
Holism and Interconnectedness of All Being

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@BipolarGrowth Amazing stuff man. I just reopened the forum now and I like this! You are right. I have had insane spiritual growth since that time. 

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Hello boy, i was in a same place like you and also find that raise consciousness its the key for a happy life and get rid of neurosis


I will pick the following in order, what nootropics do you recommend?



1 Better mood and less depression

2 Anxiety relief

3 Elimination of brain fog and having a clear mind

4 Focus and motivation




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@Alex_R Tbh Alex, at this point, I am trying to investigate this heavy metal toxicity thing. It seems to me that my nootropics would be much more effective if I cleanse my body of heavy metals. In fact, if you cleanse heavy metals, you might not have depression, anxiety, brain fog, or ADD as much. 

Disclaimer: this is stuff I personally tested, I am not a doctor and anyone reading this is taking a risk and needs to understand that. These things are highly safe, but I gotta mention this! I do have a BSc and I am in pharmacy school right now, but still!

But for better mood:

  • Reishi extract from FreshCap Mushrooms
  • Shoden Ashwagandha from Nootropics Depot or HR supplements (they both sell it)


  • Magnesium L-threonate patented as Magtein (Jarrow Formulas sell it, and Now supplements sell it too, but many other companies do as well..MAKE SURE IT IS Magtein)
  • The 2 I mention for mood are also effective for anxiety in my experience
  • Lemon Balm Extract from Brain Forza also helps
  • SIDE NOTE: Magtein and Lemon Balm are good for anxiety if it is INSANE Anxiety. If you have mild mild anxiety, they might make you sleepy, so you gotta watch out. They are awesome before bed any day though. 
    • But with crazy anxiety days, I love Magtein. It can even help my mood too. 

Brain Fog:

  • The Racetams (especially Piracetam and Pramiracetam when taken with a choline source) are incredible and only take 2 weeks to show effects (and even 4 days if you attack dose them, but that might not be safe for everyone).
    • Do your research on Racetams. They are prescription drugs in many parts of the world but not in Canada or yea...
  • However, since it is getting increasingly difficult to get Racetams, a super powerful nootropic for information retention that I have used and continue to use is Bacopa Monnieri.
    • The one issue is that most people aren't patient enough with it. You need to take it at bedtime every day for 4-6 weeks to see the effects. BUT, once they do hit, it is incredible. You will remember people's phone numbers from one or 2 hearings.
    • If you are bad with consistency, I suggest you don't even bother with Bacopa. The nice thing about Bacopa is that it can really help with improving sleep and can make your mood better the next day. So it is not like it is useless as you take it for the 4-6 weeks before you get results. The best Bacopa I could find was the one by Pure Science and the one by Nootropics Depot (their Bacopa not the one by Bacognize or Synapsa). Nootropics Depot has a tablet form that is standardized to 24% of active ingredient. 

Focus and Motivation:

  • Caffeine + L-theanine blend
    • You take them in a ratio of 2:1
    • Example is 200 mg L-theanine for 100 mg of caffeine. 
      • Or 100 mg L-theanine to 50 mg of caffeine. 
  • Mucuna Prurients (Known as L-dopa from Now Supplements)
    • VERY POWERFUL, DO NOT USE DAILY...Only on days that are intense. You will develop a tolerance because it attacks dopamine system. 
  • L-Tyrosine. 
  • There are others but they are way too intense and need too much caution, so just try those first. 




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