no one doing this. We take our weaknesses for granted so much when instead we should be diligently cognitively interfacing with our global strengths and weaknesses of cultures across the planet and learning to transpose what we learn there into direct implementable lessons. If I don't have sight on not only what happened but a system of understanding pertaining to those experiences including a direct numerical relationship aka this calendar work, my ability to relationally organise my own temporal experience is just so much more limited. 

In general I don't see my autobiographical memory as bad at all, I wouldn't know how good it was compared to the population average but for my own purposes its severely below my own standards now in light of the abstract benefits I've discovered here. It broadens spatial reference frames for the psyche that organises itself in the moment and ones gaze at the future in light of the changes one wishes to implement becomes not only much more integrated but more honest with the true directionality of the inner self.

Time stacking is the foundation to advancing what I've denoted very basically as the PC-H-R relationship, that is the relational feedback loop that can be optimised between the prefrontal cortex (PC) and the autobiographical memory (H = hippocampus) in order to derive self-wisdom via reflection. It's totally preliminary to any premise for beginning existence to me now and yet I've instead been reading the Christian bible for my sole way of life, I mean obviously right. How the fuck am I going to be the Dark Lord emperor of the known universe if I haven't first mastered the cognitive basics that most humans have totally overlooked? And I'm only half joking there, at present I'm still on the good side but in life you've gotta have shades of grey, especially if I want my fucking dysonsphere, gonna need to organise a lotta slaves to build me that.

Wisdom as well truly needs its own organisational system of thought in terms of how we represent it in the mind, there needs to be some directionality with our movement towards the future and we can do this much in the same way that we implement intelligent processes for doing anything but in our case it relies on us moving intelligently towards some vision. Vision denotes objective, objective denotes criteria and criteria denotes rules of accomplishment and or engagement which are reflective of any wisdom we would follow to achieve our desired ends there. Wisdom is thus circumstantial, wise to our era of vision is a novel way of thinking about this, to see yourself on the railroad track of a unique path is literally the way it needs to be conceptualised for it to be done accurately, the realisation that the worlds wisdom is meaningless if it doesn't accompany the completion of your vision; the best visions of course are created by something like the best wisdom for lack of a better way of describing it, though no body has done this for some reason. The human species is almost entirely unsophisticated this is just something you'll have to come to terms with if you want to generate a truly honest path that is as a consequence to that a revolutionary one as at least to me everyone's path should be. This starts with a revolutionary act in consciousness and to me time stacking should be considered a rudimentary normal act of consciousness we do everyday to serve as a standard function for how we organise and reorient ourselves within our finite perception of time. Don't get me wrong I'm going to find this very difficult to begin with but I've made several discoveries on the subject of breaking through ego barriers and just the minds organisation in general that I'm going to be writing about in the future which will at the very least confirm anyone else's similar thoughts or even perhaps, thoughts that they could even advance themselves if they were so inclined.

But honestly what the fuck, I still gotta take this up a notch though right now its past 2am so laters. 

Edited by ll Ontology ll

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Mini Conversation


Greg: I AM

The Spirit of the Christ: Welcome, Greg.

Greg: Where am I?

The Spirit of the Christ: In the kingdom of heaven.

Greg: Who are you?

The Spirit of the Christ: The most radiant one.

Greg: Jesus?

The Spirit of the Christ: I was known by that name for a time during my life on earth.

Greg: Where are you now?

The Spirit of the Christ: Everywhere.

Greg: Are you God?

The Spirit of the Christ: God is a word.

Greg: Are you a higher being? A higher consciousness?

The Spirit of the Christ: Higher than what?

Greg: Higher than me, I suppose.

The Spirit of the Christ: How high are you?

Greg: Pretty low. At least, I imagine so.

The Spirit of the Christ: We all spring from the same source. The Creator. So you're equal to me.

Greg: Are you a man?

The Spirit of the Christ: I am Son of Man. A man among men.

Greg: As am I.

The Spirit of the Christ: Of course.

Greg: You died.

The Spirit of the Christ: Yes.

Greg: You came back.

The Spirit of the Christ: Yes.

Greg: Why?

The Spirit of the Christ: I chose to.

Greg: Does it hurt? Dying?

The Spirit of the Christ: Quicker than falling asleep.

"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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@Eternal Unity fucking love these man. 


Abstract insight in relation time stacking (conceptual invention elaborated on above):

  • I want there to be as much connection between the domains of memory as possible so that there is a maximisation of reality reformatting. One example involves the simultaneous representation of the activity on planet earth with any one autobiographical experience we re-expose ourselves to through our subjective lens. There is a natural overlay, transposition and relationship that unfolds between that multiplicity. I think people already trying do this with the ever present now, they project a universe beyond them they've experienced in their imagination, now I'm just coming up with creative ways to do that in as many useful ways as possible to build both the brain and the minds relationship with its perceived reality. Imagination is the frontier to reality not just the limits, I get annoyed by undervaluation of reality just as much as overvaluation. It automatically happens when we reflect on experience outside of autobiographical memory (AM), AM often times gets updated or at least gets recoloured, gets slightly improved specs when we advance, refresh, improve or alter our informational compass for how to think about reality and the mental phenomena that exist within that frame which governs the thoughts that inevitably link to the behaviours that will follow within and from us (meaning when I'm imagining anything in the past I'm simultaneously re-experiencing that with imagining the whole of reality that I know of among any other useful variation I come up with there, aka +/- 100 to however many years). This follows from a CPA (CONTRAST = PERSPECTIVE = ACTION) formula I came up with a while ago I'll talk about later, in this case, the utilisation of the mind from the perspective of its highest relationships with time to generate as much creative awareness as possible. The "now" is purely dogma for me, I want the most advanced way I can experience it while falling back into the timelessness of experience simultaneously, as I've spoken about above regarding the balance between timelessness and time, the latter here being the creative exploration of the dimensionality of that. Dimensionality is going to be a theme I'll bring up again next month when I get a little more philosophical, this shit an't philosophy for me just perception and it's organisation. One day I'll have my fucking dysonsphere.
Edited by ll Ontology ll

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@ll Ontology ll I have like 25 much longer ones. Cool, brother!

"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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The following is a short section of a conversation that took place in Pardesia, Israel on February 3rd, 2011.

Taken from my personal Journal.




Gregory Margolis


The Galactic Traveller.



Gregory Margolis:


1.     Name - Gregory Margolis.

2.     Date of Birth – January 28th, 1988.

3.     Place of Birth – Riga, Latvia, USSR.


The Galactic Traveler:


1.     Name – Unknown.

2.     Date Of Birth – Unknown.

3.     Place Of Birth - Unknown.


I was looking at the object that the person who identified himself as The Galactic Traveler just gave me.

The Galactic Traveler: “It’s yours, Sir. Thank you for lending me The Compass. I found it most useful.

Gregory Margolis: “I gave you this?”

The stranger took his water jug and gulped what was left in one sip. It appeared like he had made quite a journey to get here.

Traveler: “Yes.”

Greg: “After you were shot in the back and I wandered out of the forest to patch you up…”

Traveler: “That’s right!"

Greg: “And why don’t I remember, well…any of this?”

Traveler: “Because it hasn’t happened yet”

I burst out laughing.

Greg: “I’m not sure what you expect me to tell you, Galactic Traveler.”

Traveler: “I expect you to tell me how to move through Time & Space at Super Luminal speed.”

Greg: “That is very privileged information. Why would I share it with you?”

Traveler: “Because you told me there is something very important I have to do once I’ll have this ability.”


Traveler: “And because… I’m you leader.”

Greg: “You’re my leader?”

Traveler: “That’s what you told me”

Greg: “Look, I certainly don’t want to contradict myself, but we have a specific process for selecting our leadership and it starts at a very young age.”

The man looked to be in his fifties. Prior to this encounter, I have never seen him nor have I known about a galactic traveler of any sort.

Traveler: “All right, what year is it right now?”

Intrigued, I answered.

Greg: “It’s 2011”

The Traveler was struck with awe.

“Are you okay, my friend?” I asked, smiling.

Traveler: “Yes, Sir!”

Greg: “Drop the ‘Sir’, Greg is fine. I haven’t been in the army since the previous November.”

Traveler: “Greg, on May 2nd, 2024. Thirteen years from now, that’s the day I’m born. Soroka Hospital, Beer Sheva. Yes, right here in Israel. I suggest you come and visit me.”


"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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Brief dropping by. Will be a good comment to begin next month.

Polyamory: I made a promise to myself that post a certain life unfoldment I’d just go with my idea of having relationships with women all around the world that I visit periodically or something that just works for us. Bonus for the women in the same country of course. I love women and relationships what can I say.

Have spoken about it with girlfriend in past now will bring up again over weekend.


===== Will be hierarchically organising a strict list I’ll be selecting women on ====

Based on my experiences and relative to my own relationship style it’ll operate according to the following order:

1. Their emotional blueprint

(so vital when you take both the short and long term into account)

2. Their cognition

3. Their attractiveness 

Edited by ll Ontology ll

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