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You know that you are personally conscious and that you are God, and as such you have the power to create this universe and everything in it solely on your own.  What leads you to believe that any other entity besides yourself is also conscious?.

When you dream you encounter people who act conscious, but in actual fact they are nothing more than yourself - they are a puppet.  Why is this waking dream any different?

Using Occam's Razor the simplest presumption is that there is only one consciousness and one God. 

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  On 4/29/2021 at 8:45 PM, CreativeMind said:

You know that you are personally conscious and that you are God, and as such you have the power to create this universe and everything in it solely on your own. 

Whoah slow down there bud, where did you get this from? You cannot do as much as lift your little finger if your body is against it..

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If you want to be the ultimate sceptic, make no assumptions at all, then you have to be a solipsist

Bernardo Kastrup's take on solipsism:


"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

                                                                                            -- Kenneth Folk

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  On 4/29/2021 at 9:09 PM, Enlightenment said:

If you want to be the ultimate sceptic, make no assumptions at all, then you have to be a solipsist

Bernardo Kastrup's take on solipsism:


Very interesting video thanks!  So am I the only solipsist on these boards?

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  On 4/29/2021 at 8:54 PM, Frenk said:

Whoah slow down there bud, where did you get this from? You cannot do as much as lift your little finger if your body is against it..

When I'm dreaming at night there are restrictions on what I can and can't do, and I'm sill creating a whole world and it's inhabitants, so why should this waking dream be any different?.  Once I'm out of this dream and into the next I believe many restrictions will be gone.

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  On 4/29/2021 at 9:21 PM, CreativeMind said:

Very interesting video thanks!  So am I the only solipsist on these boards?

A true solipsist would not ask such a question ?

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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  On 4/29/2021 at 9:32 PM, BipolarGrowth said:

A true solipsist would not ask such a question ?

I still have my doubts, nothing is 100%

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Solipsism (as I mentioned on an earlier thread) is rooted, academically, in the idea that YOU are conscious, but nobody else, as far as you know. This is an incorrect view. Being/Source/the Absolute holds every mind within it, but it does not remove the individual aspect. The Absolute is simultaneously interacting as all of us and none of us. It is beyond ideas, beyond thinking... contemplate and seek until you reach a point of understanding. The experience can never be put into words!

Short version: The Absolute is everybody and everything, yet all individuals exist (conventionally speaking) on their own within the Absolute. This truth is nondual (not two—but also not "one" for the purposes of everyday living, which is why the Buddha and other teachers had to teach other beings to find the Absolute themselves). 

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Solipsism holds that reality, or reality as humans can know it, is fundamentally mental, mentally constructed, or otherwise immaterial."  While I agree that the world is immaterial, I disagree that the world is mentally constructed. 

My main question to people who adhere to idealism is this:

If the world is mentally constructed, it should adhere to the properties of thought. Thoughts can be shaped off our own volition. We can visualise whatever we want, when we want. If the world as we know it is just a mental construct, then why can't we change the world off our own volition? Why can't we just dream up an ice cream in front of us right now? 

Yes you might say the world has the potential to be infinitely anything, as the world is nothingness, which is of course correct, but there is still something collapsing it to a particular state for right now! And that thing isn't just us dreaming stuff up, if it were, we would be able to control the world through imagination.  

And who or what even is doing the doing of mentally constructing stuff? If the world is mentally constructed, what is doing the mental construction? Or a better way to say it is, what tool or way are you using to figure out that the world is mentally constructed

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  On 4/29/2021 at 11:46 PM, Someone here said:

Solipsism holds that reality, or reality as humans can know it, is fundamentally mental, mentally constructed, or otherwise immaterial."  While I agree that the world is immaterial, I disagree that the world is mentally constructed. 

My main question to people who adhere to idealism is this:

If the world is mentally constructed, it should adhere to the properties of thought. Thoughts can be shaped off our own volition. We can visualise whatever we want, when we want. If the world as we know it is just a mental construct, then why can't we change the world off our own volition? Why can't we just dream up an ice cream in front of us right now? 

Yes you might say the world has the potential to be infinitely anything, as the world is nothingness, which is of course correct, but there is still something collapsing it to a particular state for right now! And that thing isn't just us dreaming stuff up, if it were, we would be able to control the world through imagination.  

And who or what even is doing the doing of mentally constructing stuff? If the world is mentally constructed, what is doing the mental construction? Or a better way to say it is, what tool or way are you using to figure out that the world is mentally constructed

You are largely correct here - however, I'd also add that the academic definition of solipsism extends beyond the supposition about the mentally constructed world. Solipsism in everyday speech means that a person literally believes that they are the only conscious being, and that all others are merely philosophical zombies. A very dangerous misconception for those who start believing they, the individual, are the same as The Absolute (rather than seeing themselves as one of many - conventionally speaking - apparent manifestations of the Absolute). 

Edited by OneHandClap

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  On 4/29/2021 at 11:50 PM, Someone here said:

@OneHandClap what is "the absolute"? 

God, the Source, Totality... whatever name you prefer. The name for the emptiness underlying all of existence, yet also existing AS that somethingness. The Absolute = nothing yet everything. 

Solipsism is essentially hijacking the existence of the Absolute as a way of saying, "I (insert name of individual here) am the true Absolute. All others are just pawns in my world." 

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  On 4/29/2021 at 11:46 PM, Someone here said:


And who or what even is doing the doing of mentally constructing stuff? If the world is mentally constructed, what is doing the mental construction? Or a better way to say it is, what tool or way are you using to figure out that the world is mentally constructed

The mind, obviously.

But this mind is not the human brain. Its trascendental. Its Spirit. Its Infinite. Its Nothing.

Overall your logic is flawed. Because what you are missing is that you having thoughts about wanting to move a chair with your mind and then being unable to, is You Imagining That!

Exactly as a dream when you imagine limits as being unable to fly. Not because you couldnt fly, because you can imagine It if you want, because you choose to limit yourself in that way.

Again, is not the YOU thought that controls the imagination, is YOU the Infinite MIND! 

Your main problem Here is that you haven't even had an awakening potent enough to see that the thought is not a self. Its just a damn thought. Duh.

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  On 4/30/2021 at 0:07 AM, Someone here said:


In a sense; Consciousness is the first expression of The Absolute. The first extension. It's the very first "thing" that bursted out of the eternal Nothing. It's what enabled that which cannot be named or pointed at to become Conscious. And tadaa! There was Duality.

. And thus creation has begun. Light started crossing it's own path, over and over again - further extending itself in time and space. Polarization came to be. 

During one of my first awakening experiences,  I felt being the singularity that is reality. It felt to me analogous to a black hole: That when looking out from inside the black hole, I see everythingness, but when looking IN to the black hole, there is nothingness: The nothingness from which everything springs.

 I realized then that reality was simply nothingness inverted into everythingness through the strange loop that is consciousness.  So without consciousness there can never be absolutely anything. And guess what? Consciousness is you. 

You're preaching to the choir, man ;) We have all had profound trips and experiences that teach us this directly... so we are on the same page. I was simply stating why solipsism (I, the individual = the Absolute, and all others are not real) is dangerous. Be well :)

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@Javfly33 Forget word games for a second, there is a physical difference between a circle and a square, and that's because reality has collapsed in a certain way right now. But what makes it collapse in that specific way? Why isn't an ipad a circle right now. 

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  On 4/30/2021 at 0:13 AM, Someone here said:

@Javfly33 Forget word games for a second, there is a physical difference between a circle and a square, and that's because reality has collapsed in a certain way right now. But what makes it collapse in that specific way? Why isn't an ipad a circle right now. 

Because Reality is Intelligent and is creating a *dream with certain objects that have certain functions and certain shapes.

An Ipad remains in its form because wants It to.


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For the material paradigm to make sense, the world has to be made in a certain way.and it is. Since you cannot change the content of experience through your thoughts. 

If the entire world was just pure qualia, the material paradigm wouldn't make sense. Another paradigm, maybe, but not the material

You always have one thought at a time and each thought is a continuation of the former thought with relation to the rest of the senses.
You think thoughts in response to what happens around you, specifically as you are reading this text right now.
You are now being primed to show me that you can randomly think things unrelated to what is happening.

What I do right now is not argue that there is no free will, but I am showing you a perspective that can be acquired which can coherently explain what is happening. This is important.

I've been stuck in your paradigm quite a bit of time. I never broke out until I realised that 'wait a minute, why am I concerning myself with things out of my perceptions field?' There's no proof of existence for anything outside of your perception in the moment. It's just mere memories and beliefs. The Truth is right here, it's right now. 

Here is the clue: you need to make a distinction between your thoughts and what's there, and after you do that, all distinctions collapse. Thoughts and beliefs become reality when you lock within and limit yourself to them. You just don't realize that, this is how it works, you imagine stuff and dream them up and therefore they become reality in your consciousness. There's nothing outside of your perception. But this does Not mean there's no others. There is others.. They are just not outside of your perceptions. Obviously they are inside your perceptions. So others exist. Just not outside of your perceptions or at least that's where it's impossible for you to figure out because it requires you to jump outside of your own faculty 


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  On 4/30/2021 at 0:30 AM, Someone here said:


 There's nothing outside of your perception. But this does Not mean there's no others. There is others.. They are just not outside of your perceptions. Obviously they are inside your perceptions. So others exist. Just not outside of your perceptions or at least that's where it's impossible for you to figure out because it re


Right, i am saying the same as you

But what you are saying Here is that others exist as appearances.

Did i understood you correctly?

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This work is not about speculation or guesswork, it's about becoming exactly conscious of what is true.

What are you? What is reality? What is another? What is consciousness?

These are not questions to speculate about. Become directly conscious of what these things are until no more doubt or questions remain.

If you are speculating about solipsism then you are clearly not conscious of what "other" is. Nor are you conscious of what "self" is.

Stop presuming stuff and become conscious of Infinity.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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