
How to open myself up?

8 posts in this topic

I realized that I am my most authentic self in two cases -

1. when I'm (madly) in love,

2. and when I have just enough drinks (not too much).

Then I just don't care how I am percieved, I enjoy myself and life and I am able to communicate with new people without being too nervious. And most importantly, I am able to express myself in a way that is true to my authentic self. 

When I am in love or had a few drinks, that's when this "caged self" gets released and I feel this is how my true self is supposed to look like (minus self doubt, feelings of incompetence, etc)

How do I bring my true self out without having to depend on these extrernal things?

Has anyone else been in my position? Does meditation help?


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Been there. Not fun.

Self-judgement. That's the cage. Inquire.

It was so in my case, at least.

Releasing a journey on its own. But it can be done. And its awesome.

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Both makes you go beyond the mind.

One is what you truly are.

Meditation is the key.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@somegirl Meditation. Find a spot. Sit quietly and simply just wait... in calm observation of anything without interacting with it, you will see your true self emerge beneath & slowly above any experiences outside the raw sensation of your life force. 

Starts out annoying but then don't get surprised if you get addicted to that raw sensation beyond the noise of the world :D 

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Having the desire to open up is enough, let life flow, it will give you what you need. You're already open, that's your very nature, it's just aligning actions and feelings with that. Listening more to intuition, less to what you think you're expected to do. Journaling helps a lot I find. Often gets you to that same feeling of being in love without having a someone to be your excuse for it. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Meditation will help to a degree. I recommend contemplation as well. Watch Leo’s vids on it.

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On 5/4/2021 at 2:10 PM, somegirl said:

How do I bring my true self out without having to depend on these extrernal things?

Has anyone else been in my position? Does meditation help?


Practice! Put yourself out there, go out of your way to meet new people either in groups or individually. Join a Toastmasters group (public speaking), or do something on stage.

I’m a trauma-informed inspirationalist for artists and creatives. Follow me on Instagram.


I also have a meditation available that teaches you how to connect to your heart:


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Short term solution: deep breathing mediation. Before going into a social situation, take very deep breaths until you feel a strong sensation in your brain. Takes about 5-10 minutes. You’ll get that drunk feeling and won’t give a shit about what anyone thinks about you. I’ve done this before approaching girls and they can’t believe how care free and relaxed I am during the interaction.

Long term solutions:


Shadow Work

Self-Love practices

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