
Dont you consider Idolatry dogmatic if god is inconceivable? ?

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@Amit When millions of people die in your country in extreme poverty you guys waste millions of dollars on mandirs and pouring oil, milk on man made idols. 

Why not spend those money on poor people? 

Why not provide food to those needy people who cant even afford food . Isnt it is real service of god?


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Just now, Amit said:

Yes I already asked them, and I follow those mythologies and they have loads of deep wisdom. Every ritual and tradition has a deep meaning. You need to stop your stupid thinking and give some time to learn about itit before bullshitting. 

Yes people getting born from fish. Monkeys flying in air. Shape shifting demons. Sanskrit speaking birds. 10 headed humans. Flying chariot , etc etc.

You believe all this and call me stupid. What a logic. Great.

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@Amit It surprises me how someone can call another stupid in every sentence of a conversation. demonstrates violence. be careful, that violence will one day turn against you

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3 minutes ago, Amit said:

I'm surprised how can someone be so stupid to not understand it in 12 years. 

Man watch your language. Your ego is clearly kicking because you cant reason . 

Yes teach me . I want to learn.

And muslims are only minorities in your country. Which represents 10% of the population .  80% are hindus . Who said to you only muslims live in poverty ? Why are you shifting blame on muslims? And I am not discussing about islam and their beliefs. You are dragging muslims to counter my questions which doesn't even make any sense.

How come millions of people that too hindu which die every year due to lack of basic facilities like hygienic food, medical facilities, shelter, etc  are living great life? Do you even know economic condition of your country. Do you even know how many people live in slums?

Do you know more than 70% of countries wealth is owned by few elite business man ? Such a stark difference in distribution of wealth and living condition and you call me stupid.

Every years millions of dollars are donated in mandir in your countries which can run the entire economy of the country for a year. Do you know the wealth of triputi mandir? How much money they receive in donation? 

What do you do with all those money? Why not spend those money in uplifting poor people life. Why not spend those money on treating medical condition of poor people who cannot even afford basic medical facilities.


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@Amit You are attached to your religion. Thats why your ego is kicking in. You cant reason thats why you are brushing off by saying " you are stupid " you cant understand.

Well nice response.

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4 hours ago, diamondpenguin said:

Honestly if you think about. Worshipping some idol like jesus is just plain stupid. Like, have you even met jesus? Do you know hes really a nice guy?  what has jesus done for me that I should care about him so much? Obviously I'm pushing my prejudices, but that's because I'm fundamentally evil and so are you. If I wasn't evil I'd be dead, and so would you. 

The idea of Jesus as an idol comes because it is widely accepted that he was some sort of a more awakened avatar of God/divine/unknowable and a powerhouse when it comes to goodness of character. Like a great example and something to strive for/aim for on a personal level. 

There must be something more special about that avatar for us to have completely changed everything and even start counting the years from His birth. It would not be 21st century without Christ, reality would be so different even for these small details. 

But ofcourse people worship Jesus because they believe he is God incarnate,  but he taught that everyone has this connection to God and was crucified for it. Kind of  a tragic story

-1/12 is Infinity 

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4 hours ago, diamondpenguin said:

Honestly if you think about. Worshipping some idol like jesus is just plain stupid. Like, have you even met jesus? Do you know hes really a nice guy?  what has jesus done for me that I should care about him so much? Obviously I'm pushing my prejudices, but that's because I'm fundamentally evil and so are you. If I wasn't evil I'd be dead, and so would you. 

If God wants to reveal itself to Dolphins, he will probably take on dolphin form, the human Jesus would not do anything for the dolphins, it is aimed at human development and love-o-lution.

Different symbols are needed to communicate and guide, but always it is important to not put any idol or avatar before God itself and this is spoken of in the Bible 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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13 hours ago, Amit said:

Nah, you are aware of just the half truth. God is also form, conceivable, filled, fullness, finite love and can be expressed using form. 


Not dogmatic at all, completely reasonable. I think idols are one of the greatest spiritual tools. 

I agree, God is finite and infinite at the same time. God is form and formless at the same time. You can’t fathom singularity itself, therefore we need dualism. What is black without white? Can you really perceive infinite without finite? See how two create One ☝️ or One is ultimately incapsulates Two* Infinity!!!! It is all one, however God needs to partition Itself to experience the opposite, to experience Itself in all manifestation ❤️

@machiavelli God is a stone, God is a thought, God is everything and also God is nothing at the same time. 
your mind tries to divide. Look at the whole picture...

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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8 hours ago, Galyna said:

I agree, God is finite and infinite at the same time. God is form and formless at the same time. You can’t fathom singularity itself, therefore we need dualism. What is black without white? Can you really perceive infinite without finite? See how two create One ☝️ or One is ultimately incapsulates Two* Infinity!!!! It is all one, however God needs to partition Itself to experience the opposite, to experience Itself in all manifestation ❤️

@machiavelli God is a stone, God is a thought, God is everything and also God is nothing at the same time. 
your mind tries to divide. Look at the whole picture...

But it becomes problem when you shove mythology into the idols. 

It becomes problems when religion teaches you some sky being created humans and universe which has to be worshipped using idols.

It becomes problem when billions of people have faith over it and get offended if we say something about their religion and their gods.

Better to clarify from the starting what God is . Rather than shoving mythology into your mouth since birth.


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I'm assuming you never watched Leos spiral dynamics series, because

2 hours ago, machiavelli said:

Better to clarify from the starting what God is . Rather than shoving mythology into your mouth since birth.

^That, unfortunately, wont work. The content isn't the problem. It's how they process information and filter it through their worldviews. You remove idol worship from their minds and they will simply replace it with another dogma. Pretty bog-standard stage blue religious type thinking. The ego-mind will turn black into white and white into black.

You misunderstand the nature of the problem. Watch the spiral dynamics series (link in the post on page 1), otherwise you're just wasting your time. This website is a fucking goldmine dude. You can continue complaining or understand the issue you described at a deeper level.

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If ‘you’d like to be conscious and feeling fucking amazing 24/7’, simply notice you’re idolizing consciousness. 

Idolizing a concept. 

That stands to be recognized in regard to the Hindu. (Generalizing) To them this is seen as hypocritical childishness. 



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21 minutes ago, Nahm said:

If ‘you’d like to be conscious and feeling fucking amazing 24/7’, simply notice you’re idolizing consciousness. 

Idolizing a concept. 


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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you should really go deeper into religion and the minds of people. how religion is practiced is not a function of religion but of the minds interpreting it.

what do you want to achieve with this thread if all you do here is push for your distaste of religion, you are leading the same mindset the " religious people" have you paint here.

I am sorry for your pain, but what for?

Edited by ilja

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@ilja How can you be soo blind that you cant see the damage the religion has done since the beginning of time in the name of faith.

How many people religion has liberated till now? There are billions of people across the world who are into idol worshiping of some sky being. 

Only few people who transcended their religious traditions and belief really got close to Truth.

For ex- LEO. 

For others their mythology is their belief . They think what is written in their scriptures is ultimate truth. They worship it . And then they carry on with their day to day life. Simple.

Do you think there is any scope of any Truth?


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@machiavelli  religion has not done anything, my friend. try to look at it this way.

people create ideologies around their mindsets. if it weren't for religion, something else would have came up that were used to oppress or keep in the dark, like it in the past call it xyz, and then we would still be here having the same discussion but with xyz instead of religion on it.

of course there is a little scope of truth in it, otherwise they would not be able to do it. now don't get me wrong, i think it is important to discuss the flaws of religion with an "ultra religious" person or any person really.

Ask yourself how many people has science liberated?

Edited by ilja

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13 hours ago, machiavelli said:

But it becomes problem when you shove mythology into the idols. 

It becomes problems when religion teaches you some sky being created humans and universe which has to be worshipped using idols.

It becomes problem when billions of people have faith over it and get offended if we say something about their religion and their gods.

Better to clarify from the starting what God is . Rather than shoving mythology into your mouth since birth.

It becomes a problem when you do not see the obvious, the God, you are so desperately denying in any form or shape, is manifesting through you and for Itself in every single sentence you wrote and every single thought you carry. Religions, teachings, humans are inseparable. All One and only God's game. ;)

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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