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How to cope with repeated failure?

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<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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Take a step back and reevaluate your goals? Maybe you are heading down the wrong road and need to go back to the last known intersection, whatever that means for you. It is not cowardly to go back to drawing board but it is unwise to pursue a goal that may not necessarily be achievable even if the original idea and the vision were powerful. 

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In my experience there's no such thing as failure that's just an invention by the schooling system. The only possible failure is giving up and people only give up on things they don't really care about and only do for stupid reasons like fame, money, status or recognition. If you catch yourself starting a bunch of new things all the time and never finishing them and quitting on them consider the possibility that you don't really want to do them and are only doing them for the wrong reasons. If so take Leo's life purpose course and see where it leads you.

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Change what don't work until something works.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Leo has fairly recent video on his blog about requisite variety, in the context of dealing with his health problems. You may have already seen it but I found it pretty valuable.

Keep trying things and remember that progress isn’t linear. Expect plateaus.

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