
Troubleshoothing my low self esteem - my journey towards a healther self image

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Good evening everyone and welcome to my journal about low self-esteem!

I hope you will find hope and wisdom in my writings, story, and progress in troubleshooting my own low self-esteem. Enjoy.

Introduction - why am I doing this?

I have created this journal for a couple of reasons and the biggest one has not to do with me, but with you, the human being who reads this, at this very second - right here, right now.  I know that this sounds cliché but bear with me. I will explain what I mean in a second, but before we get there I want you to ponder a couple of questions I have prepared for you. Are you ready? Okay, go!

Do you know who you are?

Do you feel worthy? ....

Are you enough?

If you answered no to any of the questions above - I can tell you that... * whispering, " you are not alone!". I am in the same boat, and my hope is to one day help us both get out of this ocean of self-created shame and hatred, but for that - I need you to hold the candle for me...

For sometimes we need to be the light in our own tunnel - and hence, that´s where I am going now.

I am going to find a way out of my own tunnel - out of my own darkness so that I then can come back and help other people who are crying in their own cave of despair find their own way out into the light. Towards a life with a healthy self-image - where everything is possible. Towards a life, where they are their own light, in their own tunnel.

That´s what this journal is about. It's about documenting my journey in troubleshooting my low self-esteem so that it then can help, inspire and give guidance in how others can do the same. It´s really important to note though that chances are that you don´t have the same type of " low self-esteem" that I do. Low self-esteem takes so many different shapes and forms and I will only focus on my specific variant of low self-esteem which is insecure low self-esteem with perfectionism. Bare that in mind when reading this journal - but also don´t shy away from taking inspiration and trying out and contemplating the ideas, techniques, and exercises yourself.

To the people that read this and suffer from low self-esteem, I only have one message. I know how painful it feels and I sincerely hope that I one day can help you see the world in a different light through my own journey.

 I know the feeling when you believe you´re worthless, and I have directly experienced the darkness that these perceptions have projected out on to the world...

But I also know that lights always beat the darkness and that I will fight to be that light myself, for me and everyone else.



Edited by SamC

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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