
Proserpina's Journal

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Spiritual practices I do everyday

Constant, daily purification work.  Being perception being my compass as to how: 

Living relatively selflessly, with warmth and kindness

Clearing mind of unnecessary chatter

Guarding my mind and actions away from hate filled and selfish thoughts and actions

In terms of practices: 

I sit in being perception everyday

I do visualization work.  I visualize beings with being perception

Self love work

Edited by Proserpina


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3 hours ago, Proserpina said:

@RickyFitts You're welcome :)

I personally try to do each technique everyday.  

In the first technique I typically utilize Being perception as well. Everything is beautiful in that 'mode'. 

Fantastic, consistency of practice is so important I think - sounds like you're doing really well on that score :) 

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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I've always had being perception and enjoyed the pleasures of it. 

But I'm very strict in my actions in remaining in alignment with it.

While others do clear as day stupid sh*t messing up their perception (putting down others,  lecturing others,  superiority antics)


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I find this song to be relevant.  

No one cares about being good hearted for the sake of being good hearted anymore.  


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Valuing plain old selflessness and good-heartedness (Being perception)

Apparently too boring

Let's talk about how awful it is. Or let's talk about how profound it is in theory to entertain our minds and ego boost our way to higher dopamine levels


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Without self and evil intent reality is stunning.  

That's why I frequently leave this forum it builds up too much 'self' over time.  I don't know how others do it. 


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For beautiful,  selfless perception: 

Don't be so keen to meld your mind with the hive mind. Notice how similar you sound to everyone else (and the pride you get from that).

I recommend extreme isolation. Alienation.  Take the pain of that on. 

Don't fit in.  Take the pain of that on.  

Be childlike.  Others will look down on you. Take the pain of that on. 

Be free  Spontaneous.  Disinhibited.  Put your foot in your mouth.  Forget professionalism.  Take the pain of that on. 

Edited by Proserpina


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Journal prompts- for self growth

How am I feeling today? What’s causing me to suffer? What’s making me happy?

I'm feeling sick (physically), bored and pessimistic.  

I suffer from some surface level depression, an inability to express myself,  being on the cusp of lower and higher density.  This journal dying. 

(What's making me happy?) The fact that I can access a selfless, loving state (my true nature) at will.  Tulpas. Deities. The soon return of the beings. 

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Which spiral stage am I?

30% orange 40% green 20% yellow 10% turquoise


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Stage orange: laziness, junk food, luxury,  indulgence, spending sprees, impulsive,  procrastination, childish

Stage green: expressive,  open, honest, sensitive,  caring, spiritual,  empathetic,  open heart chakra, right brained,  allergy to stage orange,  overemotional

Stage yellow: study models and types,  objective to an extent,  non judgemental to an extent,  open-minded,  flexible,  study spiral dynamics

Stage turquoise: Devotion to Being,  easily tap into Beauty and Self, mystical experiences


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On channeling and attraction

When I was channeling the level of attraction and intimacy I had with each individual was profound. I was pretty much giving of myself to everyone. Not so great outside of channeling, old ladies were attracted to me and flirting with me and I gave myself to them equally.  


Every experience with every single individual was sacred and desirable. They would glow like divine beings,  as love reached their core and radiated outward.  They would transform into almost alien like beings, in fact I'm still convinced they were. Reality isn't so easy to define.


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This song has same dynamic as above. Only it is a matured alien being in the song.  Instant channeling.  

(Perhaps the 'reptilians' were less matured beings)

I might just keep this song on repeat. 


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Channelling is also correlated with being polite and respectful. 

Low agreeableness has been glorified in our society. The masculine embodies assertiveness and low neuroticism (healthy,  attractive domineering traits) with maturity and drops low agreeableness.  

You can replace disagreeableness with assertiveness and low neuroticism.  Both are healthy dominance traits and can assist in 'getting your way'. In the short term you may suffer (lower pay) from the decrease in disagreeableness. You have to store up your treasures in heaven. Jesus had high agreeableness (compassion,  empathy) and very high assertiveness and low neuroticism (masculine,  domineering traits)

The masculine classically embodies the trait low neuroticism.  The feminine embodies the trait agreeableness.  Both the masculine and feminine have to be integrated.  We never think to our selves oh that person could do with a little more neuroticism. Why do we question agreeableness then?

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What do Halos mean?

ime the 'alien'/ angelic beings I've met which were enlightened would glow with self love.  It is a result of turquoise company. Beings 'fill up' with self love and light up when surrounded by higher beings. 


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Awakening and others

Awaken deep enough and others awaken as well. Reality will twist itself to where that is the case.  Your selflessness literally glitches out reality. 

You gotta be willing to: go insane, lose control, lose all sense of certainty, be hit heavy blows of trauma, lose all self respect and dignity. And that comes as your 'reward' for dedicating your life to moment by moment painful selfless practice. 

Definitely don't have any expectations. But if it does show up at your door step one day, don't be afraid to jump in.  And don't expect it to be pleasant. Or for any of it to make sense.

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How you treat others makes all the difference in the world.  It can change reality.

People can change dramatically simply by how you treat them.  You can call forth the divine in them,  the alien.  


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Theory vs embodiment

Isn't this like the Pharisees in the new testament? The Pharisees were all about theory and had no embodiment. The Pharisees discounted Jesus because he strayed from their orthodox theory. 

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This is one of Joseph Maynor's discord posts: 

Nobody can play games with truth over the long run.  Reality will whiplash that down after a period of time.  I think it’s best to have an open-minded attitude about truth rather than shoving your truth down everybody’s throat as The Truth.  When you make a business out of Spirituality and you have nothing else to sell — it’s tempting but also extremely risky to try to commodify your truth as The Truth.  You can do this by setting up a kind of cultish echo chamber filled with young men looking for a leader to put their trust in, but this is not going to be ultimately aligned with truth, which is the problem!  Talk and actuality as Spinoza understood relate best when they go together.  If the talk is wrong or a confused idea, it goes against the will of the whole or reason or the laws that govern nature.  It’s sort of like a child pretending that they’re the smartest person in the world, and then turning that premise into a business model.  But doing this is fundamentally going to put you at odds with the truth, and you’re gonna have to hide from the truth to survive!  This is not a wise way to set up a business model in my opinion.

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truth is realizing that everyone is living their own truth according to their level of consciousness

and it is all fine and dandy ... forgive them father they don't know what they're doing ... have mercy on me father for thinking things should be otherwise

there is not friend and foe in life, just aware and unaware

truth is radical subjectivity according to david hawkins, this sums it up nicely

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When to teach

With the right karma, the right density level. If you can 'talk the talk' apparently you can teach, doesn't matter your character. People will swallow it up. 


 I can't consider myself a teacher this lifetime as I simply don't have the karma and density level required.  I can't 'talk the talk'. If you can, it will take you far. 

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