
Proserpina's Journal

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Joseph describes it here.  You have to involve the body, the finite on the path.  Particularly the spinal cord and the head.  The meeting of the masculine (the infinite) and the feminine (the finite). 


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Note to self: no fear of conflict and challenges lead to a hyper sober life.  

Edited by Proserpina


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Let me try to describe the heavenly realms.....

I was aligned with well being, health and rest. 

I was seeing what is always here.  

What is always here became so wrapped up in my focus,  it came to life and started speaking

Body feels loved. Radiating positive energy influencing my perceptions. 

Easily in the vibrational vacinity. Believable visions. 

Rather than be at the mercy of the Beings I was steadfast in rest and silence until Goodness rose up. It was not a Goodness tainted by unrest and depressive states. If it did I would have returned to rest in Being. Being was no. 1. 



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The right attitude is significant. Beauty has to be no. 1. Right attitude corrects trauma. Unwounds the feeling of being twisted up.  


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Note to self: Meditate,  alone,  without stimulation of any kind to reverse trauma and correct attitude.  Raising consciousness. 

Medication causes me to be profoundly numb but creation or consciousness is still there.

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"Not sure if this counts but:

I downloaded a message to the collective about a message of Love. Many people on the planet were absent of Love at the time. I downloaded it into the collective by demonstration and with the help of higher beings.  I had a strange energy wrapped around my entire body. Not long after there was the first wave of ascenscion of the planet, as I felt a group of people and myself enter into a very very deep peace for several days.  I kept downloading it until the energy shifted entirely, a second ascension occured with a second deep peace and the energy around my body ceased. Weirdly not long after the video about Love from Leo came out.

With the strange energy came strange understanding, premonition and knowing. And I used it to assist the planet because I could feel many people were depressed, selfish and angry. "


I was in alignment with God at the time that this occurred and during my first heavenly experience. Now,  not so much. All planets were aligned within me and I had conviction. Had never properly met my demons so I was free and had no fear.  Now I am full of fear, trauma and pain.  

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Value, what I have to contribute: 

1. Alignment with God

2. Service to self

3. Experience

4. Self-love

5. Silence


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Nevermind. I'm definitely service to self, according to @Loba 's writings. 

I only really supported the collective because it impacted my level of consciousness and all the investment I had put into myself.  

I do what I want and lack interest in others. 

That would explain my fascination with self-love, loving the body and self investment.  It's polarisation that I'm looking for. 

At my best,  I am purposefully separate, avoidant and silent.  I love myself and seek to raise my level of consciousness. I am 'recieving' and indulgent.

I hold onto freedom obstinately. I never let the entities have their way with me and refused to serve blindly. 

I must of polarised for a time and then unpolarized. 

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Polarisation is correlated with the heavenly realms.  Non polarisation with the hell realms.  Gifting and polarisation and alignment with God leads to the realms at all. If you don't sustain the polarisation and alignment with God you can become 'lost'. 

The darkworker polarisation is what I call 'God'

The lightworker polarization is what I call 'Love'  

Alignment with God is also what I call 'Love' in some contexts. And 'God' unpolarization. 

"The feminine approach exists for a reason as well. The divine masculine naturally embodies the aspect of GOD. The divine feminine the aspect of (feminine) LOVE and HEART.  Both need to be honored. "

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Realm of God is alignment with God, polarization. 

Realm of voices is the back and forth between the alignment with God,  polarization until finally choosing your destiny and reaching the realm of God. 

When I first started I was aligned with God and polarised, releasing spiritual gifts from an awakening on Weed. Then that gradually faded. 


"The realm of voices humbles you.  You know nothing. 

The realm of God lifts you up.  


The realm of voices works on baseline. All your demons are aired. 

The realm of God is a peak experience.


The realm of voices forces you to learn through no teaching.  Sink or swim. Character building. 

The realm of God teaches you directly.  


The realm of voices is the heroes journey. 

The realm of God has no striving. 


The realm of voices is meat for an adult. 

The realm of God is milk for a child. And also the land of milk and honey."

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I love how vibrant consciousness is in 'object form'. The world of objects is like a world of roses. I'm spoiled every moment I'm alive simply by being alive.  

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Long siesta.  A life time siesta. 

The treatment order is here to stay.  Stage Orange. Sigh. 

I'm not allowed to breathe or grow in this society.

Are mystics supposed to be perfect straight out of the womb?

I'll focus on my alignment with God and polarization during my long siesta. 

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Hello? (Hello? Hello? Hello?)

Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me
Is there anyone home?
Come on now
I hear you're feeling down
Well I can ease your pain
Get you on your feet again
I'll need some information first
Just the basic facts
Can you show me where it hurts?

There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying
When I was a child I had a fever
My hands felt just like two balloons
Now I've got that feeling once again
I can't explain you would not understand
This is not how I am
I have become comfortably numb

I have become comfortably numb

Okay (okay, okay, okay)
Just a little pinprick
There'll be no more, ah
But you may feel a little sick
Can you stand up?
I do believe it's working, good
That'll keep you going through the show
Come on it's time to go

There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship, smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying
When I was a child
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown
The dream is gone
I have become comfortably numb


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I'm not stalking anyone. I'm tired of being called a stalker. I just wish to be left alone in peace to work in my journals. That's all I want. I'm feeling distressed because of these meaningless  accusations. I feel paranoid. They want something against me. I'm not stalking this dude. I have no intention to stalk anyone. I can write about a dragon. I can write about anything, whatever I want. If they misinterpreted my writing, it's not my fault. They take personally whatever I write and then call me stalker. It's unfair. They have no evidence of stalking. Next time they should provide evidence. Not past stuff. 

Done venting. Please support me whenever someone calls me stalker. I Generally keep to myself. People know me. 



Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Preety_India I'm sorry *hugs*. I'll support you.  One of the people in question has been extremely cruel to me in the past when I was in a vulnerable state. The other has consistently made me uncomfortable on purpose.  I know some of these people, I've been on the forum for a very long time and put my heart and soul into it. You don't seem like the kind of person they describe.  Seems like projection.

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@Proserpina exactly. I'm sorry for your experience. Hugs you back. You're a beautiful person and I need wonderful people like you in my life. It helps my energy. Thank you for creating a supportive environment for me. It means a lot. I usually act normal in supportive environments. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Cleaning up what I wrote.  

1. There are two energies.  Polarization. 

2. Spirituality and philosophy influence these energies subconsciously within the psyche of humanity.  

3. Illusion, the feminine, is as vital as service to self. 

4. 'God' - Service to self.  'Love' - illusion (infinity of Gods) service to other

5. Some have to come forth to remind humanity of its value (which is what happened during the ascension or downloading of the message of Love to humanity). Just as service to self is valuable.

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Service to Self awakens more and more to God through the body.   Recieving service. 

Service to other awakens more and more to God through service and illusion. 

This guy is service to self. He explains really well in one of his videos how he awakens to God through recieving service from the feminine. There is this 'image' that is his religion. And the feminine supplies him with it. Or something. 


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Service to self videos (to grasp the energy):

Service to other: 

Service to Self sucks in, consumes,  indulges, savours. Grimes is Service to self.  

Service to other is expansive, uplifting and giving.  Maynard is Service to other. 

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