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1 minute ago, Someone here said:


Reality is relative, and because of that, never will 1 technique or approach or perspective will do everything for you, and because reality is relative, open mindedness, questioning reality, not knowing what's true or not and going to the loony bin is essential in this work. 

That's because the mind wants to default for the answer.  You want a mathematical formula or a scientific theory.  The truth is that science is contained within reality and thus can study the content or that which is held within reality.  And in fact it has studied the content.  Look no further than quantum mechanics.  Quantum mechanics studied the content and discovered it was nothing more than wave functions - which are ultimately, they found that mere possibilities comprise the root level of reality.

Enlightenment is transcending the ego. The physical world “exists” to some degree but what it is mysterious inherently. Why would reality be simple to explain? Especially when measuring the smallest particles biases the experiment. Ultimately enlightenment is a trick of the mind but it’s ok because transcending the ego is healthy. But existence is not truly non-dual.

 Physics is good at describing reality’s behavior but bad at explaining what reality is. For all we know, reality is made of nothing and the laws of nature are accidents that force reality to behave consistently. But nonetheless, reality is not non-dual. Because I am not you. And I cannot become you. But nonetheless imagining consciousness as an ever-present thing aligns with what it really is. After all, all our experience lies in consciousness. Perhaps consciousness is an inherent trait of existence. Perhaps it arises from matter with intelligence. I think it is. After all human intelligence is just the ability to hold complex narratives in mind. If mind arises from matter, it is only natural that intelligence arises with it. And likewise natural that awareness is all we have to prove or disprove the world.


Now you are just parroting philosophy.

There's something that is not relative and that is Absolute Truth/God/Infinity.

Do the 'work' to discover it ... Or not ?


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@Javfly33 and you are just parroting some nonsense you heard from Leo. 

I tried multiple times with you in this thread but you are not listening. 

Have a nice one <3

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4 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Javfly33 and you are just parroting some nonsense you heard from Leo. 

I tried multiple times with you in this thread but you are not listening. 

Have a nice one <3

Maybe take a small dose of a psychedelic. It might help you to advance in the inquiry man 

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18 hours ago, CreativeMind said:

Why should I believe that another entity is The Absolute and is everyone and everything including myself?. 

An Absolute of Everything cannot be "another entity" that is everything. There is no thing outside of Everything.

Everything is Everything whether you believe it or not. It's not a belief, it is a realization. 

18 hours ago, CreativeMind said:

I have no proof that anyone or anything exists beyond myself

Of course not, there is no thing beyond Everything. 

The question comes down to the contraction into a "myself". The contraction into an idea of "myself" gives a sense of separation from a holistic Myself. 

18 hours ago, CreativeMind said:

 So your telling me that when your in a lucid dream and you know everything and everyone is an illusion you won't feel happy or fulfilled?.  I could stay in a lucid dream forever and I would feel extremely fulfilled.   

You are in a dream, yet you are not in a lucid dream since the "me" you identify with is a character within the dream.

The construct you are creating isn't wrong, per se. Yet, there is a transcendent awareness that you haven't realized. 

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@Javfly33 there is no me.. I'm just your own mind talking to you.. You are hallucinating me right now to distract yourself from the fact that you are God and all alone. ;)

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@Someone here Nature is often made out more complex than what it really is.

there is really no duality in nature other  then in humans minds who construct it.

Everything is Light.

Existence = to stand out.

Like the Absolute stands out from it self.

The One or the unmanifest is nothing like the forms we see around us but at the same time it is the same.

Ancient metaphysics from Greek, indian, egyptian usually has monastic philosophy. 

Plotinus and the ancient indians, advaita vedanta, is all built upon via negativa. 

My soul IS not this not that.

And through that reach the Absolute.

Existence is simple it is one thing.

We just complicate it extremely much.

You should study the ancients.

Even buddha's teaching was the way to the Absolute or the way to Brahman. 

Pythagoras , plato, plotinus, sri aurobindo, adi shankarya, buddha, meister eckhart and so forth is really wise people. 

Nikola tesla, Walter russel, and so forth.

This is wise people you should study to get some clarity in both science and metaphysics, physics and metaphysics is the same coin. 

These people have been pointing to the same thing for ages. 

Everything mainstream and popular is almost always not the ultimate truth.

Many people have knowledge but no wisdom.

Nothingness is not empty either it is full to the brim.

There is no such thing as PURE NOTHINGNESS IMO.

Cause to know about nothingness there is still witness to it.

Either you postulate the cult of bumbing particles or you postulate the ether/Absolute/god/brahman or whatever you want to call it.

These are the only ones who has been seriously proposed. 

The cult of bumbing particles have a somewhat hard time explaining fundamental things and how things work.

The ether does not really in the same way



Edited by Adamq8

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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21 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

An Absolute of Everything cannot be "another entity" that is everything. There is no thing outside of Everything.

Everything is Everything whether you believe it or not. It's not a belief, it is a realization. 

Of course not, there is no thing beyond Everything. 

I get it now.  I was brought up to believe God was seperate from myself, I know now God is Everything, and there is no seperation.

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18 minutes ago, CreativeMind said:

 I know now God is Everything, and there is no separation.

If this above is Known, the below construct of "other entity" beside "yourself" is easily transcended. 

The below construct is still perceiving as a character within a dream in which there is a "myself" that is conscious yet not other entities that are also conscious. Here, the "yourself" is contracted within a character distinct from other entities. This "myself" character is conscious, yet "other entities" not "myself" are not conscious. 

Transcendent to this is the awareness that what you call "other entities" and "yourself" are both dream stuff. In the dream, the character you identify with as "myself" is just as much dream stuff as the "other entities". They are all equally dream stuff. 

On 4/29/2021 at 4:45 PM, CreativeMind said:

What leads you to believe that any other entity besides yourself is also conscious?.

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Lol anyone who has done the work knows there are only like three or four sentient beings/ simultaneous POVs. Myself, a few I have not yet met, and American rapper Rick Ross.

Edited by Lyubov

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4 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

Lol anyone who has done the work knows there are only like three or four sentient beings/ simultaneous POVs, myself, a few I have not yet met, and American rapper Rick Ross.

I was trippin' balls in a Colombian cafe and entered a virtual reality in which only two sentient beings existed: the waiter and myself. As we interacted the pressing question became "Does he know that I know that he knows?". 

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4 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

I was trippin' balls in a Colombian cafe and entered a virtual reality in which only two sentient beings existed: the waiter and myself. As we interacted the pressing question became "Does he know that I know that he knows?". 

The other two must be you guys then!!! Tell the Colombian I said hi. I’ll tell Rick Ross I found the other two.

so the list goes



Colombian waiter

Rick Ross

^_^ Discussion complete !!!

Edited by Lyubov

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20 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

If this above is Known, the below construct of "other entity" beside "yourself" is easily transcended. 

I believe a rock is made of consciousness, as is everything, but is not conscious, can't the same apply to apparently sentient beings.  

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2 minutes ago, CreativeMind said:

I believe a rock is made of consciousness, as is everything, but is not conscious, can't the same apply to apparently sentient beings.  

How do you know a rock is not Conscious

If reality is Infinite then somewhere sometime in Infinity you must be experiencing a rock right now


Edited by Javfly33

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2 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

How do you know a rock is not Conscious

If reality is Infinite then somewhere sometime in Infinity you must be experiencing a rock right now


Their is no way of knowing but I just don't see the point of a rock being conscious, I mean what's it got to look forward to for infinity?.  Couldn't the rock be composed of subconscious energy?

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29 minutes ago, CreativeMind said:

I believe a rock is made of consciousness, as is everything, but is not conscious, can't the same apply to apparently sentient beings.  

That is like Paul the Dream Character saying "I believe a rock is dream stuff, but is not conscious like I am". This of course is true, yet is still contracted within the character Paul. A transcendent view is that the rock, Paul and Paul's ideas about consciousness are all dream stuff. 

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I've had an insight about this, but it's extremely difficult to provide a comprehensible explaination.

From my POV, yours doesn't exist and visceversa. Who's right? Both. To God there's no contradiction.

From your POV, I don't exist exist as some other bubble of perception like yours that's happening out there beyond your perception "at the same moment", but as an ummanifested (fomeless potential) figment of your imaginatiom.

And from my POV, the same with you.

The ilusion of time is what tricks you to think these two are incompatible.

From the human linear POV, what's most close to it, is to think of others as future/past incarnations. From God's POV, it's all beyond time.

The Now is both one and infinite, the "particular moment" that you are experiencing, is simultaneously the only one that exists, and at the same time one of infinites possibilities that exits, and at the same time non of them exist at all.

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6 hours ago, Someone here said:


I've had an insight about this, but it's extremely difficult to provide a comprehensible explaination.

From my POV, yours doesn't exist and visceversa. Who's right? Both. To God there's no contradiction.

From your POV, I don't exist exist as some other bubble of perception like yours that's happening out there beyond your perception "at the same moment", but as an ummanifested (fomeless potential) figment of your imaginatiom.

And from my POV, the same with you.

The ilusion of time is what tricks you to think these two are incompatible.

From the human linear POV, what's most close to it, is to think of others as future/past incarnations. From God's POV, it's all beyond time.

The Now is both one and infinite, the "particular moment" that you are experiencing, is simultaneously the only one that exists, and at the same time one of infinites possibilities that exits, and at the same time non of them exist at all.

Pretty good. Your new discoveries are impressive taking in mind that you haven't done any psychedelics man . My kudos to you

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@CreativeMind My advice to you is to stop localizing consciousness to a biological self or to the self having consciousness and others having consciousness...what are you left with?  That is the inquiry.  Self inquiry really helps with this.  If you were already stating this to others struggling with solipsism then disregard this.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Someone here

16 hours ago, Someone here said:


I've had an insight about this, but it's extremely difficult to provide a comprehensible explaination.

From my POV, yours doesn't exist and visceversa. Who's right? Both. To God there's no contradiction.

From your POV, I don't exist exist as some other bubble of perception like yours that's happening out there beyond your perception "at the same moment", but as an ummanifested (fomeless potential) figment of your imaginatiom.

And from my POV, the same with you.

The ilusion of time is what tricks you to think these two are incompatible.

From the human linear POV, what's most close to it, is to think of others as future/past incarnations. From God's POV, it's all beyond time.

The Now is both one and infinite, the "particular moment" that you are experiencing, is simultaneously the only one that exists, and at the same time one of infinites possibilities that exits, and at the same time non of them exist at all.

Nice one bro ??

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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