
Anyone Here Familiar With Shinzen Young's Mindfulness Techniques?

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So I read See,Hear,Feel; Shinzens most up to date system so far and I just want to clarify something. 

When noting things under the label 'See', wether it is a physical sight or a mental image, I only ever use the label 'See'. Under his new system we would never label the actual physical sight or mental image? For example, "See Tree" or "See Thought", or maybe under the 'hear' label, "Hear alarm" for physical sound. 

It's almost as if being equipped with just the labels, "See", "Hear" and "Feel" is too simple for my monkey mind to handle!

P.s. I am aware that "See Rest" or"See Flow" would be exceptions to this.

Edited by John

The Delphic Oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because I alone of all the Greeks know that I know nothing.


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No, don't use "See tree" or "See Thought". Just use "See".

Simple is the point.

There are in fact no trees or thoughts. Those are all concepts. You've never really seen a "tree" in your life. You'll start to discover that after a few 100 hours of using the technique.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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The point is to see things in a way that takes the survival instinct out of them. To stop this automatic labeling, judgemental what use is it to my survival thinking that your brain does and see things for extactly the way they are. This gets useful as you get deeper because you can see your instincts kick in and show up in being cognition instead of decognition 

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