
Proserpina's Journal

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To clarify: when I speak of the relative I mean ordinary existence (which could also be thought of as the Absolute from another perspective).


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There’s a masculine and feminine way of thinking about the relative vs. the absolute.   The feminine thinks of relative in terms of body (extension) and the masculine thinks of relative in terms of mind (ideas).  The feminine sees the relative in terms of finite being in the sense you being the you you are pursuant to your own little life and idiosyncratic opinions and prejudices.  In contrast, the masculine tends to think of the relative in terms of ideas.  The relative is reduced to relative truth for the masculine — who prefers ideas over being.  Being is feminine.  So masculine relativity is a different animal than feminine relativity in this scheme.  The masculine absolute is mental, conceptual, judging.  The feminine absolute is being in your pedestrian little life and all the relations that your system maintains.There’s a masculine and feminine way of thinking about the relative vs. the absolute.   The feminine thinks of relative in terms of body (extension) and the masculine thinks of relative in terms of mind (ideas).  The feminine sees the relative in terms of finite being in the sense you being the you you are pursuant to your own little life and idiosyncratic opinions and prejudices.  In contrast, the masculine tends to think of the relative in terms of ideas.  The relative is reduced to relative truth for the masculine — who prefers ideas over being.  Being is feminine.  So masculine relativity is a different animal than feminine relativity in this scheme.  The masculine absolute is mental, conceptual, judging.  The feminine absolute is the being of the group, community, or network of beings as a whole.

- Joseph Maynor

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What is 'love of truth'

  • Its a deep appreciation. A part of you is always at the top of that emotional scale.
  • I can bring it to the forefront and turn it on and off but it's always in the background. 
  • Its a recognition of the truth even if you don't know cognitively what that truth is.
  • Also connected to your conscience.
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53 minutes ago, Proserpina said:
  • Also connected to your conscience.

This is huge for me, yeah, and it depends on how open our hearts are, it seems to me - in our hearts we know the difference between right and wrong.  The problem for a lot of people is that they've learnt to harden their hearts, and so they've lost their connection to the truth.

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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@RickyFitts Yeah,  it's huge for me too. 

I remember when the collective was in some sort of need and my love of truth 'activated' being dragged around by my conscience. Its like I had no personal will of my own.  Because I value truth and a clear conscience so much if that is put in serious jeopardy I'll bend over backwards to fix it.  Even if I look the fool.  

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Notable Posts from my second mystical experience on forum (In order): 

"I've noticed a pattern where at some point in your purification journey people begin to interpret you as entitled and arrogant. That could be due to many reasons. It may be the case here. Something is going on as a collective in this community. I don't think it's negative. "

"Angels hold you in the highest regard (because you are God). That's bound to have an impact."

"I admire your heart. You have a beautiful heart. 

I remember you helping me when I was really down and out a few years ago. "

"Your masculine approach is cool but right now it's not going to get through to anyone when they feel devalued and unsafe. The feminine approach exists for a reason as well. The divine masculine naturally embodies the aspect of GOD. The divine feminine the aspect of (feminine) LOVE and HEART.  Both need to be honored. "

"Why treat someone that way?"

"I suppose I regard 'insanity' to be closer to meeting an extremely foreign and unknown object within your consciousness that happens to be a closer fit to the divine. Along with some other things. To me, what people term 'insanity' in our culture looks more like what people think is sanity (the finite, ego self) taken to a more extreme degree. Although the two can crisscross and look similar but are different at a fundamental level. "

"Just some criticism. You need to work on recognizing your divinity a little more. It's impacting your interactions with others and the energy you are emitting. If you keep following on the path of love (your strength) this will all sort itself."

" I love you <3"

"I don't know if anyone noticed but some supernatural stuff just went down. Its over now though. (I think)"

"Mhm. On the forum. There were higher beings/channeling of the divine. "

" I know I spoke up about the things I spoke up about because everything was guiding me to. Perhaps it was the same for Lento. All I know, now that I'm out of trance (sort of), was that there were higher beings influencing events. "

"Sorry I misunderstood. I always get confused after leaving a trance/channeling. I assume others witnessed it consciously. "

"The divine was using this community to download a message to the collective."

"The trance was similar to a mother seeing her child being endangered. She'll move heaven and earth to protect her child. The embodiment/realization due to events/preferences was always within her, she just needed a reason for it to activate."

"Someone please read what I wrote before this ship goes down."

"Its exodus"

"More like your heart drags you. I'm half unconscious before I decide to act on my heart."



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Notable posts from first Mystical experience on forum (In order) (I deleted most of my posts, most notable posts are in PMs I have saved which I don't have access to right now):

"Nothing, I'm procrastinating by playing naive."

"I can't put it into words. I just sense that I'm procrastinating and I thought I might as well be honest."

"Mhm. I can hear answers in that space.  Sometimes I have trouble translating. Or I get lost in thoughts and opinions. I'll lie to myself. 

I wish the 'devil' wasn't so attractive. "

"Mind is indeed tricky. 

I didn't think those answers would become distorted so quickly on the journey. 

Opinions have taken refuge in my head. "

"Hm. I did not know that about tier 1.

The discomfort you feel from feedback/criticism can instill new values and realizations which would otherwise be a lot more slow in developing. And I'm interested in accelerating my integration. I joined this forum to make myself as uncomfortable as possible so I could integrate. This is hitting the core of my motives and who I am. "

"Keep making walls of text please. On the forum. I love your writing. You can feel that it comes from your soul, your sincerity is palpable.

It can cut right through you. "

"You made me laugh. This is a heavy topic for me because of chronic illness (Even though I can see through it, it does limit me in some ways in the short term) and other factors and being judged as impractical and lazy because my visions are vastly long term as a result. Its something I want others to understand. How it feels. 

I know its silly. But I thought I might try."

"I've never been complimented in that way before. Your encouragement has given me strength. Thank you.

I'm not sure if I'm pure of heart. I edit my posts a lot because my B.S. is glaringly obvious to me. Its funny to me when others are aware too. "

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"More like your heart drags you. I'm half unconscious before I decide to act on my heart."

The divine doesn't care if you're ready or not.  It will sweep you up and utilize you with all your false notions, ideas and beliefs.  It doesn't care if you get banned. It doesn't care if you have no idea what you're talking about.  When it's time to serve,  you'll serve. 


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2 hours ago, Proserpina said:

@RickyFitts Yeah,  it's huge for me too. 

I remember when the collective was in some sort of need and my love of truth 'activated' being dragged around by my conscience. Its like I had no personal will of my own.  Because I value truth and a clear conscience so much if that is put in serious jeopardy I'll bend over backwards to fix it.  Even if I look the fool.  

The love of truth is such a beautiful quality :x 

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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How to trigger extended channeling

I wrote this while channeling on the forum: 

"Perhaps try to create the impression of security in your life in whichever fashion your intuition feels drawn towards. Insights and feeling tones will emerge. You can usually feel when the body has shifted. For me sometimes there's sensation in my throat and jaw. 

Feelings of safety. Trick the mind and body into believing your environment is somewhat optimum. I use asmr, tapping, music, do nothing, affirmations, breath work, meditation, clean actions etc. I listen to the voice of my intuition and pick out a task from a list (either in writing or memorized). It knows the fastest route. "

"My favourite part on the path: Being a beginner again. Forgetting it all."


I use asmr, Oracle cards,  ambient music,  tapping,  guided meditations,  ambient rooms

Mostly you need time to heal from any trauma. 

Also you might have to wait until the divine calls on you. 


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Takes a lot to reprogram the mind to enjoy the slow, monotonous and boring.  Once it does your tastes change in more than just spirituality but also in relationships, interests,  sex etc. Being exposed to higher levels of consciousness rewires the brain toward the more wholesome,  less vulgar. 


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Cheat codes for reality

Yes they exist but they require selflessness and service to the highest good.  

They don't usually become available unless there is need for them. When they do become available it will feel incredibly wholesome. You will feel like your whole life had been preparing for and leading up to that moment.  Once they are available they remain available for a very long time (at a much lower intensity once they aren't needed), as consciousness will want to play with you.  

Also last time it happened,  the 'problem' (narcissism) stood out extremely strongly.  Like you are witnessing hell. So you'll also have to go to hell first. 

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Heaven and hell occur simultaneously

You'll be greeted with foreign objects in consciousness around the same time you witness hell. Angels and peak channeling.  Activation.  

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How I was able to channel: 

(According to a dream I just had)

Past experience.  I had previous experience with channeling

Life purpose.  My life purpose according to my dream is to become the singularity completely. Formless.  

Right intention.  Selflessness.  Sacrificing myself for the collective. 

Soulmate.  A soulmate was present during the channeling.  Both our souls were to intertwine before and after we both reached formlessness.



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Moving through dimensions

It was like it was a taste of what was to inevitabley come.  "You cannot escape this love". Before reaching formlessness I would collide with many different planes and dimensions of consciousness with this soulmate. Until we dissolved into infinite love.  All while serving the evolution of humanity.  

Our souls would meet and find eachother again, forever enemies, forever business partners until we dissolved.  



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End goal for self actualization

In a none toxic environment,  with no abuse. 

Working/ volunteering in the social field. Helping those less fortunate. 

Cautious in my relations with others.  Not allowing abusers into my inner circle.  

An open heart.  Soft, gentle,  patient soul.  

 My own house (which I should inherit soon)

Habit building.  Taking right action.  Naturally thriving in a healthy environment.  

Aging gracefully. Healthy (as much as is possible) and fit. Self compassion. 



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Psychic attacks

Of course I have to admit that some psychic attacks are partially my fault. I can criticize too severely and emotionally. I'm cyclically  psychotic. I radiate 'bad energy'. 

I try to focus on when that part of me isn't active and expand on that until it eventually overshadows that part of me. Otherwise it just causes harm. 

Blaming it all on myself isn't true either.  


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It's over now

Relatively speaking.  The cycle is over.  I'm really really proud of how I dealt with it. 

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The two cycles

Cycle 1- 



Non mind orientated



Non intellectual




Cycle 2- 

Mind orientated









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