
Proserpina's Journal

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New start

Focusing on healing again.

+ 1 hour healing (AR)

10/20 hrs




Edited by Leo Gura


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Top 10 values









Self actualization



Top 5 values





Self actualization


Top 3

Optimism/Positivity/Hope (Healing)

Beauty (Being)

Self actualization (Right action)

Edited by Proserpina


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What you want to create in life based on that? 

Have some idea?

Calmness,Helpful and Caring.

Do research what carrier and business might suit this .Pen and paper make plan and go do it.Right now!

Take responsability ,that brings actual empowerment.

You yourself have and will do it.No need for anyone,really.

Want any spiritual insight I will give it to you.No need for seeking please go create your life be thrilled.

Also whom ever you are listening Leo,This guy whoever it's their shit.You got to find your own.

Go do it.

Who will live and experience your life other then you?!

Wanna end up as this spiritual clones ?

Do the oposite of that survival stuff you wrote it will crush all fears you have and it will bring real authenticity.

Edited by Zeroguy

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My results are 100% Persuading and 71% Organizing .Da Boss.

Take it see results and orginize life in regarding to  that do not listen any opinion.Including mine.

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Me sheet (from life purpose course):


Life purpose:

To live in and to be beauty itself. To bring peace and beauty into others' lives.


Domain of mastery:



Zone of genius: 

Self love



One on one



1. Peace of mind/tranquility/ calm

2. Playfulness/ spontaneity

3. Self actualization

4. Love

5. Beauty

6. Optimism/ positivity/ hope

7. Passion/ enthusiasm

8. Fun

9. Consciousness

10. Expression



1.Humanity,  Love

2. Justice,  Fairness

3. Temperance,  Forgiveness

4. Transcendence,  Spirituality

5. Transcendence,  Gratitude


Top 5 goals: 

1. Health

2. Enlightenment

3. Mysticism

4. Self actualization

5. Emotional mastery




Edited by Proserpina


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4 hours ago, Proserpina said:

My invisible skill set that has an impact but I can't say how or why.  People don't care.  My bf doesn't care.

Are you willing to share more? 

It's Love.

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@Proserpina That sounds like a serious gift.

I'm sorry nobody else is honoring it :(

Everyone else is busy focusing on themselves - can you bring yourself to forgive them for that?

It's Love.

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18 minutes ago, Proserpina said:

I still need to lick my wounds in isolation at some point. 

Remember to lick with Self-Love-_-

It's Love.

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1 hour ago, Proserpina said:

I sound so crazy lol

I mean if you read my journal I basically wrote that I've suffered my whole life because that is exactly what I deeply desired - to bask in the beautiful richness of my own suffering.

Now that's crazy!

But not "crazy" in any bad way.

It's all perspective. Each perspective ought to be honored and validated for the sheer fact that it is existing -

Let's gently pet that dismissive voice that gaslights us into invalidating our own experiences - as though it were a rebellious, grumpy little kitten or puppy - until it is re-contextualized into its natural state of playful joy.

Crazy & proud ^.^


It's Love.

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So over the previous year:

- Made contact with a species of Being. Frequently communicate through sexual metaphor. Playful, sexual,  spiritual advanced.  

- Made contact with reptilian beings.  Highly masculine. Hive like, 'Legion'. Demanding. Indirectly take control of host's body. Demanding perfect function,  improvement so as to thrive in hosts body. Immoral.  Sexual prostitution.


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So love yourself first fully. Start with your body. 

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First set of beings: 


Playful, charismatic, humorous, loving, spiritually advanced


Could see a very real result of a turquoise society: Beings would glow with self love.


Communicate frequently through sexual metaphor humorously


Lots of roles and archetypes are unlocked within you as a result of conversing


Many intentions.  One of them being to clear the energy in the collective


Function mostly the same as reptilian, only less obvious.  They also wish to improve the disposition of the host. Ultimate accountability partner


Mothman like energy at times.  Flashing possible future events and disasters

Edited by Proserpina


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3 hours ago, Proserpina said:

Give me 5 ways that you practice this in your life on a daily or weekly basis please.  

Sorry, I know you weren't asking me, but - I think just giving yourself some attention and noticing what's going on inside you energetically and emotionally is a very loving thing to do for yourself:

Drop your attention into your body. Notice where you might be feeling tightness and tension, and allow those areas of your body to relax and breathe. If you notice certain feelings starting to arise as you do so, that's fine - just keep allowing your body to breathe, let those feelings arise.


Edited by RickyFitts

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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2 hours ago, Proserpina said:

 I suffer from self hatred due to abuse and disability. 

I'm so sorry to hear that, my love, I can't imagine how difficult that must be for you :( I do understand about self-hatred, though, that's something I've struggled with for much of my life, too - I think all most of us really want is love, and so to feel fundamentally unworthy of love is painful beyond words. 

3 hours ago, Proserpina said:

I do think though that one of my last lessons is self love, to turn my gaze toward the whole of me. 

Yes, I completely agree :) Self-love is complete self-acceptance I think, and that includes all the anger, hatred, sorrow, despair, etc., that may be lurking within us. Easy enough in theory, rather more tricky in practice - we build up so much resistance to these feelings. So we have to make that resistance conscious first, and allow it to release.

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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1 hour ago, Proserpina said:

Exactly. And so blaming yourself in a way feels more self empowering than to surrender to the fact that some parts of your genetics are unlikeable (autism, poor communication etc) as it assumes you're doing something wrong. And you can -stop- doing it anytime.   

I don't find autism and difficulty communicating unlikeable qualities - if anything, I think they make you all the more worthy of love and compassion, because it must be so difficult to live with those conditions.?

1 hour ago, Proserpina said:

I agree.  I think it's also seeing your infinite nature.  Realizing that you are so much more than any label you can give yourself and that you are Beautiful beyond belief. 

Exactly, beautifully said ???

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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Going from lower to higher density

The absolute perspective Leo shared immediately released (some of) my bondages around my disabilities and difficulties and 'excuses'.

Which is really doing the work so the above can be true. 

The Absolute truth ultimately wins out in the long term as the person moves up in density as the bondages are cut. 

 Here Abraham Hicks talks about it: 

'I heard Abe talk to a counselor for parents of autistic children in the San Antonion 2006 workshop, and Abe said that when/if the parents got "happy" with what-is with their other words, let go of all the Resistance, and all the attempts to "help" them get "normal," the parents would begin to see the condition change!!!!!! (A huge example of "allowing," rather than "pushing against.")'


AH had described those with autism as beast like (lower density) and naturally connected to source.  My ambition is to move from beast like (lower density) to human like (higher density) even if it means giving up that natural connection

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You know by how you feel.  The relief

the bond around your neck that others tell you to either accept or scratch and tear at your skin until it comes off. It just drops off in a process of relief


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A technique for self love I know and do simply for enjoyment:

Think of the most beautiful thing you can think of. For me it's the universe or reality itself but it can be anything.  Then transfer to your finite self.  The more mentally flexible and open-minded you are the easier it will be to transfer, absorb and create an association over time. 

Another technique for self love: 

Go through a constant, daily process of purification to where a part of you has being perception mastered.  Visualize a being with being perception and have them turn their gaze on you.  You'll be filled with self love.


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@Proserpina Definitely going to try those suggestions, thanks so much for sharing :) 

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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