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Ego development and new belief structures

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Hello everyone,

To begin, it is my wish that all of you are currently experiencing a deeply fulfilling journey on the pathless path and that you are filled with loving-kindness. I also wish those whose path is colored by suffering, a resolution to that suffering and deliverance into peace.

The question: There is a noticing that, as ego develops, its met with ever more challenging realisations about its own state of being. How can the ego best cope with these increasingly damning indictments, without freaking out every time it gets lost in thought? (Assuming a stable transformation into the awakened state has not yet occurred.)

Here are some examples: that the ego is not safe, that it will definitely die and probably soon, that society is thoroughly more corrupt and out of control than it previously believed, that the systems it used to construct its current physical/social circumstances are also corrupt and no longer represent its interests, that its very own meaning making process is simply a process without meaning and thus all of its output has no truth value.

From the perspective of this ego, it feels trapped between two worlds - one moment, its the peaceful state of presence and allowing. The next moment, its a state of emergency, hopelessness and panic. 

These new beliefs have simply replaced the old ones and fuck, they are way more scary!! 



Divest from the conceptual. Experience the actual.

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