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Entertainment for Holistic Thinking Growth

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The benefits to holistic thinking you can derive from content like what I’m sharing here isn’t content about the meta aspects of holism. Leo’s recent videos and even many much older episodes can help for developing that meta foundation. These examples simply serve as high-quality yet still entertaining resources within their respective spheres. These are still primarily stage orange sources, but with the proper meta foundation, what is learned through these can be applied to certain more holistic theories and serve as information pushing your mind to accept the sheer nuance, complexity, and sophistication that exists even within a seemingly limited domain. The video shared above combines food allergies, mental disorders, physical toxicity, and misinformation leading to death or near death. 

This specific YouTube channel is run by a physician who retells rare and extreme health stories through the lens of an expert. It’s incredibly entertaining. Health is of course a very large impacting factor on one’s life and how consciousness unfolds. One interesting thing about the series is how it shows the ineffectiveness of the current medical system to treat atypical situations. It then shows how current medical knowledge is capable of explaining how everything is happening on a cellular and chemical level. The issue is that in most cases doctors are doing the correct steps to preserve life with the knowledge they have and partial contextual information they were given. There is simply too much probability that the cause of the issue is a typical illness or condition for doctors to jump to these more rare causes immediately. This shows that the issue in proper response is simply caused by a lack of utilization of a sufficient amount of typically already understood information combined with a need for more contextual and prior health history information. AI is already being created for tackling these problems. If we see an exponential increase in AI sophistication, which is likely, there will come a point where this unfathomable intelligence relative to the average human is able to diagnose health problems that no single doctor could do as well. 

This channel features experts, usually in science, who describe their career focus on five levels of complexity. One of the points of this post is sharing sources which are educational while still having entertainment value. It can be useful to take breaks from some of the more effortful practices at times and simply relax and take in new information which may further support your ability for nuanced understanding in the future. Even understanding the limits of these perspectives can give a lot of value. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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