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Psychedelic Books?

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What are the your TOP 3 or 5 books about psychedelics. I am looking for something more practical rather than scientific or historical. Not something that's very basic either (in terms of proper usage protocols). I am looking for a book that's remarkable. 

I have already read DMT: The sprit molecule and Allies for awakening. 

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I can recommend you a few books. There are no practical books about psychedelics, as the most practical thing is just to take them, haha, but a few of them might catch your attention. Here are the books I have read, alphabetical order, favourites in bold:

Aldous Huxley - Island (Literary classic, it's very interesting to read Brave New World first, written before Huxley discovered psychedelics, and then the Island, which is a reply to that story changing the vision of the future from dystopia to some kind of low-key, realistic utopia.)

Ayelet Waldman - A Really Good Day (Book about microdosing, written by a normie who had nothing to do with psychedelics, interesting.)

Brian C. Muraresku - The Immortality Key (Newest anthropology book about ancient drug use, also touches on subjects of pagan death cults and pagan-christianity continuity theory. Written by a researcher who has never done psychedelics, on purpose, so his work doesn't get demonized or labeled as ravings of a lunatic. Interesting as fuck.)

Carl L. Hart - Drug Use for Grown-Ups (Responsible drug use, decriminalization advocacy, full of captivating personal stories. Dr Carl Hart is someone who wears his heart on his sleeve. Great guy.)

Christopher M. Bache - LSD and the Mind of the Universe (Story of a hardcore philosopher who dosed extremely strong LSD doses twice a year for decades to do his research.)

James Fadiman - Psychedelic Explorer's Guide (Oldie, not that goldie anymore, haha. The content of this book is normal knowledge on the internet nowadays.)

Jim DeKorne - Psychedelic Shamanism (Dangers of choosing that path. Some interesting points made.)

Mark Fisher - K-Punk Politics (Has a chapter at the end from his never finished book about "Acid Communism", because of the suicide he commited. :()

Martin Ball - Being Human (READ THIS SHIT, the finest biography of the finest 5-MeO-DMT researcher)

Martin Ball - Being Infinite

Martin Ball - Entheogenic Liberation

Martin Ball - God's Handbook

Michael Pollan - How to Change Your Mind (Various interviews, stories and a personal adventure of discovering something new. Typical Pollan's book, but about psychedelics. Great.)

Rupert Sheldrake - Ways to Go Beyond and Why They Work (Has chapter on psychedelics if I remeber correctly, but overall it's a worthwhile book. Rupert is similar to Leo in my opinion.)



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Ah, I have forgotten Strasssman, but you already have read something from him, soo :P

Martin Ball and Christopher M. Bache are the most practical authors on my list.

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Stanislav Grofs The Way of the Psychonaut is probably the most extensive book on how to use psychedelics for personal and spiritual development. I stoll didnt read it, but its definitely on the list. Stanislav Grof is one of the grandfthers of psychedelics and he worked with psychedelics since early in the 60s and assisted over 2.000 LSD therapy sessions. This man has a lot of experience in psychedelic journeys and this is his magnus opum.

Edited by Cireeric

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”

― Carl Gustav Jung

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There's an interesting author called Dr. Andrew R. Gallimore

2 awesome books - Alien Information Theory and Reality Switch Technologies.

Check out guys, amazing stuff :D 

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