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John Iverson

Social Circle Game - how to have game in Social Circles

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Can we tackle this? Lets discuss or tackle this topic and Leo if Given a chance i think it is also interesting if you make a video about Social Circles.

I imagined myself have a circle that i am with interesting people, someone who have interesting things going on in his life,

My ideal circle is like

Have social status, Fame, Unique and interested in something like, Pick Up and other stuffs that i don't that equally interesting to that kind of stuff, inclined in his authentic self , authentic self skills, values, interests, not mimicing things in the society, being with them i feel like i have power, and inspired the possibility of being with them, they desire they are passionate and connected to desire and feelings, hungryyyy pursuing ambitions visions for themselves and willing to collaborate with me to pull society by its boothstrap

Can you educate me about social circle game? I am more interested to build social game than picking up girls, what can you suggest? Or recommend and advice? 

Edited by John Iverson

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@John Iverson

As I've said many times, I feel social circle is the best way for guys to be dating.

I know Leo recommends cold approach a lot, and many guys on here seem to focus on that. That's fine, cold approach does have its place. But it's severely limited and bottom of the barrel when it actually comes to dating.

I would focus your social circle around your Life Purpose. These values you listed:

2 hours ago, John Iverson said:

Have social status, Fame, Unique and interested in something like, Pick Up and other stuffs that i don't that equally interesting to that kind of stuff, inclined in his authentic self , authentic self skills, values, interests, not mimicing things in the society, being with them i feel like i have power, and inspired the possibility of being with them, they desire they are passionate and connected to desire and feelings, hungryyyy pursuing ambitions visions for themselves and willing to collaborate with me to pull society by its boothstrap

are good values. But ultimately I would get a lot more specific.

What do these people do for work? What do they do for fun? Where do they hang out? And how can you provide value into those social circles with your unique life purpose?

Once you've gotten at least somewhat more clear, just start putting yourself in those situations. Become a regular. Be seen, and be seen a lot. Make friends with everyone. Help people accomplish their goals. Be a connector and connect people who need introductions.

If you do that you'll starting building a social circle in no time. Social circle happens fast, literally just knowing one right person can change your entire social life.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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