
why leo so negative about his viewers

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10 hours ago, Terell Kirby said:

Consciousness work makes you more authentic. You stop caring about accommodating preferences of other people if it means hiding your authentic self.

Those who have taken the work and Leo's insights seriously have also seen the change you are referring to, but can also relate to and better understand where the change comes from. It has happened with me as well.

3 hours ago, Shin said:

Leo is being more positive actually.

He smiles more, is more inclusive of people's interests and worldview (in his videos).

On the forum too, even if it is more subtle there, cause he likes to do crude and in your face comments.

@TheSomeBody Look at older videos, where he was literally angry at us (5 things you really want), this doesn't happen anymore, also in older videos he was way more arrogant, like WAY MORE (don't know how much as staged but still) xD

1 hour ago, Lyubov said:

cause he comes from gamer culture when it comes to the internet 

1 hour ago, Raptorsin7 said:

I bet within a few years his personality/character will be much more loving.

I think he has to act a certain way too because of business and his dependence on

If he came out here like Matt Khan who knows what kind of effect that would have on his business. I wouldn't be surprised to see him take some time off and step away from for a bit and then come with a completely transformed personality.

18 minutes ago, CultivateLove said:

I personally love Leo's style, the more authentic the better. 

If he started sugar-coating his message as to not trigger some snowflakes, I'd start to lose interest. 

I believe it's in his best interest to be as authentic to himself so he can actually attract the type of people who resonate with his style, instead of putting on a mask to "grow his channel".

15 minutes ago, EddieEddie1995 said:


I agree. And its gonna be a good combination with the short clips YT channel. 

He is communicating in a more simplistic way  with very interesting examples and metaphors. I love it! 

Leo covered all the topics/infrastructures for selfactualization. Now he is just connecting evrything from different perspectives so we can see a clearer bigger picture. I got it! Its Love! huw hue ??


i dont talking about sugar coating , just the way he is talking about stuff that he could do better, i am just pointing it out, not much of a big deal , if he cares about his channel he should seek out this kind of comments

3 hours ago, sda said:

@TheSomeBody Leo answers this in this video:


it is not even this , he sometimes nasty just because he used to it 





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12 hours ago, TheSomeBody said:

i remember in the beginning leo was really nice and smiling

Haha, it has been a long time ago then.


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It's hard to speak about this without triggering anyone :D

It's nice that you brought it up tho. I think many people noticed it. It's something I've been dealing with aswell personally. It's like even if try to say something positive it comes out with an old pattern of violent volition, violent vibration. You just can't help it. And then this violent vibration triggers others who have that similar vasana and then it multiplies.

Important thing is not what you say but your state of consciousness from which you speak. What kind of vibration do you emanate makes all the difference. Leo speaks big truths on a conceptual level but from energetic level it's a very low vibration of conflict and ego and criticism usually. And that always breeds only more conflict unfortunately. With all due respect I don't mean to offend in any way ? just a constructive observation I made. Something to reflect upon for many ?

Regards :) ?

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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I have never liked politeness. It's fake and it lulls you into buying bullshit.

Gurus say polite things to you and you get intoxicated with their sweetness.

If I was sweeter it would just make you bigger sheep.

I should kill a basket of puppies on live stream once a year so you guys don't start thinking I'm too great.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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When you doze off while meditating, Leo comes and beats you with his bamboo stick and then you wake up. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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A challenge for a true teacher involves being tough and ruthless and that's the only thing you can do to certain people to straighten them up. 

Using the softball approach can sometimes backfire with certain teachers. It also causes in developing codependency and being brainwashed, some thing that real life cult leaders do. 

Leo is not a  cult leader 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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58 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

It's hard to speak about this without triggering anyone :D

It's nice that you brought it up tho. I think many people noticed it. It's something I've been dealing with aswell personally. It's like even if try to say something positive it comes out with an old pattern of violent volition, violent vibration. You just can't help it. And then this violent vibration triggers others who have that similar vasana and then it multiplies.

Important thing is not what you say but your state of consciousness from which you speak. What kind of vibration do you emanate makes all the difference. Leo speaks big truths on a conceptual level but from energetic level it's a very low vibration of conflict and ego and criticism usually. And that always breeds only more conflict unfortunately. With all due respect I don't mean to offend in any way ? just a constructive observation I made. Something to reflect upon for many ?

Regards :) ?

Very accurate. 

50 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I should kill a basket of puppies on live stream once a year so you guys don't start thinking I'm too great.


"The journey never ends, the point of arrival is always now." 

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In my humble opinion Leo is exceedingly patient and kind. He deals with more fools in a day than many teachers deal with in a lifetime. I imagine it's only the distance provided by cyberspace and his ability to functionality turn the fools off at will that keeps him from just retiring to a remote retreat for years. Thousands of people ask him the same ignorant questions over and over while all kinds of naysayers, trolls, and grifters use him for their selfish egoic fulfillment. He said in that survival video not long ago that people thanking and praising him was counterproductive for his ego dissolution. Well, all the abuse and nonsense he endures must then be quite beneficial to the opposite effect so at least there is that benefit. He displays great tolerance for dumbassery, and I admire and pity him at the same time for this.

Leo is kind because as an agent of Truth he has the integrity to not bullshit us... much, lol. He is one of the most blatantly honest and forthright nondual teachers I've encountered. It takes balls to openly make the claims he makes on such a scale on a public platform. Many a teacher wouldn't do it at all and if they did they would purposely hide behind cryptic riddles, half truths, and pay walls that could weed out many of the fools. is the gift that keeps on freely giving and so many are so ungrateful for it. 

Anyone that thinks Leo is "mean" or somesuch just needs to grow up, but then to facilitate that is his intention. I just wish he could reach through the screen and hit like half his audience with a stick :)

Edited by Ryan R
Ryan need git words write fixed as is not are.

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People gravitate to the teachers who echo their own sentiments about themselves I guess. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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59 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

When you doze off while meditating, Leo comes and beats you with his bamboo stick and then you wake up. 


This is actually a very accurate representation of how I process Leo’s sternness with others on the forum. Like a hard zen master just doing his job.

It can make me feel empathetically hurt or uncomfortable when he speaks harshly to others on here, or to his audience in the videos. I try to use that as an opportunity to check my ego attachments/neediness and see the love in his communication.

I do think it can be a barrier for people (myself included, occasionally) who are sensitive and insecure and hoping to find some warm, validating, feminine(?) communication here. Which, of course, Leo does sometimes engage in. I’ve seen him be very kind and emotionally generous, and I assume he makes an intuitive judgement of how he communicates with others on a case-by-case basis.

I make a point to tread carefully on here, communicate as thoughtfully as I can and, like, not waste Leo’s time haha. Even though he can be a dick, the forum itself and all his free content is a massive expression of love and real kindness. Personally, I find his teachings too important and well-formulated for my sensitivity to be a dealbreaker.

Edited by Matt Skinner

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@Leo Gura it's not about politeness :D Your volition in everything that you say carries a deep rooted pattern of aggressiveness and anger in it. This volition will not bear positive fruit for you or others even if you say all the right things. Unless you start functioning from higher state of consciousness of peace and harmony, everything you do will be destructive. I'm sure everybody knows and heard it 1000s times but still many fall into the same trap over and over again :D

You still have a long way to go bro to rise your baseline consciousness and take away those deep rooted vasanas if you care about making a positive impact on the world. 

The language of god is vibration, not the concepts. ?

Sorry if this hits the nerve ? :D But reflect on it ?

Good luck ? :)

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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31 minutes ago, Matt Skinner said:

and see the love in his communication.

He could just communicate that. He has a masculine way of saying it. Probably originates from the conditioning you get as a man. 


Leo is from Las Vegas that culture. Of course it is possible to lure people with honey with tact. And still say the maybe more difficult message. That works much better. Every mother probably knows.

Edited by TheDao

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The actual reason is that he engaged too much of his time in the L-Mode of his mind. He values intellectualism to such a high degree that he engages in it to the detriment of his spiritual development.  L-Mode is "Left Brain", and R-Mode is "Right Brain".




Leo's life purpose is centered around the "Left Brain" Functions, and I would speculate he remains in that mode for most of the day. It leads to judgement, division, arrogance, separation. You can take as much psychedelics as you want, if this will be your general mode of being you will remain such. This is primarily habitual and not about personality, however personality probably created a bias towards seeking out one mode of being over the other. You can see the consequences of residing in that Mode often when Leo is talking on this forum, or on camera.


If you want to evolve spiritually in an embodied way, you have to ensure that you remain in the R-Mode for most of the day. If you spend 8 hours every day intellectualizing and being L-Mode, you will never reach the level of Holistic experience as someone who for example has his life purpose centered around an activity that is R-Mode. Much of meditation is about simply residing in R-Mode, as deeply as possible.

The intellectual will have no other choice but to pump himself full of psychedelics, but even that will only get him so far in terms of embodiment.


From what I know Leo is not interested in embodiment, but I think because so many people here lean towards specific personality traits that he does aswell, which is the case for me even too, viewing him as an example for us to follow can be detrimental to us especially if our goal is embodiment. The depths of development you can achieve by structuring your life around residing in R-Mode as much as possible, especially if you have an L-Mode tendency, are staggering.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

I have never liked politeness. It's fake and it lulls you into buying bullshit.

Gurus say polite things to you and you get intoxicated with their sweetness.

If I was sweeter it would just make you bigger sheep.

I should kill a basket of puppies on live stream once a year so you guys don't start thinking I'm too great.

Why are some people banned or warned for being rude on this forum, Gesundheit for example or some others, if it´s not an issue for you?

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"You catch more flies with honey".. No? "Stupidity" or above average "I.Q" are difficult metrics to assume by the mere posting of a comment. is (to me at least) a business model first and and foremost. Perhaps, it's time (Leo) to cease playing the Joker (A. Watts). Your 'genuineness' in relation to 'helping people' is not quite as transparent as you'd portray it to be. Nor have you taken full control of that ego - despite ego-death through DMT and it's subsequent variants. My IQ (according to MENSA) is only 116. But, that's plenty to know what sort of bill-of-goods I'm being sold. With that in mind, the phrase: 'who are you kidding' comes to mind. Having said this, I believe your heart to be in the right place - despite your American based hard-sell tactics. Rounding-off your burrs - softening your messages (i think) would elevate you to a far larger YT audience. Your Income/wealth will only be multiplied by such an adaption.

Edited by Stewart James

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1 hour ago, TheDao said:

Of course it is possible to lure people with honey with tact. And still say the maybe more difficult message. That works much better. Every mother probably knows.

I pretty much agree, yeah. Definitely a lot of masculine communication. He seems to scare off some people who could benefit greatly from this stuff but, out of ignorance, ask what he considers to be obtuse questions or are just very stubborn in their worldview, etc. If they were given a little more benefit of the doubt, perhaps they would stick around longer and be able to grow with the community.

I think Leo’s just not interested in tailoring his vibes to members on here, for better or for worse. And I think (hope) he sees a purpose in this prickly communication, and is not doing it reactively/unconsciously. I really can’t imagine that being the case, but maybe I drank the kool-aid, idk ??

Edited by Matt Skinner

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I have never liked politeness. It's fake and it lulls you into buying bullshit.

Gurus say polite things to you and you get intoxicated with their sweetness.

If I was sweeter it would just make you bigger sheep.

I should kill a basket of puppies on live stream once a year so you guys don't start thinking I'm too great.

I can see that with regards to making people here bigger sheeps, but the reason is because you don't challenge them, not necessarily something to do with being generally polite. Take a look at Scholar's posts.

1 hour ago, Scholar said:

The actual reason is that he engaged too much of his time in the L-Mode of his mind. He values intellectualism to such a high degree that he engages in it to the detriment of his spiritual development.  L-Mode is "Left Brain", and R-Mode is "Right Brain".




Leo's life purpose is centered around the "Left Brain" Functions, and I would speculate he remains in that mode for most of the day. It leads to judgement, division, arrogance, separation. You can take as much psychedelics as you want, if this will be your general mode of being you will remain such. This is primarily habitual and not about personality, however personality probably created a bias towards seeking out one mode of being over the other. You can see the consequences of residing in that Mode often when Leo is talking on this forum, or on camera.


If you want to evolve spiritually in an embodied way, you have to ensure that you remain in the R-Mode for most of the day. If you spend 8 hours every day intellectualizing and being L-Mode, you will never reach the level of Holistic experience as someone who for example has his life purpose centered around an activity that is R-Mode. Much of meditation is about simply residing in R-Mode, as deeply as possible.

The intellectual will have no other choice but to pump himself full of psychedelics, but even that will only get him so far in terms of embodiment.


From what I know Leo is not interested in embodiment, but I think because so many people here lean towards specific personality traits that he does aswell, which is the case for me even too, viewing him as an example for us to follow can be detrimental to us especially if our goal is embodiment. The depths of development you can achieve by structuring your life around residing in R-Mode as much as possible, especially if you have an L-Mode tendency, are staggering.

this one is interesting

Edited by ilja

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1 hour ago, Hulia said:

Why are some people banned or warned for being rude on this forum, Gesundheit for example or some others, if it´s not an issue for you?

People here get banned for way more than impoliteness.

He was spreading misinformation.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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