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Terell Kirby

Is the quality of consciousness transferable between lifetimes?

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General question for those interested in dialogue: Is the quality of ones consciousness transferable between incarnations/lifetimes?

I've been contemplating that it would really suck to realize that I'm God, creator of everything in present existence, just to forget it once this my physical mind and body dies :).

I have not studied Buddhism in depth, but maybe this is addressed in the notion of reincarnation. The nature of our experience may change, but does the recognition of absolute Truth remain? The localized realities in which we inhabit, are in truth finite.

Side note: Leo has mentioned in his recent YouTube episode that the forum is lacking serious questions from its members. I consider myself a serious of the work, and am encouraging others on the forum who are as well to contribute quality questions to keep this interesting. With love :x

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