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15g Magic Truffles Trip Report - Life Lessons

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Yesterday i took 15grams (fresh) of Magic Truffles (Atlantis).  I made a tea out of it and had a Beautiful and also quite Difficult Experience.

I didn't really had a specific intention out of the trip.. I just wanted to do it recreationally and also to see things from a different Perspective which always very helpful. I know Leo is against doing psychedelics recreationally but to me i prefer to take mushrooms instead of drinking a beer or smoking pot. And i trip very sparringly. Usually 3-6 times a year.

Pros from the trip:

  • It is Amazing how much your Perception of Reality changes when you are on Psychedelics. Materialism gets thrown out of the window. It is I-n-c-r-e-d-i-b-l-e~!! It is always still a mind-fuck for me because my brain still kinda operates from the Materialist paradigm because when i am sober it seems impossible that reality isn't grounded on something external like brains and etc.


  • The difficult part is that when all dualities begint to Collapse there is also a Fear of Losing your mind. This time i kinda surrended and didn't try to figure anything out which was super helpful.


  • Also i realised that maybe sometimes low doses of Psychedelics are better than higher ones. Because one a high dose sometimes you feel like losing your mind when dualities collapse and your ego-mind tries to grasp the ungraspable. With lower doses you can tolerate the confusion much better.


  • Also the Incredible thing about realising Non-duality is that it is almost more like a Feeling rather than a logical abstraction. Now i understand why every 5-meo trip report video mentions that the their realisation its more of a feeling rather than anything else.


  • I always enjoy watching Leo while tripping. Every time i trip i realise that  i am him and i feel very grateful for being part of this spiritual work. I admire all the work he has put into this. This is some very advanced and radical stuff that most people are not aware of and it's a shame.


  • Psychedelics are a game changer.  Of course it shouldn't be your only tool. I understand that now even better. I don't expect psychedelcis to solve all my problems . I need to combine this tool with others tools like Contemplation.


  • The understanding i get from tripping is profound and worth it to me more than a million dollars or banging a hot girl. Incredible Understanding. Everything becomes Crystal Clear. Almost All the human ego-mind BS get cleaned out of my Consciousness,


  • Also now i have a deeper trust in God. I know that i might experience 'bad' things , pain , suffering etc but in retrospect everything is always Good. Everything is Perfect. God is incredible in his widsom and intelligence. You have to trust 'him'. 'He' is fn God. If you don't trust God who are you gonna trust??

Cons from the trip

The bad part is that i tripped while i hadn't slept well the other day and was feeling very sluggish and tired. I knew it was better to trip the next day but i was feeling kinda sad and wanted to experience something different to be honest.

The trip was incredible overall. Problem was that it interefered with my sleep and the other problem is that i ended up masturbating a lot while watching porn. I broke my streak of 103 days of not watching porn.

I felt bad afterwards for engaging in porn. If my mind was at 100% i would have the willpower to not watch porn. 

I need to be more Conscious of how Different Systems affect each other. If you haven't slept and take a drug it's much more likely to engage in behaviors which you later can regret. Your willpower muscle is so weak at certain points that it's stupid to take drugs.

Edited by SQAAD

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Nice. I’m starting to see limits to the spiritual use only attitude toward psychedelics. If you’re a spiritual person, it likely cannot be only a recreational experience for you. You obviously spoke much of the spiritual effects of this “recreational” use. The trick that I have found is to find a way to make your spiritual work a recreational thing as well. I LOVE contemplation and radically different states. I LOVE talking with people about spirituality. As these things have become my favorite activities, I’m always practicing in at least some way or another, and it is mostly quite effortless. Not everything has to be serious. One of the main reasons you’re here is to play ? 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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1 hour ago, BipolarGrowth said:


 Not everything has to be serious. One of the main reasons you’re here is to play ? 

I agree with you.

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9 hours ago, Nahm said:


Awesome insights. ?? 

Thank you~!!

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