
Proserpina's Journal

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Signs of channeling/ impending channeling

Deep boredom

Playfulness ('troll' like energy,  except positive)

Losing interest in traumas, limitations,  insecurities, fear. To reveal God waiting underneath it all. 

Constant amusement

Secure (wealthy,  abundant vibrationally, often mistaken as a 'rich girl')

Deep Contentment

Challenging others


Embrace sexuality


Giving others my whole energy and attention


Edited by Proserpina


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Losing interest in traumas, limitations,  insecurities, fear. To reveal God waiting underneath it all. 


Can fuck you up. 


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1 hour ago, Proserpina said:

Losing interest in traumas, limitations,  insecurities, fear. To reveal God waiting underneath it all. 


Can fuck you up. 

have to straddle both sides of the fence ... that delicate precarious intentional balance ... believing we are anchored on one side is the trouble

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1 hour ago, Proserpina said:

Signs of channeling/ impending channeling

Deep boredom

Playfulness ('troll' like energy,  except positive)

Losing interest in traumas, limitations,  insecurities, fear. To reveal God waiting underneath it all. 

Constant amusement

Secure (wealthy,  abundant vibrationally, often mistaken as a 'rich girl')

Deep Contentment

Challenging others


Embrace sexuality


Giving others my whole energy and attention


love this ... what about peace too? have an acrostic for it ...






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11 hours ago, gettoefl said:

love this ... what about peace too? have an acrostic for it ...






Thank you.  Peace would be connected to deep contentment. Love the acrostic <3

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You have to be deeply human in order to teach.  If you are part beast (autism) and not human it can be difficult to understand where others are coming from and to correct their path. 

Edited by Proserpina


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A part of me is psyched that I potentially get to skip a major evolutionary step filled with misery, another part of me is miffed that I can never be a teacher as a result of that.  

Instead of animal allowing to human asking to allowing, it's animal allowing to allowing.  


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6 hours ago, Proserpina said:

A part of me is psyched that I potentially get to skip a major evolutionary step filled with misery, another part of me is miffed that I can never be a teacher as a result of that.  

Instead of animal allowing to human asking to allowing, it's animal allowing to allowing.  

your presence teaches volumes ... showing up is the chief battle of life ... after that you are an unqualified blessing

teaching is overrated and i know cause i was one for the longest time ... what counts is sharing, collaborating, connecting, being vulnerable enough to say it like it is ... teaching is partnership

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1 hour ago, gettoefl said:

your presence teaches volumes ... showing up is the chief battle of life ... after that you are an unqualified blessing

teaching is overrated and i know cause i was one for the longest time ... what counts is sharing, collaborating, connecting, being vulnerable enough to say it like it is ... teaching is partnership

Sure you're not channeling? This is almost the exact message God gave me. Man, I'm so numbed out from the antipsychotics (not taking them anymore but still) God has to straight up slap me in the face with messages so I recieve anything.  

Thankfully being vulnerable is my forte, so I can offer something. 


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Going to go through my old notes I took during my mystical experience that would describe my channeling. Will post here.

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2 hours ago, Proserpina said:

Sure you're not channeling? This is almost the exact message God gave me. Man, I'm so numbed out from the antipsychotics (not taking them anymore but still) God has to straight up slap me in the face with messages so I recieve anything.  

Thankfully being vulnerable is my forte, so I can offer something. 

most of what i communicate is the recent word given to me, i do not see myself as a spokesperson rather a fearless transmission tower of anything divine i happen across, i am certain most of the time no one else gets it, so i am happy what i said resonated with you ... it is a great gift that you can share your words in vulnerability, being so is alien to me, i am a bit too much stuck in the logical mind

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Most of it is nonsense and not very detailed at all: 

Follow your bliss

actions align with beautiful self concept

Positive contrast

Beautiful self concept

The specifics don't matter

The self concept/ energy matters,  harmony matters. 

The specifics fill in with whatever

Imagination is real

No need to cling,  can be relaxed from unconditional love




Unconditional love


Complementing energies

Can feel safe to be myself

No awkwardness



Safety in separation

Oneness,  completion

Challenging,  accelerated learning



No fear, no filter

Brutally honest


Affect others





Spoilt child





Laying down in spirit.  Becoming one.  

Peace between spirits.  Laying down. 


Innocence, Being, unconditional love +

The Devil

= warmth, Gratitude, Compassion, selflessness



Shallowness + depth = warmth


Confident, Carefree, Secure, Sure, Lower dopamine, Lying down; do nothing, Soft heart

Dislikes: being overrided, restricted,  heavily influenced

Likes: security, freedom,  safety,  independence,  spontaniety, confidence,  identity


Enjoy the contrast between spirits


There is only me here, we dissolves


Create beautiful concept for others


Keep reaching for something satisfying, satisfying relief

Spirituality is high levels

Visions will feel like next logical step in satisfaction,  relief

Meaning will feel like next logical step


General sexual energy + affirmations + meditation = warmth




Sexual energy


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So based on these notes I can say there is a way that the finite self is benefited by alignment with the divine,  namely ego self actualization.  

Beautiful self concept means both True Self and ego self actualization. I also was at service to the highest good (part of beautiful self concept)

Contrast was resonances being activated and recognized.  Also movements that would serve the highest good. 

Edited by Proserpina


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The path isnt all sunshine and roses.

All I take very seriously is being a good person despite everything working against me.

Doing the work is similar to a basic bodily need at this point.  Other than being perception, there isn't a lot I get out of doing this work.  I do it because not doing it is very uncomfortable and decreases my quality of life. 


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47 minutes ago, Proserpina said:

The path isnt all sunshine and roses.

All I take very seriously is being a good person despite everything working against me.

Doing the work is similar to a basic bodily need at this point.  Other than being perception, there isn't a lot I get out of doing this work.  I do it because not doing it is very uncomfortable and decreases my quality of life. 

am with you on this ... it is setting aside the sunshine and roses in a real sense, at least attachment to them ... i notice everyone is so reliant on Leo so hooked on him so triggered by him even so enamored of him ... this is not healthy, we need to be singularly focused, we have to throw the crutches away ... i want to wake up each morning needing nothing from the day before, just being a blank slate an open book

i too don't get much of a boost from the work, meditation brings me only ... abcd: agony, boredom, commitment, distraction ...

i do it because i see the insanity around me and have severed myself from it, i see beauty love truth and it inspires me to press on

you are right, it is't all sunshine and roses but we are comrades arm in arm and so let us press on

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Why people do evil acts

I personally believe people do evil acts because they are deeply depressed.  They've forgotten how every thing you do and don't do (right action etc.) has a deep impact on your connection to source.  On your capacity to see Beauty.


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Matthew 7:16 NMV

“By their deeds you will know them." 

Beauty calls forth fruits,  and fruit calls forth Beauty. 

It's not like it is separated.  

The eightfoldpath is entwined, not hierarchical and separated.

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1 hour ago, Proserpina said:

Why people do evil acts

I personally believe people do evil acts because they are deeply depressed.  They've forgotten how every thing you do and don't do (right action etc.) has a deep impact on your connection to source.  On your capacity to see Beauty.

in survival mode, all evil can be justified, i am looking after me and mine and in that case you don't see it as evil but inevitable

survive is 1st, then thrive, then arrive ... thrive is getting on the path and seeing that life is beautiful and seeing that everyone is doing their best according to their level of consciousness and the level of wounding they were subjected to

a word i got this week is, anxiety is everyone hates me depression is nobody loves me ... not that i seek to minimize these disorders of course

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7 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

in survival mode, all evil can be justified, i am looking after me and mine and in that case you don't see it as evil but inevitable

survive is 1st, then thrive, then arrive ... thrive is getting on the path and seeing that life is beautiful and seeing that everyone is doing their best according to their level of consciousness and the level of wounding they were subjected to

a word i got this week is, anxiety is everyone hates me depression is nobody loves me ... not that i seek to minimize these disorders of course

speaking of which, this snip about evil is good


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6 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

in survival mode, all evil can be justified, i am looking after me and mine and in that case you don't see it as evil but inevitable

survive is 1st, then thrive, then arrive ... thrive is getting on the path and seeing that life is beautiful and seeing that everyone is doing their best according to their level of consciousness and the level of wounding they were subjected to

a word i got this week is, anxiety is everyone hates me depression is nobody loves me ... not that i seek to minimize these disorders of course

I've been through hell in this lifetime (still going through hell), mostly in survival mode.  It was because I reached out to God and acted in goodness that I have the relationship I have.  I stay true, married to him,  through thick and thin. Christians seem to understand something when they talk about a 'relationship with God'. 


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