
Deleting Facebook And Never Coming Back

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I have in the past months been contemplating leaving Facebook and never coming back.

It is just a huge waste of time for me. Every time I log in - 100x a day - and check what people are up to, I get feelings of being "not good enough", lonely, less than others and isolated.

Also, I observe that within the 6  years I have been on that shit, it has not been worth it at all. It was just a distraction from looking inward and building a real life. 

But I guess I am also afraid of potentially negative consequences of leaving. What will they think of me? That one really gets to me. 

How can I muster the courage to leave? I really want to, but the fear of judgement is just so strong in me. I have never really been good at making rash decisions, but I know it is right for me to leave this time.

Any advice/feedback would be appreciated.

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Do it. I did it 6 months ago and I seriously do not miss it one bit. You can keep messenger but get rid of the page if you wish to stay in touch with people.    Facebook creates the illusion of connection. It's completely false and is not a replacement for actual relationships with people. It's also a massive distraction and time suck.  Research has shown that the more time people spend on Facebook and social media in general the more narcissistic they are.   I ended up hating it so much and unfollowing so many people because their posts were so irritating that it was the best decision.

Edited by Xpansion

Wisdom is settling in and experiencing reality in the moment.

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Just do it. (Literally) 

Your life will be much, much better after you will delete your facebook account. Even better, delete all social media accounts. Trust me, I am talking from experience.

Edited by Mr Lenny

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