
The More Consious I become the more sensitive I become about others suffering

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The More Conscious I become the more sensitive I become about others suffering, how can I stop suffering?

If it is me who is projecting reality, why am I projecting people to suffering? Because I sincerely do not want that.

I do understand that for some life is beautiful and full of love, but for others its the opposite. Is it not selfish to be content with reality because one itself has it good, but others are in pain? It was easier to ignore this, when I was less conscious and more numb, but now that I am more Conscious, self-aware, the pain of others do not really feel like it is just pain "of others", in the sense that "it-is-not-my-problem"

As Conscious agents, why can we not change the painful aspect of reality by our will? Like aging, diseases etc.? 

How does one "lucid-dream", in this dream we call life? 



Edited by HereToLearn

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Without hardship, there is no overcoming hardship. Without great hardship, there is no overcoming great hardship.

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As the ego loses its grip, the superego naturally takes to the captain’s chair. Of course you’ll want to act selflessly as you become more conscious. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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For me, caring about the suffering of others is sorta getting old. Most people don't even care about their own suffering enough to do anything about it.

The paradox of suffering is: if you care too much about it, you thereby exacerbate it.

Caring about the suffering of others is important.

But also, not caring about the suffering of others is important.

That's not a typo.

If you are the type of person who cares too much, you need to start not-caring more. And vice-versa.

And while you're at it, stop caring about your own suffering.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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If you think aging is suffering, work on becoming more conscious, past stage greed of Spiral Dynamics. 

Plus, suffering is a great catalyst that leads to awakening. Without suffering,  nobody would have the drive to wake up.

All hail 3rd density, for the great evolution opportunities! ;)

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Think of it this way, a good doctor can't be squeamish, prone to passing out or be too wrapped up in their patient's pain. They do care about it though, and they are aware of it. They have to be utterly focused on what they do want, the wellness of the patient, and so they take the steps necessary and focus on being fully present with that action. 

You can see illness and focus on the abundance of wellness that is there instead, people who are sick are actually mostly well. Earth is perfectly situated near the sun for life, and your body is doing all kinds of things to keep you well without you giving them any thought or attention. The inspiration to clean up the planet isn't going to come from staring too long at the horrible mess humans have made, and coming away with the conclusion that we're all doomed so nothing we do matters now, but from appreciating the stunning resilience and beauty of nature and being inspired to be and feel a wholistic part of it. Likewise looking at someone else's suffering can be the same way, you feel and are a part of the wellbeing, namaste, the light within you recognizes the light within them. Not the illness, the light. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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The basic Stoic teaching on this is:

1. Take nothing personal, not praise and accomplishment nor insult and injury, and certainly not the suffering of yourself or others.
2. Have only compassionate sympathy (defined here as feeling "for", ie attention listening helping and comforting for the suffering), but not empathy (defined here as feeling "with", ie crying screaming breaking down with the suffering), for All including yourself.

3. To have empathy is to add suffering, Your own, to the world. To have sympathy is to subtract suffering, Your own and seemingly others, from the world.

For my part I draw a clear distinction between suffering seemingly of others observable in my own direct area of bodily influence (like witnessing a painful trauma of someone next to me) vs remote images and stories (like seeing a tragedy reported on the news or the mind's imagining poverty or slavery a world away, etc.). For suffering in my direct area of influence I grant All considerable sympathy in the moment. I generally take no seemingly remote suffering seriously enough for more than slight sympathy.

This distinction is because I can give of myself to those in my immediate bodily area of influence in that moment. Remote suffering is outside my actionable influence in the moment, but if within awareness it is  therefore still in my ability to judge or label it as I see fit, including to not judge or label it at all. This does not mean I do not note it or that I do not care, but seeming suffering in the media or only in conventional imagination cannot cause me suffering when immediate in my face suffering cannot cause me suffering when even my own "personal" suffering cannot really cause me suffering. I have at most only sympathy in all circumstances and sympathy is suffering free.

And that is the long and short of it my friend: to what degree you find best serves you stop projecting suffering period, and you will cease to experience most or even all suffering. Do not feel with the suffering world, but for the suffering world, and focus only on what you can seemingly control in the moment not to suffer from the suffering of others, but to be a balm for the suffering. 

How? For starters realize that quality comedy is often authored by tragedy. Gallows humor (a dark disgustingly fun humor) is possessed, largely as a coping mechanism, by those who deal professionally with extreme suffering all day (ER staff, paramedics, cops, funeral home staff, fire departments, etc). Focus on thinking creativly outside the box of the box's box to find the up side of anything that gets you down, and when that fails, find the funny in the painful, perverse, and downright depressing. Use gallows humor or even a transcendent version of it (some might say Life is divine comedy, Nothing but a joke.... man plans and God laughs, etc.) and stop taking suffering so seriously.

Lastly, contrary to, or for an easier journey in conjunction with, all the wise scheming above please know you can embrace suffering to the point of empathizing ego to death if you can take the pain. You can transcend yourself and suffering can be transformed as/by/in Love. How? Start by watching lots of videos and actually take the action steps prescribed therein. Keep growing past all this suffering is causing me suffering stuff then transcend these ideas altogether. 

Edited by Ryan R
Edited for simple spelling errors because awakening doesn't completely remedy dyslexia.

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14 hours ago, HereToLearn said:

The More Conscious I become the more sensitive I become about others suffering, how can I stop suffering?

The suffering will stop when you become more “Conscious” of your undiscovered “Self-Pity”.

Self-importance is an aspect of Self-Pity. 

One of the biggest traps in the pursuit of Spiritualty is believing you are more conscious and awake and therefore more sensitive to suffering!

Another aspect of this is Spiritual Victim Bypassing.

Suffering is a projection of your own Self-Pity.

Now that you have a small taste of what you think is consciousness, the work begins.

The work I am talking about is “Shadow work”

Explore and expose all aspects of the self that are “Gold” and “Dark”.

Just share a few thoughts, ideas and beliefs!

Edited by DLH

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11 hours ago, HereToLearn said:

The More Conscious I become the more sensitive I become about others suffering, how can I stop suffering?

By inspecting that belief




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Sincerely gratitude to everyone and their answers. There is much to learn and work on, its great!

Of course, I do realize that the source of reality is God imagining it to be a certain way, which makes me wonder, if I am God, how could I learn to be able to "have-a-say" so to speak about reality and its shape&form.  But alas, it seems that this kind of knowledge is not available to me, in other words, God does not give me the "Admin" privileges, but if I am God, then that would mean that I myself do not give the admin privileges even though I would like to have them, at least some of them. But alas, maybe God wants people to become independent, and thus, does not interfere and "help" everything with everything, what do I know certainly really, at this point I can analyse/reason based on the knowledge that is available to me.  

However, maybe I will uncover it myself? Yes, that does sound overly ambitious, and almost impossible, but hey :) never say never as the saying goes.

At the end of the day, there is still a choice to be made, the one between love and & hate, and I rather choose love fellow Beings.


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21 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Others don't exist, so why even care.

Exactly.  The only suffering is that of the self, and that experience is to learn from to appreciate when your not suffering.

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It's funny, over the years when I have discussed awakening and enlightenment with people, friends and family even who know me well, one of their first inclinations is nearly always to ask about miracle working and "magic". So many on this forum and mostly everywhere this work is taught or touched upon are hung up on such things as well. Apparently a main draw for the ego to engage in spiritual development is this kind of turning crap into gold, making the body immortal, and good old levitation, etc.

The wild thing is I can neither confirm nor deny the foolishness of such ambitions. Many years ago after my first major awakening my motto was "anything is possible, but many things are improbable in our collective objective reality". Some years later I gave up the concept of our collective objective reality along with any hopes of my legitimate knowledge of probabilities of seeming phenomenon, so now it's just, "anything is possible". Best wishes in getting your "Admin" privileges, but do remember in the relative world You have a body perfectly capable of serving Creation. 

Great sensitivity to the suffering of others is a phase. It's fine, a healthy component of development even, so long as you don't get stuck in it. Don't overshoot on this axis and get stuck in the other direction of "Others don't exist, so why even care" either. Find a balance between the Absolute and relative world that fits You as a human Being. You will likely go through other phases were "nothing matters :(", "it's all just an illusion :(", and other attempted negative spins on Truth by the selfish egoic "I'm God almighty so bow before me and my uncanny ability to not give two shits!" ideology. Don't get stuck half-assing enlightenment (becoming a Zen Devil or a Wild Fox) or thinking you're done when you haven't even really begun. 

Do stick with your inclination for Love. It will serve You well through the ups and downs of your personal and spiritual journey. 

Take care :)

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7 minutes ago, Victor Nunes said:

Can I ask What is suffering?

Experience; incompleteness; duality; wanting something other than what is.

It's necessary for survival, since to want what is happening is not possible.

There isn't really survival or suffering though, only what is -- which cannot be made better, since there isn't anything else.

Edited by The0Self

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How can we perceive incompleteness if everything is One? 



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35 minutes ago, Victor Nunes said:

How can we perceive incompleteness if everything is One? 



You don't. It just seems like you do if there is the belief structure -- "I am real," etc. Completeness can never be experienced, since it's all there is. You can Real-I-ze the infinite, God, nothingness, etc, however. Or you can just create the reality you want -- the point.

Edited by The0Self

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My point is, completeness cannot be experienced, but can be imagined. On the other hand, incompleteness, which is suffering, can be experienced, just because we can imagine completeness.


This looks to me a proof that we are not God, but in a manner we can sense It existence, we miss this completeness you know? This is to be human. This hybrid thing, sometimes whole sometimes part. Incomplete and suffering for that.


The Supreme One is all harmony, and we cannot reach it. We can imitate it in our relations.

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39 minutes ago, Victor Nunes said:

My point is, completeness cannot be experienced, but can be imagined. On the other hand, incompleteness, which is suffering, can be experienced, just because we can imagine completeness.


This looks to me a proof that we are not God, but in a manner we can sense It existence, we miss this completeness you know? This is to be human. This hybrid thing, sometimes whole sometimes part. Incomplete and suffering for that.


The Supreme One is all harmony, and we cannot reach it. We can imitate it in our relations.

There is no distance to it. There's just what is. The sense of Reality (consciousness), at least from where I'm coming from, is God. You are God creating reality out of thin air, via pretending to know the infinite, via Be-Lie-(I)f.

Just concepts... But God-realization is the so-called point of spiritual development, in my opinion -- which is God's opinion, as there's no separation. Seems a bit suspicious that God would deem the most important thing Real-I-zing God, huh? ;) A bit circular, no? xD

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Hahaha yes confusing.

If you are God and I am God we are self debating right? I dont think so.

We cannot confuse things. God is one. We are manifesting God in the dualistic world. Me as me and you as you.

These signals in English is the thing can unify us, imitating the real Unity.

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