Eternal Unity

One Book That Changed Your Life

57 posts in this topic

On 27/04/2021 at 5:58 AM, BipolarGrowth said:

The Power of Now


I don't care what anyone says, that book changed my life :P

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I have never understood how it's possible that a book is able to change someone's life. I have read many books but no book has ever changed my life. Actually nothing has changed my life, not videos, not relationships.. nothing. Or hm, my job has changed my life, since it steals my spare time and it gives me money so I can buy stuff. That's the only thing I can think of.

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3 minutes ago, Tim Ho said:

I only like the last part 

Au bûcher xD

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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"The Nature of Personal Reality", a Seth book, channeled by Jane Roberts, originally published in 1974


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Milk and the power of now is for babies.

Meat and the new earth is for real men.

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3 minutes ago, SolarWarden said:

Milk and the power of now is for babies.

Meat and the new earth is for real men.

Oh lol! I never heard that logic before?!

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On 29/04/2021 at 5:00 AM, Matt23 said:


I really liked "Man's Search For Meaning" by Viktor Frankl.  


this, but it was long time ago

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How to Win Friends and Influence People

In general, I think that one book can't change your life that much, or at least not enough. One should rather focus on becoming the kind of person who reads regularly. So, it's more about becoming curious as a person and developing a passion for learning. What kind of information you consume on a regular basis (books, audiobooks, YT, podcasts, etc.).

Each book (and each podcast and other things) changes you in a little way, and then this adds up over time, over the years, and you become a completely different person, with a completely different worldview.

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Ishmael - Daniel Quinn

Though I can see some of the flaws in this work now, as a late teenager it was an excellent introduction to Social Construct Theory, and was the first work to force me to seriously consider the myriad ways that we're Culturally conditioned to fit into a larger narrative or mythology.

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at :

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13 hours ago, Bojan V said:


Oh lol! I never heard that logic before?!

Fun part is that that the power of now and a new earth are very similar, but there is a difference!

I can also add:

5-meo and stillness speaks is for Gods.


Edited by SolarWarden

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All of Byron Katie's work.
Preferably in audible form.
Listening is better than reading to feel the author's presence.

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The Breakthrough Experience by John F. Demartini

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The wisdom of the peaceful warrior Dan Millman. That book introduced me to self actualization when i was 14 and it was like my bible for 2 years. 

A new earth Eckhart Tolle. There was an awakening just from this book. 

Radical honesty. I healed a lot of stuff because of this book. 

Countless others but these 3 were absolutely life changing. 

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The Book of Not Knowing by Peter Ralston was a game changer for a 21 year old me who was into basic self-help and was becoming more and more curious about spirituality.

Ralston is a lot like Leo, he goes straight into business and awakens the curiosity of his students/readers to make them go deeper by themselves through contemplation and direct experience. Just what I needed at the time.

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I just reread some parts of The Power of Now. It does seem quite good and can help you awaken to a higher self.

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