Why it Seems Like My Consciousness is In My Body

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Non-duality is very hard for the ego-mind to grasp and understand. At least for my own ego-mind.

It is so easy to believe that your Consciousness is located 'inside' your body when whenever you walk to, your body comes with you. It is like the only thing that stays constant with your wherever you go to.

This of course creates the belief that you are the body and your Consciousness is located inside the body. To believe otherwise seems insanity unless you are in some deep non-dual state.

That's why i believe non-duality is so rare. In this dream it seems like we are the body and that everything is generated from our brains. 

It is still really hard for my mind to reconcile all of this.

Edited by SQAAD

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45 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

Non-duality is very hard for the ego-mind to grasp and understand. At least for my own ego-mind.

It is so easy to believe that your Consciousness is located 'inside' your body when whenever you walk to, your body comes with you. It is like the only thing that stays constant with your wherever you go to.

This of course creates the belief that you are the body and your Consciousness is located inside the body. To believe otherwise seems insanity unless you are in some deep non-dual state.

That's why i believe non-duality is so rare. In this dream it seems like we are the body and that everything is generated from our brains. 

It is still really hard for my mind to reconcile all of this.

There is apparently a conditioned body but the individual that experiences I am here, conscious and real is an illusion.

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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You speak of “your body.” Who owns your body? Does the body own the body? 

Your consciousness... who is the “you” who owns this? Is it separate from this consciousness you speak of? Have you ever experienced it without using this consciousness? 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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6 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

You speak of “your body.” Who owns your body? Does the body own the body? 

Your consciousness... who is the “you” who owns this? Is it separate from this consciousness you speak of? Have you ever experienced it without using this consciousness? 

Don't play the fool here, you know exactly what he means by "my body". The common sense talk is dualistic. People believe they have bodies. Don't try to make it sound like the common sense view is negation of duality (non dual). 


Also, medicine that used to believe cured depression via chemicals, never cured it. Suggesting there is indeed an unknown entity separated from the physical real brain. That's why the common sense is that we have souls and we indeed are separate from the body. You can cry all you want about that, but non duality loses all discussions when we get down to real life facts.

Edited by VirusOfTheCult

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6 hours ago, VeganAwake said:

There is  a conditioned brain but the individual that experiences I am here, conscious and real is an illusion.

 You don't really believe that, Vegan . If this was true you wouldn't be so obssessed to keep repeating the same thing over and over and over like a religious preacher in this forum for years. Like you literally have no life but to preach this nonsense. People don't really care about your belief system my man. They really don't. 

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7 hours ago, SQAAD said:

Non-duality is very hard for the ego-mind to grasp and understand. At least for my own ego-mind.

It is so easy to believe that your Consciousness is located 'inside' your body when whenever you walk to, your body comes with you. It is like the only thing that stays constant with your wherever you go to.

This of course creates the belief that you are the body and your Consciousness is located inside the body. To believe otherwise seems insanity unless you are in some deep non-dual state.

That's why i believe non-duality is so rare. In this dream it seems like we are the body and that everything is generated from our brains. 

It is still really hard for my mind to reconcile all of this.

??? because thoughts or ego, (which creates so called you)  overtake a lot. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Most of your attention when your eyes are open is projected out, so even with eyes open, it's a thought that "I'm in here.". 

Touch a surface nearby with your hand and close your eyes. Is there two sensations, my hand and the surface? Or is direct experience of touching indistinguishable hand from object unless you think about it?  

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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8 hours ago, SQAAD said:

Non-duality is very hard for the ego-mind to grasp and understand. At least for my own mind.

It is so easy to believe that your Consciousness is located 'inside' your body

Consciousness would be inside your brain, your brain is not your body. But it's located in your head. Which is part of your body. So your premise is flawed.

 But it's (the entity) who has consciousness.


when whenever you walk to, your body comes with you. It is like the only thing that stays constant with your wherever you go to.



This of course creates the belief that you are the (false premise) body


The common sense view and what the collective mostly believe is that they HAVE bodies. Don't try to distorting things here. Religious people believe they are souls and will meet Jesus in heaven on the after life. Buddhists believe they have souls too.. muslim the same... and so on and on.

The common sense view is dualistic. I don't know where you people invent this false idea.




and your consciousness is located inside the body.

Your consciousness IS NOT "located". it's YOU who has consciousness. And it has nothing to do with the brain. And I'm not talking non duality ideas or neo advaita texts you read or any of the stuff in this forum. No.



To believe otherwise seems insanity unless you are in some deep non-dual state.

A person could argue that this deep non dual state is just you tripping on your brain chemicals. Especially if your friend is in the same room as you and see you tripping.


That's why i believe non-duality is so rare. In this dream it seems like we are (false premise)

Wrong again. 


The body and that everything is generated from our brains. 

Who told you this nonsense?

The brain is just a processor, it for example, processes the image your eyes receive feom the external reality. Your brain is not generating jack shit. No new information is added from what you perceive. Just like colors are external to our consciousness. Human subjectivity is deeply rooted in the human senses. But your entity has its senses to sense it.

Edited by VirusOfTheCult

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Of course it seems that way.. How else do you expect? 


It's the same thing in a dream.. It appears as if you are the dream character inside the dream world.. But you were actually appearing as the entire bubble of perception. 

Try to actually draw a line between what you think is the perceiver and the perceived. And notice that you can't. 


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@SQAAD There's a quote in Ralston's book which I remembered recently


My own habitual feeling is that the world is so extremely odd, and everything in it so surprising. Why should there be green grass and liquid water, and why have I got hands and feet?

-Don John Chapman

The things we take for granted and don't wonder about. 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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In your dreams you also believe that your 'Consciousness' comes from the body, but we all know this is not the case. In the dream you are not conscious of the deeper reality of the dream, which is the dreamer's mind. Even if your perform surgery on your brain in a dream, you might still perceive a brain. Moreover, damaging the head in the dream might even cause damage to the perceptions within the dream. This is because even the dream world has some persistency and realness to it. If someone is hurting you in your dream, you will be fearful and might even react to protect yourself. But when you wake up, you realize the the entire dream, including the one who tried to hurt you, was of your own making. When you realize this to be the case, your identification with your dream character dissipates.

Although the dream analogy does fall short in some aspect, the case in our "reality" is not very far from it. The perception of body and the feeling of a subjective experience and an ability to control an object of perception or awareness does not negate the possibility of a fundamental existence. 

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@mandyjw  "Touch a surface nearby with your hand and close your eyes. Is there two sensations, my hand and the surface? Or is direct experience of touching indistinguishable hand from object unless you think about it? "

This is a great practical exercise, thanks! Makes a refreshing change from our usual statements of, this is the truth, obviously - including me of course :)

With my eyes closed, like when I’m meditating for example, there is no skin or surface until I think about it, just the suchness of pure experience. 'Consciousness' vs 'body' looks like a made-up problem. 

Edited by snowyowl

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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45 minutes ago, Batman said:

Although the dream analogy does fall short in some aspect, the case in our "reality" is not very far from it.

What would be the difference (genuine question) ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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18 hours ago, SQAAD said:

Non-duality is very hard for the ego-mind to grasp and understand. At least for my own ego-mind.

It is so easy to believe that your Consciousness is located 'inside' your body when whenever you walk to, your body comes with you. It is like the only thing that stays constant with your wherever you go to.

This of course creates the belief that you are the body and your Consciousness is located inside the body. To believe otherwise seems insanity unless you are in some deep non-dual state.

That's why i believe non-duality is so rare. In this dream it seems like we are the body and that everything is generated from our brains. 

It is still really hard for my mind to reconcile all of this.

 You can basically understand the contentedness of this planet by just brain storming what comes from what.....  Planet earth gives rise/birth to people, people come from various sources of organic matter from earth, water from various sources, air from various plants, plants the require clouds and rain, animal that people eat come from same sources.  Tree's and rocks come from earth and various processes that took place on earth and from space.  All this is connected/same material/interdependent.

Now wouldn't it make more sense that you felt connected to it all as it literally being you, then it would to feel as though your separate for it, since it would actually line up with whats actually true?  The experience of being separate is literally the opposite experience of whats true.

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Serotonin is a powerful hallucinating trippy substance;) that's why! Enjoy the trip and let go!

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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it's not always in the body, once when I was about 10, I had a fever and I left my body and saw the earth from very high up, it was night and I shot straight up fast, I saw the lights of my town get smaller and smaller until I was so high up that I could see the outline of north america lit up

another time I was late for school and absolutely terrified of walking in late, I walked in the door and watched myself walk to my seat and sit down from the other side of the room, about 12 when that happened

that's real, so how? literally seeing from somewhere outside of my body and in the second case my body carried on doing what it was supposed to do while I was watching from 20 feet away...weird

I tried to do it again many times but so far it's not happened, not like that anyway, but I've had dreams but those were probably just dreams ??

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On 01/05/2021 at 3:35 AM, SQAAD said:

It is so easy to believe that your Consciousness is located 'inside' your body

And it's just as easy to believe that your body is 'inside' consciousness - it's so obvious, here I am having a conscious experience of a body. But then again, with consciousness 'inside' is the wrong word. The body is not really inside consciousness, the body is consciousness (along with everything else).

57% paranoid

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Why it Seems Like My Consciousness is In My Body question ❓ 

I will take the title as a question and answer it to my current understanding. 

Consciousness is initially not really defined, its rather an experiential reality, the packaging of experiences, not something we can point as an object but ofcourse it's the subject to all experiences...  

We assume we are an object and objects of experience are localised in the body, so we might say we are there, but when we realise we are the awareness, we notice that body and thoughts all happen within awareness so awareness is prior

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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