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Is 6 Hours Sleep Ok For 21 Year Old?

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Is 6 hours sleep a day fine for 21 year old?

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We are all different but  7-9 hours per day is advised for young adults. Sleep deprivation over prolonged periods can be really harmful.

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3 hours ago, Huz said:

Is 6 hours sleep a day fine for 21 year old?

Very few people are sleeping well, so when you have not slept well in the night you are a little tired during the day. If that is the case, then do something with your sleep. It should be made deeper. Time is not much of a question – you can sleep for eight hours, and if it is not deep you will feel hungry for sleep, starved – depth is the question. 

Man is made by nature to work hard for at least eight hours. Unless he works hard for eight hours he does not earn the right to have a deep sleep.

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The minimum recommendation is 7-8 hours. You may get used to sleeping less but that happens because you simply habituate to lower levels of alertness and energy. You forget about what it feels like to be adequately slept. Any less than 6 for long periods is very bad, even scary. Even just a few nights of poor sleep, less than 5 hours, can make your blood sugar levels rise to that of a diabetic. What ensue are sugar cravings, insulin resistance and obesity. You lose muscle and start accumulating fat because of not getting enough shut-eye.

But it's not the quantity of your sleep that matters but the quality of it. If you wake up every hour, then you won't get almost any benefits. The best advice I can give you is to start blocking blue light at night, using a computer software called Flux, wearing blue blocking glasses and wearing a sleep mask while you sleep. Those are the first things you should do. I've also written an in-depth article on different strategies to improve the quality of your sleep so that you could get away with spending less time in bed. Starting from stimulating your vagus nerve and ending with nutrition.  

Body Mind Empowerment 
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Sleep when tired, wake when restored :)

Ditch alarms, listen to the body.


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I think its different for each person, just try not to oversleep because it can leave you feeling tired as if you hadnt slept at all.  

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Why ask us? Listen to your body. The vast majority of Western people are sleep deprived. It's not the end of the world if you are, but it certainly has some negatives.

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Listen to your body. 5-6 hours is enough for my body if the quality is fine. When I'm stressed or the quality is bad over a longer period it goes up to 10 hours.

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16 hours ago, Anna said:

Listen to your body. 5-6 hours is enough for my body if the quality is fine. When I'm stressed or the quality is bad over a longer period it goes up to 10 hours.

"Listen to your body" > Yes!! That's music to my hears.

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Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise :P most of us distract our self  with too much TV, Phones and other things. 

According to me people were supposed to sleep when the sun set and night comes and wakes when sun rises, but is very hard to follow this rule due to social conditions and home environment , For myself I cannot wake up at 6 because in winter is dam cold so my mother says sleep more hehe.

however I Suggest you to have a sleep plan, go to bed at same time every night and wake up same time every day this leads in improving the quality of sleep and make sure if you set any alarm let it be "you have set alarm more than 8 hours from now".  Have a good time. 

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Depends on your life. If I mediate for an hour or a half 6 hours if fine for me. Aslong as it is good sleep and you go to bed on a schedule.


If you want less sleep there are cerain sleeps methods you can use such as on koi frescos why do we need sleep video. He tells you some cool sleep patterns to lessen your sleep if you wish

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On 11/7/2016 at 11:28 PM, pluto said:

Sleep when tired, wake when restored :)

Ditch alarms, listen to the body.

Works beautifully on holidays. In fact it is part of what makes holidays so enjoyable.

However, unless you are studying or work for yourself it is unlikely to be practical.


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